Monday, July 12, 2010

Peas and carrots

Our trip to Charlotte was perfect.  It was just what Drew and I needed - we had the right combination of activities and laying around and I was so happy to get to spend time with Nate and Julie because they have pretty much the best relationship ever!  Nate is super laid-back and completely in love with Julie and Julie is so nice and easy to talk to.  Being around them you get the distinct impression that all their fights, if they even have them, end in laughter and hugs.  Just sharing space with them had an incredibly calming effect - not to mention they're adorable.
Like peas and carrots

They have an adorable two-bedroom bungalow that's walking distance from their arts district and our Friday arrival happened to coincide with NoDa's First Friday, where the area art galleries open their doors late and local bands play all night.  I love those kinds of things and the weather was perfect for it. It was so nice being somewhere that wasn't 95 degrees at nine o'clock at night!

We started at the Green Rice gallery, which was Julie's favorite spot.  Thankfully, they were cool with people taking pictures, because although I was in love with several pieces I was not in love with the price tags!
Drew's new friend was over two thousand dollars!
You have to wonder who would be able to come in and say
'I'll take that to go please.'
This one is called 'Wedding Day' and it was Julie's favorite.
As soon as I have a couple thou laying around, I'll get it for her.

Then there were several that I loved because of their words.  I've always been drawn to words as art and I was seriously hurt that I couldn't afford these pieces.
For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.
It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

Why can't I just be rich? I want them all.

I thought this series was great too.  They were painted and
decoupaged onto planks of wood.
Instead of waiting on the next wave, create your own swell

We went to a few more galleries, but Green Rice was my favorite.  As the sun went down, the bands set up and started to play.
Music in the summertime
You only find places like this in an arts district.

I also ate like every meal was my last.  That's way out of character for me, but Nate loves to cook as much as Drew does so it's really not my fault.  Besides, isn't that a rule?  When you're on vacation, you get to eat as much as you want?  I ate so much that my stomach hurt and I would do it again.
The oven gloves are the best part of this outfit.
Where I go, the scallops and brussel sprouts will follow.
We also had peel n eat shrimp, spicy sausages and 
the guys had ultra-rare steak topped with gorgonzola and a giant mushroom cap.
After stuffing ourselves at brunch with omelettes and Bloody Marys.

I'm lame because I didn't get pictures of the fireworks display we saw from our awesome spot away from the huge crowds of people, but I didn't feel like getting my camera out of the car once we spread out our blanket.  Drew and I had a moment, watching the show sitting next to each other with my head on his shoulder, holding hands and I didn't want to alter the mood by taking pictures.  Besides, y'all know what fireworks look like.

Charlotte is a great city with really nice people - the weather was wonderful, the food was amazing and the company was just perfect.  I'm so lucky to have such a cool brother- and sister-in-law!  And really, you can never go wrong in a place that gives free hugs!


  1. I love food!!! lol.

    I'm glad to hear that you had a great time. Vacays are a great way to get back to what's important in your relationship... when me and the beau get away, I feel like it's new all over again. ;)

  2. I found your blog through YHL, and wanted to say Hi! And also, Maya looks a lot like my dog Czara. Like, identical.

    Your trip looked very relaxing! I wish I lived in a place with free hugs and a Salvadore Deli, lol.

  3. I don't know how I found your blog ... but I did and the way you write is beautiful ... I write as well but the way you describe what your life is like drew me n ... I feel you and have you thought about writeN for a job ... I'm just sayN

  4. Happened over here from YHL - love your space. Do you happen to have the names of the artists with the quotes? Especially the last four. I just quit my job to go live in a foreign country for a couple months, and those seem to depict exactly what I've been trying to say but couldn't express. Not that I could afford them - did I mention I quit my job?? ;)

  5. Happened over here from YHL - love your space. Do you happen to have the names of the artists with the quotes? Especially the last four. I just quit my job to go live in a foreign country for a couple months, and those seem to depict exactly what I've been trying to say but couldn't express. Not that I could afford them - did I mention I quit my job?? ;)

  6. I found your blog through YHL, and wanted to say Hi! And also, Maya looks a lot like my dog Czara. Like, identical.

    Your trip looked very relaxing! I wish I lived in a place with free hugs and a Salvadore Deli, lol.


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