Monday, August 13, 2012

Food heaven

I've been tormented this past week because I feel guilty.  It's not like we're doing anything wrong but I feel guilty nonetheless, and I really must confess.  You guys,
 all this food?
this food right here?
lean in close, because I'm whispering.
*it was free!*

As part of our relocation package, we get a $125 a day for food.  I asked Drew about six times if that was the right amount.  Then I asked six more times because I was sure there had to be a mistake.  We get that amount for two weeks, then we get $50 a day for two more weeks.  That is an insane amount of grocery money.  We (mostly Drew) have been in food heaven, because as long as it's food, it's not off limits.  And I feel ridiculously guilty because after the first couple of days, you really can't buy another box of cereal or another bag of chips.

We have tried to be really smart about it and stock up on frozen and dry goods but even that has gotten tricky.  It's a daily, use it or lose it type thing, so Sofia and I have been hitting the grocery store every day and it's a little silly at this point.  $17 bottle of pure-squeezed-from-the-tree maple syrup?  Sure, why not?  White balsamic vinegar?  In the cart!  Orange moscato vinaigrette?  Let's try it!  Hand-made pastas and sauces from the Italian grocery store?  I'm for it!  Organic everything?!  You know it!

Now, I know that if we were in a hotel and had to eat out every meal, $125 would go fast.  Not to mention it would be gross - eating out is only fun when you don't have to do it.  But we're in an apartment and since eating home-cooked dinner as a family is still kind of a novelty, we're all about staying in.  We went to the farmer's market this weekend and got like six different kinds of hot sauce because Drew loves food and this meal allowance is like Christmas for him.  All the offbeat gourmet stuff we never get because it's not practical is suddenly at his fingertips.  This is a once in a lifetime thing and it's so much fun to see him drooling at the specialty grocery stores.  The man is in heaven!  We actually have conversations about our shopping strategy for the week.  "Make sure you check out this store because they supposedly have great sausages and steaks.  We should go to this cheese shop on Tuesday and get some cool cheeses!  We need to hit up that Polish stand and get some (insert Polish food names here.)"  

Giving a meal allowance to a food snob is like giving me a beauty products allowance.  I would be drunk with joy if I could try every beauty product out there on someone else's dime.

So, I'm curious - what's your meal/beauty products allowance?  If someone told you they would foot the bill for your one thing, what would it be?



  1. OMG! I'm coming to your house for dinner. HAHA :) Seriously though... Jake would die for that allowance too! As for me? I'd like an allowance for clothes or home decor. Yes please!

  2. Wow, so amazing! I'd be stocking up on meats, cheeses, fancy gourmet/specialty items, plus lots of staples. You could buy a 1/4 cow in just a few days. A whole lamb in 2 days. And on and on...

  3. I'm with Carolyn. I'd love to dress my house and my self with somebody else's money!

  4. As a broke, min wage college student who pays her own bills, the state took pity on me and gives me 125 a month for food! Which I think is fair, since that's what they take out of taxes anyway! But I have types of vinegar- (white, red, balsamic, apple cider vinnegar) cheese on cheese on cheese (jarlsburg what up) and bolthouse farms green goodness on deck. And the fresh squeezed orange juice. sigh.

    For cosmetics...Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose Conditioner. Kinky Curly knot Today. A whole stock of betonite clay. 100% pure pomegrante moisturizer. Shea Moisture After Shave Regenerative Lotion. SO MANY ESSENTIAL OILS

  5. oooh The Fizzy Milk Bath from Oyin Handmade...the soaps and body butters from Lux Naturals....sigh.

  6. Lamb chops and expensive wines! Any new natural hair products would be a happy addition...if they came with a place to put them!

  7. Clothing. If someone footed the bill for clothing, I would relocate to anywhere. $125 would be really hard to spend daily, but its smart to stock up! Do you feel like trying your hand at canning? My friend does a lot of canning from her garden and just did 12 jars of salsa to take them through the year. Then you can use a bunch of fresh fruits and veggies. I see and love Mrs. T's pierogies!

  8. Can you throw in some wine and liquor into that shopping cart??? Start stocking up!

  9. Haha, I say enjoy it! No need to feel guilty though I get why you do what with the porr economy and general doom and gloom. It's a great opportunity to try out food you would not have and it's not like it's going to last forever. If you still feel bad, maybe look into a way of quietly donating some food to a shelter or food kitchen? You & your family are so cute!


  10. YAASSS! Do you have a deep freezer?

  11. Unfortunately no, but I'm stuffing our apartment freezer as best as I can!


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