Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Vacation remix

While we're traveling, I thought it might be fun to revisit some past vacations we've taken.  This is the very first vacation Drew and I went on.  We look so young!  It's also kind of fun to see how far I've come as a blogger - I hope you enjoy!

Santa Fe and Curly Hair

First off, let me say I am not pleased because something is wrong with my page. I've posted three times and it doesn't show up on other pages! I don't know what to do and I'm quite vexed (saw Gladiator the other night). Any-who, we went to Santa Fe for the weekend and it was a perfect weekend getaway. We went with another couple and had a wonderful time. It was such a great time that I didn't take a ton of pictures but as promised I went curly and got some great shots. Enjoy!

Drew and Milton

The spa where Drew booked us a couples day - it was heavenly!
It was a Japanese style bath - we had a private room although I'm not sure you can call it a room since it was outside. Super-hot bath, super-cold outside; it was wonderful!

Out and about with curly hair - Drew gets sleepy-eyed when he's had some liquid fun!

Milton's friend Susie - super cool chick!

We also went to Acoma. It's called a Sky City because it's entirely on top of a mesa. They have no running water or electricity, using generators and lanterns for warmth and light. A lot of the adobe structures were the originals! I took lots of pictures here because the view was gorgeous but I won't bore you with them. Drew and I look like such tourists. 
We went to a grotto in the middle of nowhere and someone had built a shrine. The energy there was really intense.
We also went to the Loretto Chapel with the Floating Staircase. Drew wasn't that impressed.
And then we went home!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! You're so cute! :) You're right... your writing has changed


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