Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It feels so good to be back!

We're home!  We made it!  Sofia survived two ten hour plane rides!  Her parents survived them too!

Rio was amazing and wonderful and I've been sorting and fixing and uploading pictures and videos and I'm laughing because we have a couple hundred pictures and about 20 videos and I'd say 80% of them are of the baby.  

For instance, check out the view from our room.
By that I mean, look at my baby.

Isn't the ocean beautiful?
Or you could look at my baby.
We hung out by the pool.
Look at my baby.
We dug our toes in the sand.
Look at my baby.
We even had some great meals!
Sofia's first solid from Desiree on Vimeo.

I'm kidding I'm kidding!  We did lots of other things, we got some great pictures and I have fun stories to tell!  However, I'm dealing with the hell fun that is re-establishing a schedule so for now I have to run.  

It's good to be home!


  1. Dear god, that is the CUTEST picture EVER! The first one, I mean. She just looks giddy, like, "Look at me! I'm so happy!!!" :)

  2. First solid was a FF? That's my girl! I was definitely drawn to the baby pics. She's soooo cute.

  3. Hahaha She looks so focused on that fry!!!

  4. Welcome back! YOUR BABY IS PRECIOUS!

  5. hehe. Loved the video. Her rolls are to die for. Eme had a great gag reflex too--which made the whole world of solid foods much easier for me. She spit anything out she could'nt swallow. And I just have to laugh about your comments in the video..tehehe...those kids love their french fries. Just sayin; :)

  6. Hey! Can't wait to see the photos and your write-up of the trip. Love the view so far ;-) Sofia was really going to town on the french fry, a girl after my own heart!

  7. Although I did go ahead and get that piece out of her mouth. She wasn't spitting it out fast enough for my liking. Sadly, she had no problem spitting out the banana. It came out almost as soon as it went in.

  8. Haha! You told me about the french fry, but words don't compare to the video. So cute. And that dress! Perfect Resort Wear.

  9. Welcome back glad you all made it there and back safe. Now, on to baby she is insanely beautiful, loving the chub.

  10. OMG! That rolly polly baby! I LOVE IT! I can't wait to hear all about your trip! :)

  11. LOL, I can't wait to go on vacation and come back with pics like that. :) She's beautiful!

  12. Um - why do I get an overwhelming feeling of wanting to chomp on all those rolls on her legs & arms!?! I could just eat her up - seriously! LOVED watching her suck on that fry - she is absolutely adorable. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip :) Glad y'all are back safe & sound!

    xoxo - H

  13. welcome back! and i don't mind looking at your baby because she is soooo cute! Those rolls! I love chubby baby rolls! my child no longer has any because shes officially a toddler and they melted :(

  14. That baby is so sweet! I just want to squeeze and snuggle her! So glad you guys had fun!

  15. That video was hilarious! hahah I'm still smiling at a smiling baby, gorgeous weather and her sucking on that fry! ;)

  16. iDie with her and that french fry... she's absolutely beautiful!

  17. I know right! It's a totally normal reaction - sometimes I wonder if I'm weird because I'm constantly chewing on her. :-)

  18. That pic of her on the bed is insanely cute. There should be a law against that much cuteness because I'm pretty sure I just got diabetes it was so sweet. I'm sending you my medical bills.

  19. What a sweet sweet baby! The pictures of her smiling made my heart melt. Bless your family!

  20. that video was funny :). Sofia was tearing up that french fry! so cute. love her little roll-y poly arms and legs!


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