Tuesday, November 16, 2010

On notice

I feel so much better about life today!  We went to the doctor this morning and I was ready.  The night before I went over my questions with Drew and we even practiced what I would say if I had to break up with my doctor.  He reassured me that it was going to be okay but I wasn't sure and I went in prepared for battle.

I'm happy to report that I needed none of it!  My doctor was open, receptive and listened to everything I said, validating my concerns and clarifying her thoughts on how it's going down when Agent S makes her grand entrance.

Essentially, as long as this little girl behaves herself and does everything she's supposed to, I can go as natural as I want.  That was music to my ears!  I told her that I was fully aware that the baby is running the show but as long as she cooperates, I have preferences.  I think that's key - understanding that your desires are simply preferences and the baby will ultimately decide how they will be born.  If she decides to stay sideways or feet first, that's her prerogative (it just corrected that word and said there's an 'r' after the 'p' - I've never seen it that way) and we'll all just do as she says.  However, if things go well I'm so happy to know that my doctor is on board with the kind of birth I'd like to have.

I probably won't get to go past 40 weeks but as long as the baby's growing and my fluid levels are good, she'll leave her in there as long as it's safe.  Can't argue with that!  She supports intermittent fetal monitoring so I don't have to stay strapped to the bed!  Score!  She also supports moving during labor and I'm not going to bother with asking permission to eat and drink.  From what I've read you don't feel like wolfing down a Quarter Pounder in the middle of a contraction and if I want water I'll have water!  That whole argument about aspirating your vomit under anesthesia is so out-dated it's laughable anyway.

She does not do routine episiotomies and will only cut them if they're absolutely necessary - again, only if the baby doesn't behave.  She said episiotomies are a game-time call but tries to avoid them if at all possible.

I talked to her about the actual induction and she said that she only uses Pitocin because she can turn it off when needed.  She doesn't do pills or vaginal suppositories because there's no way to control them and once it's in, it's in and you can't regulate how your body will or won't react to them, whereas you can control a Pitocin drip.  I understand that rationale and she reassured me that she'll start small and turn it off if I respond well.  

However, I have officially put this little chick on notice.  She has strict instructions to leave the umbilical cord alone - no trying it on as a necklace, no practicing your sailor's knots, just leave it alone.  She is free to flip and turn all day long as it's reassuring to me, so that behavior is encouraged.  But at the end, she is to turn head-down, chin to chest and open up that cervix!  Drew and I will take care of the *ahem* natural induction methods so that I can avoid having Pitocin altogether and we're all just going to make this happen!  UPDATE:  Also, no pooping until you're on the outside and be sure to face the back.  Poor kid, but we all have jobs in life and it's better to learn that early. 

We're a team in this - I will keep supplying Agent S with her Heparin ammo so she can stay alive and in turn, all she has to is follow orders and make it to the safe zone my arms and her team leaders mommy and daddy will take care of the rest.

Hands in, Agent S on three....
1 2 3 - AGENT S!!


  1. Great to hear that all went well with your appointment!

    Has doing the shots got any easier?

  2. You are adorable...it's amazing to see the instant impact Agent S is having on you...I think you're softening...and it's a real trip to be on this ride with you to watch it, er, read it all go down! Love it...keep it coming and you KNOW, we are all routing for your little team;)

  3. Glad your apt went well!

    Tell Agent S to stay head down AND face the back...gotta be specific right? My doctor assured me the baby was head down but he was facing front or "sunny side up". That meant terrible back labor for me. :(

    Since you are into yoga, you might find the spinningbabies.com website useful. It is supposed to help with optimal fetal positioning. There are a whole lot of things you can do even now to encourage the baby to position correctly. Who knows if the stuff works for real, but it doesn't hurt to try!

  4. LOl I love it & Have my hands it! Whoop Whoop!



  5. Soooooooooooooo glad the appointment went well! Go Agent S!!! :)

  6. Great to hear that all went well with your appointment!

    Has doing the shots got any easier?


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