Thursday, January 6, 2011

It was this or cut it off

I had a very frumpy day yesterday.  I know it's a phase and it's hormonal and I'm pregnant and I just have to power through but I hate having ugly/bad hair days.  It's just no fun.  So I had to do something fast because I was thisclose to going to Martin and having him cut all my hair off just like a mad pregnant woman.  If Kesha hadn't picked up the phone and talked me off the ledge I'd be posting pictures of my new chin-length bob this morning.  No lie.  Thisclose y'all.

Curly hair, while wonderful, is kind of a lot of maintenance.  If I don't put in twists every night, it gets rattier and rattier until I have no choice but to wash it again and this time resolve to twist it every night.  Well, I can't do it.  I can't be bothered and I just want to sleep.  So last night I got home, took a long hot shower and did my best to shave my legs and the rest of my hairy body - between me and Drew, we're totally having a little gorilla baby.

Then I gave in and straightened my hair.  It was this or shave my head because I'm over it.
Another blurry pic from the bathroom.  I pulled out my heels 
because there's nothing that a pair of sexy boots can't fix.
It's weird looking at myself with straight hair but it had to be done.
I'm holding on to my sexy by any means necessary.

I feel better in more form-fitting clothes and thankfully the gods are still smiling on me and I haven't really changed anywhere but my hips, boobs and belly. Please pregnancy gods, don't jinx me.  I'm still drinking water like crazy and wearing my fancy compression hose all day so the cankles and pregnant-face have still eluded me.

And so far, I still have my hair.  For now.


  1. You look great! Hot mama! I'm 22 weeks today, so I am a few weeks behind you. I'm with you on the water. My day consists of constant water refills and bathroom breaks. Please no edema....

  2. Thank you ladies! I'm hanging on! :-)

  3. Hey chica! I can totally relate. I actually straightened out my curly hair this past weekend and LOVED it. Then the weather pissed me off! IT rained! You know what water does to curly hair! So now it's sitting in a frizzy half straight/half wavy ponytail... sigh!

  4. Your hair looks great straight! And that color blue is an awesome color on you! Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

  5. CUTE boots! sexy mama!

    how'd you straighten your hair?

  6. Drew got me combination blowdryer/comb thing a couple of Christmases ago because my blowdryer died. Thank God I had a backup - it actually worked really well! I don't even know who makes it - Conair maybe? It's a cheapie, definitely nothing special but it did the job! I put some Moroccan Oil on, sectioned it and combed/blowdried it. I put it in a braid when I was done and this morning I used my super ghetto-ass curling iron to turn the ends under.

    I'm hoping it'll last!

  7. I love the straight hair! Don't worry D... you still got it! :)

  8. You look hot!!!! Like seriously! I really need to get on the water drinking. I haven't had a desire to drink much of anything.

  9. I tooooooold you the best outfits at this point are tights + boots + tunics/sweaterdresses! I had a huge grin when I saw that you busted out my favorite uniform:o) That color IS great on you! I have been terrible at drinking water and keep getting cramps from dehydration. If water tasted like white wine or a Frosty, I'd do much better. I think the hair looks great...but a cute bob would be fun too if you are ever tempted!

  10. D - you are SO right. Curly hair just plain sucks sometimes & can be such a pain in the ass! I am liking your "sleek" look - thank goodness for Moroccan Oil! That stuff is like gold in a bottle! You look adorable by the way -love how you are rockin' the tunic & boots! So cute...

  11. I can't get over how gorgeous you are still looking my friend!! Beautiful!

  12. U look great! Got me thinking about straightening my curly hair now. Curly is just easier to deal with I guess for me. When I was pregnant last year I had Edema bad! Like badddd! No amount of water drinking and putting my feet up would help. I did however try and dress up often. That's the only thing that made me feel better .

  13. Thanks Ms. Krissy! I don't know if my mom said it or I read it somewhere but 'there's no sense in looking as bad as you feel' always comes to mind when I'm having a frumpy day.

    It doesn't always work because sometimes I just don't care but this day it definitely did!


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