Like this moment.
The baby woke up at three this morning and completely refused to go back to sleep. I nursed her and her little eyes would droop as usual, but as soon as I went to lay her back down they popped open and she was ready to go. At five, Drew finally took her so I could get a little more sleep and when I woke up, I found this. They were playing! It was the sweetest thing ever!
See? I don't hate my dog and I'm not going to get rid of her. Thank you all so much for your suggestions, encouragement and advice. I laughed when I read about the suggestions for the Furminator because we have one, along with a kabillion other 'dog-hair removal devices.' If it's made for removing dog hair, I've purchased it. The only reason we didn't use the Furminator as often is because Maya is like a little kid that doesn't like her hair combed. She would run at the sight of it and it became easier to let her win than fight a 90-pound dog.
However, if there's anything that being a new parent has taught me is that the kids can't win. Just like human babies, furbabies will test you and if you give in, you're doing them a disservice. Cesar Millan comes to mind - Rules, Boundaries, Limitations. They - dogs and kids - need them and they like them. So, I armed myself with treats, we went outside and I won.
I Furminated the shit out of that dog.
It is now on my calendar and the reminder will pop up on my phone. Once a week, Maya and I will have a date with the Furminator. I will also put her back on her regular grooming schedule and I'm looking into changing her food (Thanks Tina!) I'm taking back my house.
And! AND! The angels are coming to my house on Monday. *cue happy dance*
Oh yes y'all - I got a maid! Well, cleaning lady. A person who will clean my house for money. I don't know what's PC. Who cares! I got a maid!
She's coming every other week and I'm just giddy thinking about it. I really hope it works out because it'll be so much easier to maintain the house and leave the deep cleaning to her. I'm so excited!
Guess what else!
My little baby is holding up her head!
This is happening too fast.
I'm obsessed with baby socks. I love them. I may not put my kid in a different designer outfit every day but I sure will put cute socks on her! I found some adorable socks online and I was thrilled to find a cute outfit on my last Target outing (five bucks on clearance!) so it was time for a little photoshoot. I was taking pictures and decided to see what she'd do if I put her on her tummy. She'd been pulling up when I'd hold her on my chest so I figured she was ready.
She's getting there!
Then I rolled her back over so we could continue our photoshoot.
Playing around with Picasa and my camera settings.
Maybe by the time she's a year old I'll get the hang of it.
But how much do you love those socks?!
Could you just melt?
We're also establishing a routine. She took a real live nap in her crib today and she's sleeping! in her crib! right now! Since 9pm! I fully believe it's because we're finding our way. Just like you, my wonderful readerfriends said it would, her routine gradually presented itself and I just reinforced it. I'm watching for her sleepy cues and taking naps really does help to keep her from getting overtired. I know now that I was letting her get so tired to where nothing but nursing and cuddling right next to me in bed would calm her down. So, I watched her like a hawk this past week, helped her fall asleep when she was tired and my baby is in her crib! I didn't plan it - for the past few days I just started putting her in her crib when she's sleepy, taking her out when she fusses and putting her back when she's calm. Nothing major and no crying is involved. I refuse to cry it out when there are gentler ways to accomplish the same goal. She cries, I go to her. End of story.
I have no idea how long this will last, if tomorrow night she'll hate the crib, but right now in this moment it's working and I'm happy. Although I will be sleeping in the nursery tonight. Just in case she needs me. Just in case she wants to sleep with me.
Since I didn't plan it, I'm the one who's going through withdrawals. I enjoy sleeping with my baby. I like hearing her little grunts and sighs, rolling over to stroke her cheek in the middle of the night. Now I'm listening to her on the baby monitor and I'm getting a lump in my throat. I'm fighting the urge to get her out of the crib and bring her back to bed with me to snuggle in and make our nest.
She's been waking up at 5. Only five more hours until I can hold her again, maybe less.
I better try and get some sleep myself while I can! In the nursery. I need to be close.
Just in case she needs me.

Those socks are utterly adorable and how sweet are those pictures of Daddy with his baby girl! Love it! Those moments are priceless so capture as many as you can! Hooray for the furminator, I may have to get one of those too. My dog didn't shed before, but since we've gotten to Bahrain his fur has become an issue. :-/ Thanks for sharing such a sweet post!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the outfit. That bright coral color is so pretty on her, and the socks are adorable indeed. I kept meaning to comment on your last post. As you know, we have a lot in common, and I wanted to stand up and raise my hands and say "hallelujah" during the dog hair post. I had absolutely no suggestions for you but almost sent you a picture of hairballs on our beautiful wood floors to make laugh. There's so much hair that hairBALLS form. And if I did not get rid of them, they would form a hairFLOOR because they don't seem to bother anyone else. I need to check out this furminator business. Happy 7/8 weeks:o)
ReplyDeleteThis post made me smile :) Good for you for taking back your house! Furminator, a maid & naps in the crib? Sounds awesome! You are gonna SO love having a maid service.
ReplyDeleteLove the pic of Drew, Sofia & the pup - so sweet! Melts my heart. And those socks? Adorable! I can see how you couldn't resist ;)
Sounds like it might be a better day in the P-household?! So glad to hear it!
HT :)
Yeah for breakthroughs, so happy for the little things. Things will get better with regular furminating, grooming, and cleaning lady giving you and that beautiful baby girl to keep finding your way. By the way those are the cutest socks ever!
ReplyDeleteSo adorable. Love that little dress! And those arm rolls!! Could just eat them up!
ReplyDeleteGlad all is still going well. I'd be celebrating a cleaning lady, too. I guess if we called her Florence or something, that might not be PC. *lol* Looooove those socks! And she just gets cuter and cuter.
ReplyDeletei love the socks! When jas was small before i let her wear shoes i would buy her cute socks. I love baby socks too. now Jasmine wants to pull them off and put them back on over and over again *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI love that pic of Drew and Sofia. Jas has a mat like that. SHe loved the mirror thing.
I cant tell you enough how good I think you're doing. Keep up that good work and make sure you do lots of tummy time. My sis n law didn't do any and they just held my niece. She's 16 months old now and doesnt crawl or walk.
oh and the target outfit is sooo cute. im a sucka for target cloths. i get sucked in every visit!
ReplyDeleteAwwww YAY DREW!
YAY fro Dog Dominance...
Those socks are the cutest!
WOW! Big Girl!!! awwww
and VERY Proud of you
Co-sleeping is tough to break... hence why we are still doing it lol!
I'm so happy for you!!!! Everything is coming together chica.
ReplyDeleteAnd good job on not letting her cry. I don't like to let babies cry and in my Prenatal Class series, we learned, it's no longer the right thing to do. I forgot what the term was but it raised some _________ level in babies.
This post makes me happy. And those socks may be the cutest thing in the entire universe!!!
ReplyDeletei just love when babies are in that stage where they have little baby muscle-man arms! and her socks ARE very cute.