For the holiday weekend, we had a staycation at a hotel not too far from home. Drew needed the credit, they had a nice pool and it was a fun little getaway. Our room was so dark Sofia slept nearly 12 hours! It was wonderful!
Chilling on the Heavenly Bed
Down at the pool, sleeping through all the noise
Staying in the shade - I was so paranoid about her overheating!
I didn't want her to get in the water because of the chlorine and her sensitive skin but on the second day I finally relented and let Drew take her in just to get her feet wet. She was NOT having it.
I think the water may have been too cold for her.
One more shot and it's back to the shade for her!
It's much more fun in the shade!
I could eat that fat little baby arm! Is that weird?
We had a fun couple of days at the pool, and we also had our first new parent hiccup. I'm talking about Dinnerus Interruptus. You know, where you go to a nice restaurant because the baby's asleep and just as the entree arrives, she wakes up and starts wailing? Every new parent has experienced that I'm sure, and Saturday night was our turn.
It was hardest on Drew because food is his thing. Do not mess with the man's food or his dining experience. He's all about the savoring, the food pairing, the wine, the evening.
The baby does not share his love of the experience.
She woke up and was mildly fussy. I don't mind nursing in public but for whatever reason this time it didn't occur to me to pop a boob in her mouth. Drew had already finished his meal and he took her while I tried to eat my meal before it got cold. It wasn't until he was gone for a good twenty minutes that I finally looked at my phone and duh, realized she needed to eat. However, he was nowhere to be found, the waiter couldn't find him and I figured he'd gone outside with her. Luckily, he'd finished his dinner but there was still wine left in his glass (the horror!) when I flagged down our waiter to pay and get out of there because I guessed that she hadn't calmed down and he didn't want to carry a crying baby through the dining room.
I found him outside, sweating, the baby crying and he looked like he was going to fall apart. I felt so bad for him because I know it really rattles him when she cries. He doesn't like feeling helpless and he especially doesn't like drawing attention to himself and nothing will accomplish both in the blink of an eye like a crying baby. We were in the restaurant for less than an hour and we sped back to the hotel, where of course the baby calmed down instantly. Isn't that how it always goes?
I could tell he was mad because of all the muttering. Still had wine in my glass... ...a waste of money.... didn't even get to finish your meal...
Luckily, I was in a good headspace because it could have easily turned into a fight when, in his desperation he turned on me. You're supposed to know when she needs to eat! You know this stuff, I don't! Why didn't you come find me earlier? I didn't have my phone because you want me to unplug (so it's all your fault the baby freaked out and I didn't get to enjoy my wine Desiree.) Luckily, I know that's what he does when he's upset - he looks for other people to blame. Luckily, I know most guys do that. Because otherwise, he would have gotten an earful from me about how we're both new at this and it's not wise to turn on your teammate, lest you get a boot in the eye.
It's all good though - we were able to talk about what happened without it turning into a fight and the next day was great. We even did some shopping and the baby slept for over three hours! Isn't that how it always goes! And we know for next time. Sofia eats first, always and whenever she feels like it. I honestly don't know why it didn't occur to me to see if she would eat - oh yeah, probably because I've been doing this for less than two months and I don't have it all figured out yet.
However, the only thing you can do is roll with it and learn not to take yourself or these situations too seriously. It helps to have a cute baby too.
Memorial Day from Desiree on Vimeo.
So, my mom readers - help us out. Tell me your best dinnerus interruptus story. Or shoppingus interruptus, or churchus interruptus. When and how did your baby let you know that they run this?

I remember the first time I took E out to do stuff- being all cocky because she was sooo well behaved... nothing phased her.. and I mean NOTHING.
ReplyDeleteThen she turned 9 months and it all changed. We were in Family Dollar- with my Mom- for I dont know what... and my mom gave her something to hold that I then deemed dangerous because she was still shaky and uncordinated and all Im thining is.. OMG its gonna stick out her eye and (insert string of morbid thoughts here) so i took it away..
and then it happened..
the WAIIIIIIIIIIL to end all WAILS..
It shocked me and I just grabbed her and left the store. I was soo shocked. As soon as we reached the car she calmed down.. like nothing had happened and was laughing.
Learned my lesson that day lol
YAY for staycations!! :)
ReplyDeleteSo proud of you and Drew surviving the first dinnerus interruptus. And without fighting! WOO HOO! You're getting to be such an old pro mom. I'm so proud.
And let me just tell you - Sofia should win cutest blog baby award. Just saying. That chubby arm gets me every time!!!
Ha! How timely. Baby and I just returned from Old Navy. I was excited to get us up and out of the house to buy some post-pregnancy clothes for summer. My tight tees and skinny jeans are not happening. Anyway, she was fantastic while I went around the store at my own pace (no man to ask me what is taking so long and saying "yeah, that one is fine"). As soon as we got into the dressing room with the maximum amount of clothes and my own clothes all off, she starts! I saw the hands start fluttering, the face turn red, and knew what was coming. Of course, every time I picked her up out of the carrier, she stopped. She stopped long enough for me to hear the conversation next to me: "Mommy, a baby. It's sad." "I know, babies don't like shopping." "I don't like shopping either, mommy. Let's go bye-bye". So...I assume it doesn't get better with age. Until she turns into a teenager and then shopping will be REAL fun.
ReplyDeleteI first want to say how great is it that you are back in your bikini!!! Girl, you are looking great.
ReplyDeleteThose pics of Drew and Sophia are just too adorable. Give me about 3 months on that Dinner Interuptus story, I'm sure I'll have plenty! lol
I'm so glad you two didn't let it stop you from getting out and enjoying eachother though. A lot of folks let themselves become hermits because it's just easier that way. I'm hoping I can be just as active.
Umm we got kicked out of Dallas Baptist Universities Commencement ceremonies last year because of HER. Embarrasing!! I mean security actually came over and escorted us out and we had to watch the rest of my best friend's graduation on a screen in a dark hole of a room.
ReplyDeleteDaaaamn! You win!
ReplyDeleteFirst off can I just give a shout-out to your boobs and bikini body??
ReplyDeleteSofia is cold CHILLIN in the hotel bed, love it!
Awwww Mackie I remember when that happened!
Well, I do have a strategically placed child to hide those last five pounds and the nursing boobs are slightly porn-ish, but thank you! :-)
ReplyDeleteI figure if the 200 pounders can be out there in swimsuits, my little five pounds shouldn't be an issue.
Idk if Sofia is old enough for this, but i know when my mom wanted to see some movie (i think it was jurassic park...yes im a baby lol) she put like 2 or 3 drops of cough syrup in my bottle/sippy cup thing and presto knock that ass out-o! No more baby interruptus lol
ReplyDeleteYou look fabulous!!! And yes, babies are wonderful at hiding body parts that aren't quite right yet. I asked dh this morning if he liked my new shirt and he said that he couldn't really see it because I always have the baby attached to me, my new fashion appendage. True, so true.
ReplyDeleteMy best baby crying stories are really about trying to nurse M in public. She has a tendency to go bonkers and act all freaky on me, limbs flailing and all -- we can really look like freaking amateurs, it could be truly embarrassing if I didn't remind myself to just laugh.
Kudos to you and Drew for making it through! And yes, I frequently forget that 2-3 hours have passed and M needs to eat again. 2-3 hours goes by really quickly... it is really easy to not realize what time it is.
I have no "interruptus" stories to share but just wanted to say you my dear look a-mah-zing! Seriously...slightly porn-ish nursing boobs & all :) Glad you all were able to get away as a family for a fabulous weekend & oh by the way, you handled Drew being upset nicely ;) Kudos mama...
ReplyDeleteHugs - HT
Awwww! So cute! Looks like lovely family time! :)
ReplyDeleteYou look great in your swim suit! And sofia is just too cute! I was thinking the same thing about the baby arm chub! Lol
ReplyDeleteThis last mothers day jasmine decided to show her tail. Honey took us to papa deux(sp) and we were having a great time until jasmine decided she didn't wanna color or eat! She wanted to yell at the top of her lungs. I know I started to turn red and wanted to ignore her acting that way. Before I could fly off the handle and snatch her up( I don't do tantrums at all!) Honey told her, let's go outside jazzy to which she replied " okay" and they left for a bit lol. Only to come back with a huge ballon and mothers day card for me. And a calmed all the way down jasmine.
OMG your little bella is getting so big. Poor thing prob just wanted to lounge and look at the pool hehe.
ReplyDeleteA Girl's Next Best Friend
Sofia gets cuter every day, you three are a gorgeous family!
ReplyDeleteIf I could rock a bikini within weeks of giving birth I'd be thrilled but sadly, short of a tummy tuck, my bikini wearing days after 2 big kiddos are ovah!
BTW: have tried and failed to follow your blog using my google account; anyone else had some trouble with joining?
Hmm..I am a member now but just checking to see if I can post with my Google account.
ReplyDelete...Nope. Help please, what am I doing wrong?
Lili (Sprite)
Aw! So sweet! Love staycations! :) Looks like you guys had a wonderful time! And I'm with Drew on the wine! Man! I was cursing for him - missed out on finishing my wine?? The HORROR! hahaha
ReplyDeleteMy interrupting dinners and shopping excursions continue and my youngest two are 2 and 5 now. Siiighh...I'll be ready when they end. I can't think of any of the good stories because they all annoy the crap outta me. hahah
how how how do you look so gorgeous 2 months post-delivery!?! i guess because of unfinished meals, huh? :)
ReplyDeletein all seriousness, you have an insanely gorgeous family, even if the cutest member interrupts the show now and then. glad you got a little staycation together!
You look great in your swim suit! And sofia is just too cute! I was thinking the same thing about the baby arm chub! Lol
ReplyDeleteThis last mothers day jasmine decided to show her tail. Honey took us to papa deux(sp) and we were having a great time until jasmine decided she didn't wanna color or eat! She wanted to yell at the top of her lungs. I know I started to turn red and wanted to ignore her acting that way. Before I could fly off the handle and snatch her up( I don't do tantrums at all!) Honey told her, let's go outside jazzy to which she replied " okay" and they left for a bit lol. Only to come back with a huge ballon and mothers day card for me. And a calmed all the way down jasmine.