Thursday, July 29, 2010

Eight days

I was going to wait to post until I got home this evening as my work computer won't let me add Picasa and I have tons of great pictures I can't wait to share - at least I hope they're great.  I'm no photographer and they could all be blurry.  I haven't checked yet because I got home last night at 11pm.  The flight was smooth and wonderful (got first class again!), we arrived on time, my luggage arrived immediately and I thought I was home free - until the getting home part.  Do yourself a favor and don't EVER use Super Shuttle.  It took me over an hour to get home (it's usually twenty minutes) and I'm quite certain that the driver moved to Dallas like, yesterday.  I wanted to get a taxi but I already paid for the shuttle so I just bit my lip and stewed while he drove around in circles looking for the other addresses because of course, I was the last to get dropped off.  Live and learn right?

I was thinking about how I would document this vacation when I woke up this morning - yes, I know I'm compulsive.  You don't need to tell me.  At least I refrained from doing it when I was actually still on vacation!  Thanks to one of my awesome readers Abby, Drew and I got some insider info on stuff to do in Petaluma, Sonoma and Napa!  Thank you so much Abby!  I even emailed Centsational Girl at Kristina's suggestion and she actually emailed me back!  She kind of just told me to read her 'Wine Country' posts but I got an honest-to-goodness email so I'm counting it because we did use some of her suggestions.  Along the way, we found some cool spots on our own so I'll add my picks and try my hand at being a wine country tourguide.

It wasn't all roses and sunshine but real life rarely is, not even on vacation.  We had a rough start and there were some rough patches and some tears were shed, but all that truly matters is we came out of it on the other side.

So cozy up, grab an iced tea (no wine for me - I'm wine'd out!) and I'll tell you a story...


  1. I'm glad you're home, and posting!...I've been looking forward to your real life vacation posts since you left. Hope it was great...can't wait to hear about the Eight Days.

  2. Looking forward to hearing all about the trip. I have always wanted to go to Northern California, but I'm in NY so it is a long way to go.

  3. on the couch and least for a while! I actually thought today--I wonder if Desiree is back! lol

  4. Yeahhhh. Welcome back. I've been checking your page in and out to see if maybe you stole some time and posted while away and was disappointed each time. But, I'm glad you're back and can't wait for the update.

  5. I missed your posting and can't wait to read more and see the pictures!!!

  6. Welcome back!!
    Is it compulsive when I KNEW you were going on vacation and checked back every day anyway? Sigh…strange! I’m glad that you had a great time one-on-one with the hubby!

  7. Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip! Looks from your post about the weather that you enjoy the cold as much as I do! I swear, summer doesn't exist in SF and where we live in Pacific Heights the wind can be awful in JULY! Hope you had lots of fun out here and drank lots of delish wine - can't wait to read about all the cool spots you found :)


  8. Welcome back!!
    Is it compulsive when I KNEW you were going on vacation and checked back every day anyway? Sigh…strange! I’m glad that you had a great time one-on-one with the hubby!


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