Friday, July 2, 2010

Let the vacationing begin

July is finally here!  July means I get some one-on-one, up close and personal, in your face time with someone I haven't seen, I mean really seen in a long time:  my husband!!

This weekend we're heading to Charlotte to visit his brother and fiancee and I'm so excited.  I really like them both and they've just moved there from New York City - talk about a change right!  I can't wait to hear all about how they're adjusting!  We've got lots of laying around, barbecuing and hanging out planned and that is exactly what we need.  We need time away from the phones, the computers (except for blogging of course - I'm so tickled that I'm writing this from the plane!) and all other distractions so me and my hubs can get back to that place where holding hands is enough.  We need time and space to laugh again.

There is an upside to all Drew's travel:  frequent flier miles!!  With the kabillion miles he has, this trip was free (I thought it cost five dollars - he just corrected me.  I don't know about this blogging-while-your-husband-is-looking-over-your-shoulder thing), we get to go to the front of the line when we check in, and we're in First Class!!  Can I get some commotion for the free drinks?!!??!!
Would you care for a beverage?
Why yes, yes I would!
He's telling me how happy he is to be able to spend time with me 
and how much he's looking forward to simply staring into my eyes
over these next few days.
True story.
A little blurry but we'll go with it.
I'm the photographer in the family.
My hair is a fuzzy mess because I did another braid-out and 
it was another fail.  I have to wash it tonight and do it right this time!
That's his 'tres chic' face.  One must always use the tres chic face when
one is about to eat salmon salad with pita chips and roasted red pepper
hummus on the side.  

This vacation is coming right on time and I already feeling like the weight in my heart is lifting.  I plan to thoroughly enjoy myself this weekend with my husband and my family-in-love and I hope y'all do too!  

Have a great weekend!


  1. i love his tres chic face! my mom and I bought fans here in Madrid and we have an indignant face when we use them, just like real spanish women!

    p.s. have a GREAT vacation! i know how it is when you really really need a break. Take it and run with it!

  2. Here's wishing you & Drew have a fabulous time together on vacation - you two SO deserve it!

    Oh...& here's a "woot woot" for first class & free drinks ;)


  3. Have a wonderful holiday weekend! I love the plane photos and details. You crack me up. And how could that husband of your NOT love staring into the eyes of his wife when she is as lovely as you!

  4. Awww, you too look great and happy. Enjoy your vacay and don't even worry about blogging until you get back- live life and we'll be waiting to hear about it. ;)

  5. Have a FABULOUS time on vacay with the hubs! :)

  6. You are so cute! I linked to your blog from YHL (great job on the table!). It was your "dissolve into a pile of rainbows and glitter" comment that made me want to read your blog more. I love blogs that are all about life. Keep up the good work! :)

  7. You are so cute! I linked to your blog from YHL (great job on the table!). It was your "dissolve into a pile of rainbows and glitter" comment that made me want to read your blog more. I love blogs that are all about life. Keep up the good work! :)

  8. Have a wonderful holiday weekend! I love the plane photos and details. You crack me up. And how could that husband of your NOT love staring into the eyes of his wife when she is as lovely as you!


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