Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday (sort of)

Yeah right, like I could do a post with no words.  

I happened to have my phone in my pocket and instead of getting annoyed, I ruefully snapped a photo because this is my life now.

You know how they say once you have a kid you'll never be alone again?  Ever?  It's true.
Right after this, I broke out the pack n play again to have a place to stash her when I have to go to the bathroom because she shouldn't have to witness that.
I can't do anything about the dog though.



  1. Haha that is so funny but so true! I lock the dogs out, but my little girl often is laying on the bathroom floor while I go. :)

  2. Oh my gosh - I laughed SO FREAKIN HARD at this picture!!

  3. Oh. My. Gosh. This is so funny. Love love love. :)

  4. This is cute. But you're right. Get used to this. For the next few years. The pack n play may (or may not) work for right now. But when she begins walking......yea, get used to it. lol

  5. Our house is old and none of the doors fully latch, so the dog can nose them open. We had to put a lock on the second bathroom door because she kept opening the door when guests were in there!

  6. freaking hilarious!

  7. Best photo of 2011. I bet the doggy thinks since you guys keep her company doing her business on walks she should return the favor.

  8. Hah! The Bumbo was a lifesaver and I figure this might be exactly the reason children don't remember anything much before age 3-ish :-)

  9. HA! Your girls love you way too much.

  10. ha! ha! ha! TMI: The other day M really didn't want to out of physical contact so she stood between my legs while I pooed... oh man. At least she couldn't see anything thanks to my PJ bottoms. So not ideal, but what are you gonna do?

  11. Wait, she's STANDING!? When the F did THAT happen??!!

    I always rolled my eyes at the moms who were like, waaah they're growing up too fast, but yeah.

    They grow up too fast.

  12. Haha perfect mommy moment. The sacrifices mom's make...hehe

  13. ok so I just broke out in a fit of laughter! I can totally relate. Sadly, it doesn't get better. When I use the restroom now, Jasmine comes in and sits across from me on her potty talking to me. So yea, thats what you can expect

  14. Too funny! Picture of a mom's life. My son now rolls off the toilet paper and tries to put it in the toilet then tries to climb up and nurse while im on it. Hes 14 mos (yes its time)! I love ur blog.

  15. Too funny! Picture of a mom's life. My son now rolls off the toilet paper and tries to put it in the toilet then tries to climb up and nurse while im on it. Hes 14 mos (yes its time)! I love ur blog.

  16. This is so funny, I can totally relate, my daughter is a teenager and this still happens to me lol. This is going to happen to you for the next few years


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