Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I was dreaming when I wrote this

And by dreaming I mean having a large glass of the good wine.  Just so you know where I'm coming from.

SO!  Yet again, I love the internet and blogging and wine!

Writing the last post got me thinking about food and how much I hate it, but how much I hate it more when I feel like someone or something is getting the best of me.  Today I brainstormed and guess what y'all!  I'm cooking right now!  And drinking because I hate cooking!

Oh and guess what else!  I did a Google search on what foods you can eat one-handed to get ideas.  My lil' ol' blog came up at the bottom of the first page!  I feel bad for that because I am of no help whatso ever when it comes to ideas.  Until now!

There's a website called thenaptimechef.com that gave me some great ideas and got my thinking cap glowing.  My thinking cap glose, doesn't yours?  Anyway, sandwiches!  You can eat sandwiches with one hand!  I had the most brilliant idea of making sausage biscuits for breakfast (because I am a meat-a-saurus and must have meat at every meal.)  I went to the store and got some Jimmy Deans and some pop biscuits.  I fried up that thar sausage, made some eggs and put them in baggies, ready for the microwave in the morning!

Then I made some chicken salad sandwiches for lunches, inspired of course by my one and only bestie Carolyn.  She posted a recipe for chicken salad sandwiches thereby putting the bug in my ear.  Ps, where in the HAYull did that expression come from?  Reminds me of Star Trek, the wrath of Khan where they put the bug in that guy's ear.  Tells you how old I am that I'm referencing that movie and how much that scene affected me that I can still remember it.
One-handed food!

ANYWAY!  Oh chicken salad!

I chopped and mixed and assembled and now I have lunches!  I'm feeling so good about myself right now which is a good thing because I'm really done with this whole husband-living-in-another-city thing.  Because let's face it, when he's home an average of 48 hours a week, he lives in another city.

It got me thinking about our marriage and how the two years that we've been married we've been dealing with some drama or another pretty much since day one.  I'm super extra ready for a drama-free life right about now because it's hard on both of us.  When he's gone I handle all house business, no breaks, no relief, no time off.  When he's home, it would be great to get a break, relief or time off but he's been traveling and working the whole time and he wants a break too.  He wants to put his feet up in his own house for a minute and while I can't blame him that much, I need help around this piece!  I'm over it and I'm ready for normal.

Until then, I'm drinking the good wine.



  1. You make me smile. :) Hope the chicken salad is yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Just had one and it was delish!!

  3. I know EXACTLY what you mean about needing a break. I feel like I can't get anything done when it's just me and Zo here. The apartment looks like a hotazz mess right now!!!!!

    Annnnd now I want a sausage biscuit. thanks. lol

  4. I had one this morning and I was so proud of myself!


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