Saturday, November 5, 2011

Why yes, I *have* had work done

Not on me.  I'm still scrawny with circles and bags under my eyes.  My blog however, is looking downright fresh!  I enlisted the talents of the lovely Miss Katie who orchestrated this little facelift and I am so very happy!  I have pages now!  It looks so much cleaner and my favorite part is that there are no more borders around my crappy pictures!  Because it was the border that was making them crappy, doncha know.  I have some sprucing up to do and some pages to fill but I love the new look!

I'm most impressed with how quickly she did it.  I'd been wanting a blog redesign for some time but I didn't know exactly what I wanted and I'd heard horror stories of people taking months to respond, if they responded at all - once they took your money of course.  Not so for Katie!  I told her what I was thinking about, and like magic she delivered!  Thank you so much Katie!

Not only that, I've finally entered the 21st century.  Oh yeah, I got one of these hot mamas.
I'm so high-tech I can't even stand it.

My old phone was dying and being crochety about it; he (my phone was a boy) refused to let go.  I'd try to send a text message and I could practically hear it wheezing as it tried to keep up with me, and that's saying something because I'm not tech-y at all.  Never mind email, that was way too much to ask of the old boy.  He'd lock up and that was it.  I couldn't even turn it off to put him out of his misery.  Eventually, he'd remember he was right in the middle of something and all the words I typed an hour ago would come rushing out.  It just wasn't pretty so today I went to the Sprint store to see if they could do some CPR or shock him back into working.  Sadly, they told me that anything they did would just be prolonging the inevitable and that I should just let him go.

Enter Sloane.

Slim, trim, shiny and down for whatever.  We've been hanging out, getting to know each other.  She's oh so pretty and I totally have to step up my game.  I was used to my old boy and I was patient with him.  If it took him ten minutes to send a five-word text message, I let it slide because I knew it was hard for him.  But not Sloane.  I type fast, she sends faster.  She even talks to me!  It's amazing!

New phone, new blog - I feel so shiny!


  1. named your phone Sloane. And she's a girl. That's the name at the top of our list for girls' names! (PS it used to be Sophia...but hubby's cousin loved it and used it for her beautiful daughter...)

    She is very pretty...and your blog too!

  2. Doesn't it just feel nice to get a little facelift? :) I've been contemplating the same thing. I love your changes!

  3. First of all, welcome to iPhone love, lovah. woohoo! and also? I am kind of in love with your blog design. I get crushes on my own designs, it's true. Anyway. I love it. Thanks for working with me. I can't believe people are so unprofessional about blog designing. I love doing them quick, quick, quick because I,too am IMPATIENT like whoa. ;) Glad you love it.

  4. I was trying to think of the coolest girl's name besides Sofia and Sloane came to me. I love that name and since I doubt I'm going to need it anytime soon, it just seemed right that my phone get it!
    Please excuse the brevity, sent from my phone

  5. Thank you!

    Please excuse the brevity, sent from my phone

  6. I'm just impressed that you had the time! It would have taken me months and months to learn how to change the fonts alone!

  7. Love the new design and I am jelly of the iPhone! :)

  8. Just got that phone yesterday---even the same color. Truthfully, I didn't want it, and I fought Johnny tooth and nail, but within 1 hour I was in love! This. Phone.Rocks. Love the facelift, too! ;)

  9. i really like the new layout! oh iPhone, it's truly the best.

  10. I didn't want another one either, but when my battery would die after two calls, I figured it was time. I'm still trying to figure everything out because Sloane is FANCY!

  11. I really like your new layout too! It really is so fresh and clean! You are going to LOVE that iphone!! Have fun!

  12. The new layout is amazing!

  13. It looks so good! I absolutely love it! :) As for the iPhone... JEALOUS! :)

  14. Awesome job with the redesign! I love the new family pictures at the top. You three are so cute I can hardly stand it. Makes me want to get punchy.


When you leave me a comment, my phone chimes. I run to it from across the house, anxious to read what you've said. I save them in my email and read them multiple times a day, which is why you may not get an immediate response but I promise I eventually respond to every comment that has an email address.

You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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