Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life Tips

I was poking around on the internet and found this article that really resonated with me.  For her, it was the advice she'd pass to her kid.  If/when I get to have kids, I'll definitely pass this on but for now they're decent tips and reminders for me.  Since my blog is my scrapbook of sorts, I wanted to keep it here and ask y'all what you would add to the list.  Some of it is from the original article, some from commenters and the rest is from my own little head. 

  • Repeating a person's name upon introduction will make it 85% easier to remember.
  • Never leave your phone in your back pocket when you go to the bathroom.  Better yet, leave it in your purse.
  • Always wear sunscreen - even if you're brown.  Brown people can still get skin cancer.
  • Selfish people never really grow up.
  • Never go to someone's house empty-handed.  At the very least, bring a card thanking them for having you over.  But wine is better.
  • Let guys open doors for you.  It's just a door - your worth as a woman isn't attached to it and it's a nice thing to do.
  • Nothing lasts forever.  Not the good stuff, so soak it up while you can.  Not the bad stuff, so put your head down, hang on and you will make it through. 
  • Not everything you think of needs to be said out loud, especially in a fight.  Words matter and people remember the negative much more easily than the positive.
  • Smile and say thank you when you receive a compliment.  No matter what.
  • Never buy a house you can't completely afford on your own.
  • Wear clothes that fit.  No one can see the number on the tag but they can see your muffin top, panty-line and back fat.  
  • Advice is what you ask for when you know the answer and wish you didn't.
  • People giving you advice can only reference their own life experiences.
  • Those who are at peace with their life choices rarely feel the need to defend them.  
  • Stay out of debt. 
  • Have a moral/spiritual foundation that keeps you from kicking puppies and being mean to old people.
  • Speak up if you know the answer.
  • Health is the most important thing you have.  Life with a bad back, knees, hips, lupus, fibromyalgia, shingles, flesh-eating parasites or even just a really bad cold is no fun.  PS, all that crap you're doing now will catch up with you, promise.
  • Whenever possible, be nice.  Being mean feels vindicating for only a few moments and then it starts to turn your heart to stone.
  • Be there for your friends.  It matters.

What do you think?  What would you add?


  1. If you have curly hair, ALWAYS condition.

  2. Wait, one more. If someone is nice to you, but not the waiter, they are not a good person.

  3. sometimes people need to learn from their own mistakes, even if you wish they could learn from yours and not experience the pain.

  4. I try to live by the simple rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Old fashioned but I find that, even though I don't do it for return, karma really likes it and rewards me a thousand-fold.

  5. Hello, I like you blog, and I like this list...I would add my favorite..."Practice what you preach, or you will be considered a hypocrite"

  6. Words I try really hard to live by: You can't control what others do, you can only control your response to it.

    It helps to keep me from making a fool of myself just because someone else was acting a fool with me!

  7. Never say anything about someone behind their back that you wouldn't say to their face.

  8. Oh man! I definitely learned the phone in the back pocket one the hard way!


When you leave me a comment, my phone chimes. I run to it from across the house, anxious to read what you've said. I save them in my email and read them multiple times a day, which is why you may not get an immediate response but I promise I eventually respond to every comment that has an email address.

You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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