Sofia is an easy baby. I often joke with Drew that we should quit while we're ahead because she's so easy, which means any babies that come after her will be holy terrors. She sleeps through the night - I'm talking 9p-5a, get up to nurse, and back to bed until 9, sometimes 10am. It's a beautiful thing. She naps like clockwork, at 1p for about an hour and 6:30 for another hour, and if the angels smile on me sometimes she'll take a two or three hour afternoon nap! I did nothing to set this schedule, I take no credit. I am no supermom. I merely gave her what she needed. She only has crying fits when I don't adhere to the schedule and try to keep her up past one or don't lay her down at 6:30. As long as I stay in line, she's happy.
I resisted the urge to go into the nursery right now and snap a picture
of her napping so this one is from last month, one of the first
times she took a nap in the crib.
The mobile is a lifesaver - I got it for her when she started making real eye contact with me. She'll get hypnotized by it, giving me precious time to go to the bathroom in peace, or change my clothes or brush my teeth. My favorite thing about it is the remote control, so when it stops I don't have to go all the way into her room to turn it back on. I was so amazed at how well it worked I nicknamed it Jesus.
Every morning Sofia, Maya and I go for our walk around the neighborhood. Maya and I get our exercise to keep us from being insane. I keep looking for my abs on our walks, but I haven't found them yet. However, pushing the stroller up the hills is helping me to find my butt and thighs so at least there's that. I even saw a couple of ladies from the playgroup and we stopped and chatted! That felt so good - I felt like I had a seat in cafeteria!
Yeah, I'm a mom, I have mom friends, no big deal. I'm cool, I'm breezy, I'm not a dork at all.
And then something happens that reminds me. Things aren't always what they seem.
On our walk this morning I was wearing a tank top and had my hair in a bun. I was also wearing yoga pants - surprise surprise. The playgroup ladies had come up behind me so naturally, after a bit of small talk one of them asked me about my tattoo. I was caught off guard - most of the time you can't see it and it has such personal meaning for me I rarely know how to explain it. Well, being Smooth Move Sally that I am, I word vomited as usual and ended up telling them that I'd had a couple of losses (I was so flustered I didn't even get the number right, making me feel even guiltier.) Thankfully, it didn't completely halt the conversation but there was an awkward pause.
It got me thinking. About my lack of thinking. About the other babies, that is.
Sofia consumes my every waking moment. I miss her while she sleeps. I live around her schedule, eating and sleeping in between mothering her. But let's face it - walking the dog, naps, feeding - it's not exciting stuff. It's easy to say 'nothing' when someone asks what I've done all day. But it's my everything just the same. It's my whole life.
Between my mothering moments, I thought of them. The other babies. And I wonder if they know that even though my everything is consumed with Sofia, I wonder if they know they're not nothing. They were real to me, all of them. I miss them all and I hold them in my heart just as surely as I hold Sofia in my arms.
But I have to admit, since she was born, the memory of them has faded. The pain isn't quite so acute because honestly, there's so much joy when I look at Sofia. One time she smiled at me and I thought I would start crying because I was so happy. It's hard to be anything but ecstatic when one of my silly faces or weird noises gets a big gummy smile from her.
Yet, when she asked about my tattoo I thought of them all over again. About that time in my life, that's so far removed from my present, but I feel the pang just the same. I found myself wondering if they know. If they know they're not nothing. That even though I have my everything, they're not nothing.
I know things are as they're supposed to be and all mourning must come to a close, otherwise how would any of us ever go on?
But they know, right? They know they're not nothing, right? That even though my days and nights are filled with Sofia, they're still important and will always have that place in my heart?
It was an innocent question on a random day. I didn't descend into a pit of sorrow and soon the memory will fade. But for a moment, in the midst of my everything and nothing, I thought of them.

It is amazing how a baby day is so full of nothing and everything. I love them.
ReplyDeleteYour other babies totally know. And sophia knows. You wouldn't have her specifically and you wouldn't be the same wonderful mom to her that you are had it not been for them.
I sometimes feel a little guilty about my feelings towards my miscarriage. It was so painful and such a dark time in my life, but if I hadn't lost that baby I wouldn't have THIS baby, and this baby is perfect. I likely would have felt the same about the other one, but who knows. Maybe not. It is hard not to feel like THIS baby, Mads, is my destiny. And Sophia is yours.
love, inB
They know.... when you lost them, you had your time of mourning. Now is your time to be happy and rejoice. Don't worry, the babies are up there in heaven with God who is taking perfectly good care of them. In fact, the babies are watching you and Drew and Maya and Sofia and smiling down at you guys- they're angels. They may have even had a role in helping to keep her healthy while inside of you!!!
ReplyDeleteI would like you to read a book that I just read. It's short, and an easy read. I read it in 3 hours. It is called "Heaven is For Real" by Todd Burpo. In this true story, a 3 year old boy has a near death experience and says that he visited Heaven. He talks about things he saw and heard for years. Initially, I was skeptical, but the things that this little boy said match scripture, and that has won me over. It's on the NY Times Bestseller List. Anyway, I think you would be very interested in what he says about a sister that meets in Heaven. His mother had a miscarriage prior to his birth, and he was never told about it. But he meets her. I know you're a believer, D, and I think this book could give you a sense of peace. Try and get a hold of it if you can.
ReplyDeleteIn response to the past babies: "They" are a part of who you are. Always will be. No, that doesn't mean you walk around sad and thinking about your losses or hurtful experiences. But they are a part of who you are. THEY are a part of the reason why, when you walked into your house for the first time with Sofia, that was the happiest you've ever felt emotionally, THEY are a part of the reason why when you look at Sofia and Sofia looks at you, you want to cry and smile all at the same time. THEY are a part of the reason why you are so passionate about being a good mother and setting a good example for Sofia. THEY are the reason you appreciate life and love and living each day with the daughter that made it all the way. They are never forgotten and they will forever be a part of what makes you Desiree. It’s the Desiree I’m so happy I have the pleasure of knowing. And it’s because of those experiences that you possess compassion, appreciation, and so many other great characteristics and attributes. So, my friend, they are most assuredly not forgotten and we get to remember them every day, because we know you! They forever live on. And I’m so grateful for that. That all things work together for good.
ReplyDeleteThey know.. and are so happy for you.. as are all of us!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy that something awesome (sofia) came out of all that sorrow. I think that those babies will always be in your heart no matter what. Sofia is a reminder that life goes on and while the memories fade, you'll never forget.
ReplyDeleteThere is a song by Amel Larrieux called Beyond, and one of the repeating lines is "My love will still be". Your love for them will always be, and that's all that matters. Like Lesleajane says I often think about when I do get pregnant again, what that baby will be like. If it wasn't for my loss, the next baby would never exist. Another quote I love is from Corinne Bailey Rae's song Diving for Hearts that says: "Worlds will all end, and new worlds will begin. It's a thought so stark." But it's true. Sofia had a beginning because of other endings. Crazy.
ReplyDeleteDesiree, the way that you translate raw emotion into words is astounding! I'm sitting here at work with a lump in my throat and my eyes are tingling.
ReplyDeleteEven though I do miss things about my pre-baby life (free time, sleep), I hardly ever have time to think about those things while caught up in the whirlwind of activity that is having a little one.
Please don't ever feel guilty/sad for the amount of energy that you give to Sofia. You're a survivor and you honor your angel babies by being such a GREAT mama to her. They (and you) know that every hug, kiss and smile that you give here is exactly what you would have given to them and is even greater because of them.
You are a true and natural example of Psalm 30:5 "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."
What we've gone through is what shapes us and I have to agree with Lesleajane that if not for those that came before Sofia, you may not be the same extremely attentive, "won't take it for granted" mom you are now.
ReplyDeleteI have had friends who've lost babies either stillborn or miscarriage and no one ever forgets the ones who came first.
It is only the pain that fades, not the memory of their existence.
Thank you all so much for your kind words! I'm gettin choked up over here! As always, I cherish your comments and I'm reading them all for the twentieth time! :-)
ReplyDeleteOff to check it out now...
ReplyDeleteNo matter how short of time the other babies were with you, they transformed you into the mother you are now and that brings them unspeakable joy and love for they too are a part of this family. They understand the love you have for Sofia because you have it for them as well, and they would want you to love their sister as much.
ReplyDeleteYour feelings are valid and yes in time those feelings won't be so raw, and the love will be all that remains for all your babies.