Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You must not know about me

*You guys!  My very first guest post ever is up!  Go read it and leave Carolyn a little love note because she's all married up now and we love marriage and we love Carolyn!*

I'm probably going to jinx myself, but the baby is back on her routine and has a somewhat predictable bedtime now!  It's a beautiful thing, as I can count on me-time with increasing frequency.  *Please baby gods, don't smite me.*

With this new-found nighttime freedom, I've been making friends!  Okay, fine, just one but we've totally hit if off!  Meet my new bestie Ryan!  We first met in the comments of another blog (who needs no traffic from me) on a post regarding breastfeeding in public and y'all know how quickly those can get ugly!  What's a guy doing in the middle of a boobie fight, you might ask?  I know, me too so I read what he had to say and was thoroughly impressed.  What I liked best is how he put that blogger in her place when she got a little out of hand.  So impressed that I went to his blog to tell him how cool I thought he was, and what do I find?  A kindred spirit!  His 'about me' page called out to me!  Photography!  Hates needles (holla if ya hear me!!!) Jason Bateman!  

Side note:  Did y'all know I have a thing for Jason Bateman?  Because I totally do and I'm so very happy that Arrested Development is coming back!

I did what any normal blogger/stalker would do and started reading all his posts, drooling over the pretty pictures (I want my pictures to look like that when my blog grows up), agreeing with his viewpoints, laughing over his wit, getting a lump in my throat over his honesty, and basically falling in blogger-love.

While we were on vacation, I was checking on him and the boobie fight got a little stupid and so I put up a quick comment sticking up for him.  I would have said more but I try to keep the thuggery confined to my own blog.  So, while I kept it cool on the other blog, what I really wanted to do was go all True Blood magister on they asses.
Ryan - 1:38 - that's for you, boo.

I may do a follow-up post with my thoughts about breastfeeding in public, but honestly there's so much noise about that on the internet, I don't know how adding my voice to the fray will do anything.  

Besides, all I really wanted to do was put up that video for Ryan.

Because I will break out the Magister for my friends.


  1. AAAAAAAAAAH! You kill me. And I love you.

    I died laughing at the video - that's going to be my mantra from now on (how did you know I'm obsessed with True Blood?). OMG! We should make bedazzled t-shirts that say "back your shit down!" on them. Best. Idea. Ever.

    I will end with a phrase that was my mantra in the third grade: takes one to know one. :)

  2. Did you write "thuggery???" Seriously you SLAY me. I would love to read that blog post and would LOVE to know your thoughts on it.... So far, I have restricted my breast feeding in pubs to the lounge in Macy's because I don't want to offend anyone by just whipping it out.

  3. I've actually been sitting on a lot of thoughts about parenting but I wasn't sure if it was worth it to write out. Maybe now I will... :-)

    And yes I did write 'thuggery.' I walk around the house randomly calling out 'Baby, I'm thug LIFE!' Drew HATES it so naturally I do it more. :-)

  4. Shirts! I love it - although we're both parents so we'll probably have to put a star over the curse word. Wouldn't want CPS calling.

  5. You *have* to write your post. I'm really excited to read what your thoughts are on the subject.

    What cracked me up the most was in your house tour...when you kept saying' "Uh oh, baby bustin' up!" I was crying I was laughing so hard. No idea why but that stuff cracked me up to no end.

  6. Thanks again for guest blogging! :) You're the best!

  7. Hellooow, everybody!
    I don't want to intrude on anyone's blossoming relationship (hm, hm, Desiree, Ryan, no, no, not talking about you). But.
    First of all, let us all take into account that I'm writing in a foreign language, so my ways of expressions are by all means limited. Also, I come from a different culture, so I'm even less allowed to come into THAT fight. But.
    Once, a very bright guy told us, into a course of something management something team resource, that sexual harassment is something you would not expose to one or more of the following: your mother, your sister, your daughter and, under certain circumstances, your wife (Sorry, Ryan, for the discrimination, I don't know how to put it differently).
    Extrapolating this into the fight of all fights: nursing a child, I think, can be done in public graciously and considerately if one imagines that her father or brother or son was present. As I wouldn't expose myself unnecessarily in front of one of these, I would treat any other person the same. I did nurse all of my three children in front of one or another of male family, and I never really forgot that decency calls for some measures. And as much as all of us imagine that in a holy matrimony there's some sort of indecency taking place (if not, no babies), but we don't expose that to larger audiences, the same goes for the breasts.
    So, Simples.
    Sorry to interfere, but I have feelings about this dehumanizing fight. I feel like it takes away all the intimacy of the nursing and is bringing politics into it. It's so personal, no one should judge.

  8. Thank you so much for your informed and well-written opinion! I would not have been able to tell that you were writing in a foreign language if you hadn't said something.

    And I completely agree with you and couldn't put it better myself. It's more about decency and less about whether or not what you're doing is 'wrong.'

    Thank you so much for stopping by! :-)


When you leave me a comment, my phone chimes. I run to it from across the house, anxious to read what you've said. I save them in my email and read them multiple times a day, which is why you may not get an immediate response but I promise I eventually respond to every comment that has an email address.

You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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