Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oh, how things have changed

Last week Drew and I went to Philadelphia for his brother's wedding.  You remember Nate and Julie?  The most adorable people on the planet?  They got married on Saturday and it was awesome!  Definitely the best wedding I've been to - it was so great that I only minded a small little bit that I couldn't drink.  That's a lie - if it wasn't such a beautiful wedding I would have spent the night sulking in a corner.  Do you know how painful it is to be unable to partake in an open bar?  Do you??  

I have such fond memories of traveling and imbibing delicious adult beverages.  Ahh, Bloody Mary, how I miss you so.
Just this past July, we were traveling to visit Nate and Julie.
They had such delicious beverages in first class.
Even though apple juice truly rocks my world, it's a sad 
second to my beloved Bloody Marys.

It's so odd - when I was pregnant before, it was orange juice that I couldn't live without.  This time, apple juice.  One night, I texted my neighbor - the one who's pregnant because she would understand - and asked her if she had any apple juice.  She didn't and I cried.  I then sent a text to Drew saying 'We have no apple juice.  Life is not worth living.'  He brought some home to me that night.

Pregnancy is weird.

Wedding porn coming up!!


  1. I am glad everything is ok with you and the baby. Your silence scared me.

  2. Yay - you really are still alive ;) I haven't heard from you in eons & I was beginning to wonder if all is well!? Glad to see you posting again! Oh how I have missed seeing "Hitting My Stride" appear in the blogs I follow :)

  3. Bloody Mary's are supposed to be good for jet lag (not that that helps, but I thought I would put in my two cents).

  4. Chile...I was just about to love-bomb your g-mail. Phew!


  5. one time when i was preggo, my husband and i were on the way home from a friend's house on the other side of town when i got a craving for whataburger. do you know i was about to CUT that man when he got lost and we couldn't find one in the area!

    i apologized later...


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You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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