Friday, March 4, 2011

Amy Barry is amazing and has magic eyes

Loooook what IIIIIIII have!!!!  Drew picked me up from work yesterday and said that our disc from Amy Barry had arrived!!!

Amy Barry, of shot our wedding and as she was the only 'guest', I have a very special place in my heart for her.  I wanted her to do our maternity pictures ever since that day.  When I told her we'd lost that baby, she cried the tears of a friend.  That was why it was so very special to have her come and take pictures of us and this baby - it felt like she shared in our victory that day and it was such a joy to spend time with her.  When I saw her, I gave her the biggest hug ever and we got down to taking some pictures!
Starting out silly
We went to Deep Ellum in Dallas where there's lots of murals
and it was the perfect backdrop.

3.5 inch heels, with my slippers just out of the frame!
That's how you do that!

I love this one so much!!

Holy gray hairs Batman!
I've decided that my grays are my cankles - I'm kind of
obsessed with them.
Much better angle.  I hope the baby gets his chin.

He has Christian Slater eyebrows in this one.
No baby, I'm the only one with a belly.  Promise.
I'm 5'11.5" trapped in a 5'5" body.
I always ask him if he's jealous that I'm taller than he is,
and he gives me this exact look.
From the street, this was really high up, but the
other side was an easy climb.
You do what you have to for the shot!

Amy Barry is a phenomenal photographer, I love her so much, she's so amazing and she could come to your house and photograph you doing dishes and it would be flawless because she's that good.  Plus, she's the nicest person ever and I just love her!  Did I already say that?  Who cares, I love Amy Barry of  Love her.

We have another frame collage in the baby's room and I can't wait to print these out and put them in there!

Thank you Amy Barry!  I love you!


  1. Awww... these made me want to cry! So gorgeous.

  2. What great shots! You both looks so happy and you rock those shoes. I'm so happy for you. Can't wait o see this little girl in "person".

  3. Beautiful pictures and beautiful mama! I love your hair!

  4. These are awesome! I particularly love the ones with you in the striped shirt, but my favorite "artsy" one is where your heads are out of the frame, you are holding hands but facing different directions. That could be an album cover, if those things still existed.

  5. THESE ARE SOOOOOOOOOO AMAZING. Seriously. I mean I knew they were going to be good because you're gorgeous and Drew's handsome and cute couples take cute pictures. BUT SERIOUSLY. Obsessed. LOL

    I think my favorite one is closeup looking down on you two. Or maybe the graffiti one where you're by yourself. Or maybe the sassy graffiti one of you two together and those GORGEOUS shoes. I also love the funny one up at the top where you're comparing bellies.

    Seriously. How's a girl supposed to pick?!?!??!

  6. Gorgeous pictures!! It's going to be so fun when she takes pictures of all 3 of you!


    I LOVE the one of you two in front of the red wall smiling at each other with your hair cascading out behind you.

    I love all of them. :)

  8. Fabulous - I love them all! And I love the shoes!!

  9. O M G, these shots are gorgeous!!! My favorite one of the "baby" is the very last one. That's the one that should go in the baby's album!

  10. These are awesome. I LOVE the setting. Every picture just added to an overall awesomeness. A collage of these in one place will be PERFECT.


  11. Desiree - these are gorgeous! I love all the colors in the backgrounds - so vibrant & cheery! I also LOVE how you are rockin' the red high-heeled shoes - so awesome!

    You & Drew take beautiful pics together - what a treasured memory!

  12. Love these...yall look just lovely..My sister is having a baby..I cant wait. She is only 6 praying for the best that God has to offer.

  13. Gorgeous! You guys look soooo happy and I'm so happy for you. It's kind of weird, so don't think I'm odd, but I kiiiinda feel like you're an e-big sister and I'm just so happy things are working out in your favor. Can't wait to meet the gorgeous girl (virtually, of course. lol!)

  14. OK, I am loving the colorful locations! I honestly don't think I have EVER seen maternity photos that were so bright and beautiful!

    Then again, I haven't seen too many mommies as bright and beautiful as you either! ;) You look gorgeous my friend!

  15. Amazing Des!!!! I love the photos and the location is fabulous! You look Bea-U-tiful!

  16. Congrats on your little one - you two look amazing!! I found your blog via Get It Girl Style! My husband and I are sloe expecting our 2nd child! We are due in June...

    I love reading your blog!!

  17. So I LOVE these pics! They are beautiful. Makes me wish I took more pics with my big belly :(

    Oh and I love those red shoes! What size are those?? Lol kidding

  18. Great pictures! I SO can't wait for the baby reveal once she actually arrives! :)

  19. These are just so adorable! my uterus is aching! lol. (I think I can also hear the bf slowing backing out of the room hehe).

    Love your blog.

    Confessions of a Purse-a-holic

  20. Seriously, you need to be a maternity model. So jealous. You are just stunning. :) Sofia is going to be so proud of these pics someday!

  21. oh my gosh! i've been so out of the loop! happy belated b-day. your maternity pics are AMAZING! i love the one where y'all are holding hands with your heads out of the shot. so beautiful!

    and you look very cute pregnant (with your 3.5 inch heels on). work it girl!

    the striped shirt looked really nice against the matching backdrop as well.

  22. These are so gorgeous! We are taking our maternity photos tomorrow, and I'd love to take some in front of that carp mural - can you tell me where in Deep Ellum it is?

    (On our first date, he offered to buy me a carp (weird, yes, but in the moment, it was really cute) and I bought him a piece of carp art for his birthday a few years ago from a local artist. We apparently have a carp problem!)

  23. Hey Maryn,

    It's on Good Lattimer on the right hand side, between Live Oak and Gaston. I think. I know it's on Good Lattimer though, across the street from the giant silver man. Hope that helps!

  24. thanks so much! I know exactly where you mean. :)

  25. Congrats on your little one - you two look amazing!! I found your blog via Get It Girl Style! My husband and I are sloe expecting our 2nd child! We are due in June...

    I love reading your blog!!

  26. Awww... these made me want to cry! So gorgeous.

  27. Amazing Des!!!! I love the photos and the location is fabulous! You look Bea-U-tiful!


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