Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bautizo 2.0

Two years ago, I wrote about the baptism of my first child.
Look at my little baby!

This past Sunday, I put the family dress on my second baby and once again, we took our place at church.
Sofia was a year old when she wore it and Andrea is five and a half months,
but it still worked.

Andrea's godparents are here and since we're moving, we wanted to make sure we got her baptized before we left.
It was a no-brainer to ask Aimee if she would 
be Andrea's godmother.  
She's such a special baby that she gets two 
godfathers.  Drew's good friend DJ (left) and Matt (right)
stood up for her.  Matt's girls are the sweetest
kids you'll ever meet and they just adore Sofia.

We went to Mass before the baptism and that made for a long day for Sofia.  This was her first time in church and while I was prepared with snacks and toys, it wasn't long before she became insistent and antsy saying over and over again "Mom, we have to GO.  Mom, it's time to GO."  Bless her heart, she hung in there but it was just a little much for her.

Between Mass and the baptism.
They were literally jumping around in circles.

I begged her to take her fingers out of her nose, but no dice.

Eventually, she cooperated.

Then it came for the ceremony.  We all filed in, symbolizing our
welcome into the Church.

Anointing her chest with holy oil.

That's what she thinks about this whole thing.

Andrea was blowing raspberries, Sofia was just about to melt down
but I got a shot of my girls.

They called us over to the baptismal font (fount? I'm not sure) one by one and as we walked over, the gravity of the whole thing hit me.  I haven't stepped foot in church in many many years and there are lots of things I disagree with, but let's face it.  I was raised in the Catholic Church and these things are ingrained.  They don't just go away.  My spirituality is a part of me, for better or worse and I was moved.  The symbolism of what we were doing - we were presenting our daughter to the Church - it was major and I was humbled.

When things are major, I usually cry.

This was no different.
Seeing her receiving her blessing, being held
by my dearest friend,
surrounded by people who love my baby and our family,
yeah I was ugly crying.

Of course, Andrea was a champ.  The water surprised her but 
she didn't cry.

Anointing her forehead with oil.

Holding the baptismal candle, the sign of new life

The baptismal garment, symbolizing purity and innocence

Blowing more raspberries.  
I need to get a video of her doing it because it's the cutest thing.

What's on your mind Babe?
For that matter, what's on my mind?  Why so serious?
PS, this was where all the families came up to the front to be formally 
presented and congratulated.

With that, my baby was baptized.  It was such a wonderful day and it was one of those amazing special life moments, you know?

All special life moments require cake.

And macarons.  That's a rule.

Poor baby.  This whole party was for her and she 
got no cake, no macarons, no sandwiches, no punch.
Life's just not fair.

I don't know why words are failing me right now to describe how much this meant to me.  All of it - being in church with my family, sitting next to my husband singing the hymns that I remembered from grade school, saying the prayers just like I remembered all those years ago, presenting my daughter just like I'd presented my daughter two years prior, seeing the water wash over her little forehead, having feelings about church and religion in general, yet feeling that twinge when the priest talked about marriage being between one man and one woman (c'mon guys don't mess up this great day), being surrounded by our friends but missing my mom and other members of my family, but feeling very like a matriarch myself, and feeling very much the Woman of my own house....

You guys, it was so much.

I'm so happy we did it and I'm beyond blessed to have such a beautiful family and SUCH wonderful, funny, happy, healthy daughters.  Seriously.  Blessed.  For real.

And I'm looking back at these pictures and I kinda feel the need to talk about my dress.  I know it's not about me, but I just have a feeling that maybe someone might take issue with the neckline of my dress in church?  I know I was self-conscious,  but I needed something low cut so I could nurse.  I did Rent the Runway again since I don't own dress up clothes anymore and I needed something knee length, with sleeves, low cut and in my size.  This was pretty much my only choice and I kept telling myself that it has to be low cut, I have to be able to nurse.  I even practiced a little speech should anyone say anything, but thankfully no one did.  Actually, I got a pointed stare in church for Andrea crying, not for me nursing her.  I had pumped a bottle just in case but you should have seen the side-eye I got from Andrea when I tried to give it to her.

Anyway, I just feel like I had to point out that I wasn't being disrespectful.

Ok!  Enough about me!  My baby got baptized!  My family is amazing!  

Seriously though, it was a great day and we are incredibly blessed and I just wanted to share the day with you, my friends.  



  1. It's amazing what an impact something like going to church can have. I don't go to church anymore, but it's most definitely humbling!

    Also, that green looks ah-mazing on you!

  2. My comment went to comment heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is my attempt to duplicate what I said:

    Your family is absolutely beautiful. Reading this post and the emotion of the day left me in chills! What a blessing!

    My feelings about your dress: You are a woman. Women have boobs... sometimes they show. Anyone who has an issue???? #getoverit

    P.S. Finding clothes that are nursing friendly has been a challenge for me lately.

  3. Boo, my comment died too!!! Ugh!! I just said, the boobage is fine. I barely noticed and I forgot you were still nursing. Sofia looks like a grown woman in the 7th pic down. You are so so blessed and if you just met Aimee in PA then that's huge. Lifelong friends are so hard to come by, especially in your 30s!

  4. My comment died too. GAHHHH!

    A few things - I didn't even notice your neckline. Did you judge the Godmother for her dress? Nope. Cuz she looks great - as did you! I wouldn't even have worried about it. :)

    Also, I love that I'm not the only one who still gets teary eyed about the significance of that day. Baptism is a huge thing in my book! I'm thankfully ELCA Lutheran, so we're a little more liberal about stuff than the Catholics, but no matter what, it's still a big day for sure.

    Love all the pics!

  5. I don't know what's happening with my dumb blog and why it's eating comments! :-(

  6. You look great and your baby looks great and 3 cheers for curly hair (both yours and Sofia's) and yeah totally get the mixed feelings about the church thing. It's a beautiful and necessary as its complicated and problematic. But, that's a reason to share these moments- to make them better. Happy Baptismal Andrea!

    Also team BEWBS all the way, everyday, all the time, everywhere

  7. The pictures are really great! I can never get good indoor shots like these. I LOVE the one with you and Sofia looking back. And didn't even notice the low cut dress because the color was so fab. What a beautiful day!

  8. Oh my, I was emotional while reading and viewing the photos in this post - absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

    Although I'm a "former" Catholic, I still cannot help but be moved by the symbolism of some religious ceremonies because they're great reminders of the blessings in our lives. That was such a lovely ceremony. Many *continued* blessings and well wishes to Andrea and your family!

    And you looked GORGEOUS (as always)! A little cleavage in church: considering that in some Madonna & Child paintings/statues, Mary is either low-cut or totally boobs out, I think you're good ;)


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