Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hey, remember when I had a blog?

Yeah, me neither.

Once upon a time, I used to post almost every day.  My brain was brimming with stuff.  I had thoughts!  About things!  And I wrote about them in humorous and intelligent ways!

Not anymore.

I've tried - do you have any idea how hard it is to type one-handed?  It took me almost two hours to answer an email today.  One email!  Two hours!  I'm dyin' over here!

Blogging is my creative outlet.  I love stretching my little brain to come up with funny, thought-provoking or just mildly interesting posts - this is not one of them, btw.  I love playing with my camera and thinking up funny captions.  This post will have no pictures because I don't. have. the. time.

I'm going out of my mind because my outlet is clogged.  I was in Kansas for an entire week and only posted once, and it wasn't for lack of content.  I may be jinxing myself, but every since I started blogging I've never had writer's block.  That one time I asked you guys to ask me questions was only because I was pregnant and couldn't tell anyone.  It wasn't because I couldn't think of anything to write about.

But now?  Now?  I can't think.  I don't have two seconds to rub together, much less sit down and let my creative juices begin to flow.  I shouldn't even be typing right now.  I should be asleep because the baby is going to wake up in a few hours and I should rest.

That's all I've got right now.  This was a pointless post.  I'm disappointed in myself.  I hate this.  I hate that I can't write when I need to.  Not being able to write makes me cranky and I am a royal B right now.  I just want one hour to myself when the sun is still up.

But this is my life.  I have to adjust to writing when everyone else is asleep.  I have to get by on even less sleep than I already am, I guess.

Let me shut up.  Hopefully I'll have something better tomorrow.  Bleh.  I suck.


  1. Several Points:

    1) You don't suck. You have a small baby. That is intense and consumes all your time and energy.

    2) They only stay small for a little while. Before long you will be getting more sleep, will be able to think clearly and fine a little time to blog again. This time in your life will pass fairly quickly and you will have time to blog again.

    3) If you need your creative outlet and aren't having time for it, it is time to get more help from your husband. He should take the baby for an hour or so, even if it is only once a week and let you have a break. Feed her first and then let him take care of her for a little while and you can write or sleep or just sit and think or do whatever else you desperately need to do.

    Best of luck. I am sure you will be writing again in a few months whatever happens. It will be ok and this too will pass.

  2. Don't feel bad chica... hey, you're not writing because you are busy and I'm not writing because I don't want to sound like Negative Nancy here in my 3rd trimester. lol.

    We all have our lives and thankfully, your readers all understand that. ;)

  3. You have an AMAZING excuse for not writing. Her name's Sofia. :)

    Even though I DESPERATELY miss you, I am so glad that you're taking the time to spend as much time as possible with her. You'll start writing again when you're ready.

  4. I agree with Tricia!! You all are partners!!!!!! You two can do it!

  5. Continuing on the twin-lives we are leading... I know this feeling so freaking well. I have some good news for you. Recently when Maddy sleeps I have been able to sit at the computer and think clearly and type with two hands. It is wonderful. I foresee this coming for you too very soon...

  6. Hey, you do not suck! You made me giggle and almost snort on your last post. it was the salmonella hands comment that did it. hee hee

  7. i think you've been doing pretty well. i fully expect everyone i know that has a baby to disappear into "newbabyland" for at least 3-4 months, and you haven't done that. :)

    i had to pretty much had to give up my blog after starting a new job (and a new business) in may, so i truly appreciate the time and effort that you put into your blog. even though i've lost most of my playtime on the internets with my super-tight schedule, i always look forward to your posts.

  8. Girl hush! You're a brand new mommy. It takes awhile for some of us to get back into the swing of things after having a baby. I know it took me awhile. Don't beat yourself up about it. Get a notepad and jot down some ideas for blogging. When you get a chance to blog them out you will. That's what seemed to help me.

  9. You are being too hard on yourself, Desiree. You've had a baby. It takes time to find a schedule that works for everyone. Hell, my kids are 12 and 3 (and the 23-25 5/6 year olds I have for 9 months outta the year) and I am STILL trying to find time. You are doing a fanFREAKINtastic job and managing your time. I guarantee you that we aren't feeling cheated in the least; Sofia comes first. I am also agreeing with #3 from Tricia.

    When I feel the need to write for my creative release, I use my phone and voice my thoughts. When I get a minute, I just replay and remember what I wanted to say, then I write about it.

    Stop kicking the crap outta yourself, please. You're awesome and things will fall into place...Sofia is proof. *smile*


When you leave me a comment, my phone chimes. I run to it from across the house, anxious to read what you've said. I save them in my email and read them multiple times a day, which is why you may not get an immediate response but I promise I eventually respond to every comment that has an email address.

You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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