Thursday, June 23, 2011

I was glamoured

For the past four days, Drew and I have been glued to the sofa watching True Blood.  I watched all the shows we had on AppleTV and was looking for a new show to get into.  Carolyn suggested True Blood and that's what we've been doing every night after the baby has gone to bed which is why I'm only just now getting around to talking about Drew's first Father's Day and catching up on all my blog-reading.  That's a mess and I blame True Blood and their damn cliffhangers at the end of every episode!  It got to where I would turn to Drew and go "I hate this damn show.  Let's watch another one."  Sunday night we stayed up until two in the morning watching Season 2 and I can't wait until Drew gets back in town so we can load up on Season 3.  Such a mess!

Anyway, Drew's first Father's Day went off without a hitch!  Sofia decided he needed a new wallet and the dog wanted him to have some new workout clothes.  They both got him a card and I think he was pleased!  However, I took pictures with the fancy camera that I don't know how to use and over half the pictures were blurry.  Bad blurry which pisses me off so much.  I thought the fancy camera would cure that but nope, I'm still taking shitty pictures.  One of these days I'm going to learn how to use that stupid camera.
Sofia 'holding' the card she got her Daddy
Like father, like daughter
He went ahead and gave the wallet back to her.
Good Daddy.

I love watching Drew be a dad.  I love it when he holds her - and not because I get to do things like pee or change my clothes when he holds her.  I love the way he looks at her, like he's really trying to figure out what she's thinking and any second she's going to tell him.  I especially love when he dresses her - he even puts a lot of effort into matching her outfits to her diapers!  But my favorite is when they play together - it's when my heart gets all swole up.

Telling stories to both his kids

 We're both new at this parenting thing but there he is so committed to his child.  It hasn't been smooth sailing for him but he has never given up.  When I've asked for help, he's been there and even if he's unsure of what to do, he still tries.  That's major for the guy who has to get it right the first time or he doesn't do it.  I'm so proud of how far he's come in this short time and I feel so lucky that I get to witness the growth of their relationship.  

You're a good man, babe and you're doing a great job.  I love you!


  1. Woo hoo! I love seeing the baby & baby/daddy shots, too. I got the feeling you were worried now and again, but you know you got a good guy. So glad to hear your happiness. Only 10 more wks for me and I get to see how my new book opens!

  2. aww!! Dad looks adorable with sweet Sofia =) The pupper is pretty darn cute too!

  3. oh I love this post!! I am deciding which pic is my favorite and I'm torn equally! I LOVE that daddy gave the wallet back. Yup, that's pretty much how it goes!! Especially with daddy's little girl! Looks like Sofia is growing too!! She looks bigger in the pic of her and daddy starring into space.

  4. I love True Blood! Season 4 starts this weekend so GET WATCHING!

  5. Now we sometimes look at each other and go "SOOK-eh." Cracks me up every time!

  6. Indeed I was, but thankfully he has shown me I have nothing to worry about! :-)

  7. Haha so do we. In that overly low gravely voice. Haha

  8. bwahaha we also say "Sookeh..." and quote Lafayette ALL the time.

  9. Love seeing Daddy and Sofia photos :-)

  10. She's almost two feet long now!

  11. Lafayette is my favorite character and I was so sad when I thought he'd been

  12. They look like they are listening so attentively to the story lol

  13. YAY for loving True Blood! Yay for daddy/daughter time! Yay! :)

  14. So great! Congratulations Desiree, just on everything, I remember so well reading your posts from right before you went into labor, and now here she is, and here you two are, parents!
    BTW, True Blood is super fun, and if you ever need a new show and you haven't seen The is the best show to ever air in the history of... the world! :)

  15. I love all of these pictures! They made me smile :)

  16. AWWW for pics!
    And guess what- I HAVE A GIFT FOR YOU!!! YAY!!! I saw it while shopping/looking for sales so I can extreme coupon lol and I think you will love it! Ok it's technically for Sofia but you'll like it too!! So email me your address or P.O. Box thingy (if you stalker proof, I am about this life lol)
    And I am obsessed with True Blood- mmmm. Eric. *sigh* But in other news, nothing like gratuitous sex and violence thrown in with six packs and amazing writing comparing the vampires plight with other prejudices, especially those about whether gay people deserve the same legal rights as other people, whether or not you agree with their lifestyle or that they're evil or Jesus frowns upon them (Gotta love Alan Ball). The series would be perfect is they could just resurrect Eggs so I can stare at him all day :)

  17. Also, I might use Lafayette's ring tone for myself...believe it was
    PICK UP THE PHONE, Wit yo sexy self.
    I Died laughing lol

  18. EGGS!!!! I was sooooo sad when they killed him because SIXPACK!!!!! I
    swear, that body! And that's all I can say about that because I'm a married
    woman. (EGGS!!) :-)

  19. Glad Drew had a Happy 1st Father's day and that you three, oops four sorry Miya, are learning, bonding, and growing together creating your own unique family.

    I love True Blood, I started watching after season two but quickly got addicted, you know what I'll be doing Sunday.

  20. These pictures are too much!!! They are so cute together. ;)

  21. Aww! Daddies and Daughters ARE something special. I loved watching my husband with our son when he was born but there is something extra special about watching them with their baby girls. They are SO protective and extra gentle. Melts your heart.

    My husband told me when we got pregnant that if it was a girl it "was over for (me)" - hahaha He was SO right. She has him wrapped. I was dethroned. ;) But I don't mind at all, losing out to her. ;)

    Oh - and the wallet thing...get used to it, Drew. This will be a VERY familiar scene in about, oh...12 years. ;) hahah

  22. Oh forgot to mention, on the camera, make sure you're stabilizer is on if you have one and make sure to press the button half way in order for the camera to make the necessary adjustments before you shoot (and also check what settings you have it on to make sure you're shooting in the right setting for the situation; low light, indoor, flash/no flash, etc.). I have a Canon Rebel and at least for me, that's what I have to do. That should help a bit with the blurries.

  23. EGGGS!!!!!!!!!! I named a piece of, ahem, extra special equipment after eggs lol. And that was my tmi section for the day lol


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