Monday, September 19, 2011

Trash tv

I have a confession:  I got sucked in to reality tv.

I prided myself on not watching it that much.  We have AppleTV which makes you pay for every episode that you buy so it forces you to think real hard if you really want to pay $2 right then to watch an episode of Hoarders. 

I'm at once horrified and fascinated.

Thank goodness for tv on the computer!  I lay in bed and catch up on all my programs.  I'm currently addiction to Dance Moms, Russian Dolls and the one I'll watch on the big tv:  Most Eligible Dallas.
I'm Abby Lee Miller and you will do as I say - Yes?

The Russian New Yorker accent is crazysauce.

But Most. Eligible. Dallas.

I think it's because I live five minutes from all the places they show.  Or it could be Courtney's jewelry and how she's so delightfully bitchy.  Or that I've dated guys like Matt - but only very briefly because they're just as vapid as he is on the show.

Whatever the reason, I dutifully pay my $2 and for that 44 minutes (love commercial-free tv!) I'm sucked in, calling out I've been there! when they show a restaurant or bar that's right around the corner from my house.  

It reminds me when I used to be out like that, although I never got to wear such fabulous clothes.    But here's the best part:  I actually saw Courtney in real life!  I was getting my sunglasses repaired and there she was, sitting outside the Sunglass Hut that she manages, in the flesh!

No, I didn't get a picture.  I would have felt like a supreme loser going up to her, "uuuuhhh, I love your show and you're so pretty, can I get a picture with you for my blog?"  So I didn't get one.  But I totally saw her, I swear.

And it absolutely beats the time I "met" The Pioneer Woman.  

You know, because that's my life now.  Seeing 'famous' people from afar and being too chicken to say hi.  


  1. I LOVE me some trashy television. However... I have never watched any of these shows. How is that possible?!

  2. We have apple tv too, try streaming Netflix. Not to expensive but highly addictive ;)

  3. I am a sucker for reality tv too.. once when me and my husband were visiting Atlanta, we went to Target and saw the gay man who does Sheree's hair on Real Housewives of Atlanta... and he had his basket and was just a shopping and on his cell phone and there was no way I was going up to him to say hi, either!


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