Friday, November 5, 2010

Peen or vagine???

We went to the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist this morning.  We'd gotten the results from the NT scan a few weeks ago and everything came back normal which is always a huge relief.  However, it's still not any easier to go to the doctor to have an ultrasound and this time was no exception.  As we got ready for bed last night I asked Drew if he thought I was still pregnant and he said yes, definitely.  "Yes, but do you think it's alive?"  since, you know, you can be pregnant with a dead baby.  The fact that my clotting factors can cause late-term miscarriage and stillbirth remains a constant in the back of my mind.  It makes me think of Gilbert Grape and Leonardo DiCaprio saying "I could go at any time!"  But Drew reassured me that the baby was there, it was alive and I was able to fall asleep.  

I started bouncing my legs and breathing funny in the elevator, mumbling that I hated this part.  There's really no good way to steel yourself against the possibility of bad news and the anticipation always makes it so much worse.  Luckily, my MFM is complete and total awesomesauce!  He gets the nerves and the anxiety and knows just what to say and how to say it.  Seriously, Joshua Weiss MD, is good people!  And he's way cuter than his website picture - I told him so.  Just as soon as he walked into the room and we had some quick pleasantries, he got right to business finding the heartbeat straight away.  As I laid back, I chanted be alive, be alive, be alive under my breath.

It's alive!  Alive!!

My DAUGHTER is alive!!

Yup, me and Drew made us a little baby girl!  We're going to have a daughter!  A daddy's little girl!  A diva like her mama!  A strong, proud, smart, beautiful, gracious, thoughtful little girl!  

I didn't even do the ugly cry like I did last time.  Last time I was so relieved it SHE was alive I was snotting and crying all over the place.  This time I just squealed and marveled over all her little parts.  

This was a detailed ultrasound - it was a little over 20 minutes long and I loved it!  It was blurry and blobby but then her spine and ribs would magically appear and I'd be all I see a spine!  Then he zoomed in on her heart and we could see as clear as day her four perfect chambers, the valves valve-ing in perfect time.  He checked her feet to make sure they weren't clubbed and we counted ten perfect little glowy spots.  Her hands were good too and you could even see the ulna and radius in her forearm - and no, I did not have to look that up!  I know some stuff!
    This is a picture of a picture.  I scanned it here at work but it was super blurry.
The glowy spot just to the right is her other arm - she's got that hand in front of her face.
I don't know how other people get their ultrasound pictures
uploaded so clearly, but you get the idea.

Dr. Weiss said everything looked great, she's measuring right on track at 6 ounces and it'll probably be another month before I feel anything.  That's what most surreal to me - she was kicking and moving on the screen but of course I can't feel a thing.  He drew my blood this time since I told him that his nurse was a cow whore punk-ass bitch less than professional last time.  I still hyperventilated and got all woozy but between him and Drew, it went as well as it could have.  What I liked best about both of them is that neither of them were cheerleaders about it.  A couple of times before I've had nurses that were all come on you need to breathe stay with me sweetie come on just breathe you can do this almost done almost done almost done.  

That does not help.

You know what helps?  Going fast, staying quiet and doing it right the first time.  I know I need to breathe, I'm trying my hardest to breathe and guess what?  Even if I stop breathing, the worst that's going to happen is I'll pass out and start breathing.  And that's never happened so let's just agree that the cheerleading is more for you than me - so can we just not do it?  Kthx.  

Drew did awesome - he let me squeeze his hand, he stayed calm and while having my blood drawn sucked as bad as it always does, I made it!  

We left the office and our mood was so different from our last visit.  Last time, Drew and I were so tense and we were at each other's throats.  We fought from the second we left the office until he dropped me off at work.  This time, we held hands, happily called our parents with the news and kissed before I got out of the car.  If I knew what was different, I would bottle it and take a shot every single day.  When we're not fighting, he's the man of my dreams - God, that was sappy.  But you know what, whatever.  I just found out we're having a daughter, I get to be sappy today!

Oh hey - check this out!  So you remember my food baby right?
Saturday October 30th - I'd been eating like a pig for four days straight.
Today on my lunch break.
I have GOT to do something about these blurry pictures!
They suck!
Tying the belt up high make my boobs look GINORMOUS!
You got D's mahf*cka D's!  Rosie Perez!
Sorry - a little Kanye for ya there.  That's what popped in my head when I saw this.

I told you it was a food baby!

We're having a little girl!  EEEEEEE!!


  1. AHH! YAY!! I'm doing a little happy dance over here! I am so excited! a girl! YAY! Seriously, girls are amazingly fun and OH MY GOSH how they have their daddies into mush-balls in 2.5 seconds flat at any given hour of the day. I am so excited for you! HOORAYYYYYYY! happy, healthy, baby girl! she's gonna be GORGEOUS if she looks anything like her pretty momma.

  2. I just cried reading this!!!! That little lady is so lucky to have a kickass mama like you! I am so happy for you and your bump is so stinkin cute!!!!

  3. Congratulations! I am very happy for you! (I have been following you for a while but this is the first time I have commented)

    That is very awesome for you guys!

    p.s. I am now reading 'When God Doesn't Make Sense' from your recommendation and it is touching and helping me out so much!

  4. Hey! Great news:o) How many weeks are you? I get my anatomy scan in 2 weeks and am afraid we won't be able to tell the gender if its too early. Was this just a regular U/S or a "level 2"? So glad everything is going well, and now are you going to register and go crazy with little girl stuff?

  5. Don't know if you heard me or not---but I just screamed for you!!!! :-) So happy! A healthy, little girl....She will be gorgeous! I'm so happy for you, D. Love ya lots.

  6. Yay! Congrats, you need to buy a baby book of names!!! So exciting!

  7. What wonderful news all around!!! And I'm so excited about your little girl! Boys are good and all, but a girl... that is going to be so much fun!!!!

  8. I'm so stinkin happy for you! I'm about to burst like I just found out I'm having a girl. Sidenote: I'm not really a crazy stalker chick lol. But seriously I'm so happy for your little muffin!

  9. Gah! A precious little girl! She's going to be so beautiful. Congrats on a great appointment!

  10. Very exciting! I've never had an ultrasound when I was pregnant (well, except on the blood clot in my varicose veins!) so it's fun to live vicariously through others' ultrasound experiences.

  11. This makes me SO happy to read!! EEEEEEK!!

  12. oh yay! congratulations! I'm so excited for you!! Girls are the best! :) I can't wait to see what she looks like when she comes out to meet us!! I bet she'll be so beautiful!

  13. Congratulations! I remember going to my 20 wk u/s with my daughter and praying that the baby would be alive and ok. Bawling my eyes out every time I saw a hand and bawling more when they told me she was a girl. Enjoy every second!

  14. Yaaaaaay!!! That's so awesome, Desiree! Gosh, when I think of all the hair that little girl is going to have- WHEW! Time to start trying to convince Drew to practice on your hair so baby girl won't be looking crazy when Mommy's not around... :)

  15. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you. I just found out a friend of mine is having trouble conceiving and I understood their difficulties a little more from reading your blog. Thanks for that.

  16. TOOTSIE ROLL! JUST MAKE THAT TOOTSIE ROLL! I'm so happy, so crunk, so excited. Names! Names! Oooh names and the nursery! Chile....


  17. Oh you KNOW I was jumping up and down reading this. I read it on my phone this weekend, so I couldn't comment until now though. Funny story - I was reading the blog on my phone, and I started jumping up and down and acting super excited. Jake asked me why, and I said - well my friend Desiree is having a GIRL!!! EEK!! LOL Yes he knows who my friend Desiree is. :)

  18. Congrats on the wonderful news!!!

  19. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so freaking excited for you...I just yelled out to my Fiance that Desiree and Drew are having a girl...he was all, who are Desiree and Drew...then I was all, ummm, she's my blog friend who doesn't know me:)

    I also want to say how fabulous you look in that wedding porn dress with the food baby. HAWT Momma!

    CONGRATULATIONS....that is one lucky little lady in your belly!

  20. I have nothing original to say but congratulations on your little girl!

  21. LMBO @ the Kanye lyric you threw up and through here!!!

    a baby girl!!! YAYYYYY, Mya (crap, am I spelling the name right?) has a playmate. She's gonna be such a little doll- between you and your husband's lovely genes.

  22. Congratulations! Little girls are sweet and beautiful. You continue to be strong and brave!

  23. Congrats congrats congrats! So very exciting...

    I have been off the map for a little while, but I'm gradually catching up, and was so happy to see this post and hear about your daughter!

    Hope all is going well!


  24. CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!!!! i'm so happy for you. when i read this the first thing i thought was, all my friends are having baby girls. then i remembered that we've never met.

    aren't ultrasounds the coolest? we could tell from one of ours that my babylove was gonna have her mommy's toes. in another one, she was yawning and we got a still shot of it.

    i am SO happy for you. prayer still works! i've been sending positive thoughts your way since i started reading your blog and i know that you'll be the best mommy.

    xoxo your blog friend, naijababelove

  25. OH MAN! SO happy for you! That the baby is alive and on top of that a GIRL! I love baby girls! I have three boys and only ONE girl so I totally appreciate the joys of girls vs. boys. :)

    Congrats again and keep pluggin' away. Can't wait to hear more about her growth and finally birth when the time comes!


  26. Congratulations!! This is sooo awsome!! I'm a lurker, and I know I'm late, but this is wonderful!!!!

  27. I'm now blog stalking and playing catch up with you per Gem's advice. Sending positive vibes your way for a successful remaining pregnancy and delivery!

  28. Congratulations!! This is sooo awsome!! I'm a lurker, and I know I'm late, but this is wonderful!!!!

  29. Yaaaaaay!!! That's so awesome, Desiree! Gosh, when I think of all the hair that little girl is going to have- WHEW! Time to start trying to convince Drew to practice on your hair so baby girl won't be looking crazy when Mommy's not around... :)

  30. Congratulations! I remember going to my 20 wk u/s with my daughter and praying that the baby would be alive and ok. Bawling my eyes out every time I saw a hand and bawling more when they told me she was a girl. Enjoy every second!

  31. Gah! A precious little girl! She's going to be so beautiful. Congrats on a great appointment!


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