Here we've got a hotel room, away from the dog with nothing to do and he wanted to leave at ten in the morning!! I put up a big ol fuss.
I can't believe this! Why in the world do you want to leave so early? Why can't we go to brunch at noon or something? What the hell?! He told me we had stuff to do that day. Drew, I do NOT want to run errands the day after we get married. I swear, if we go to Lowe's we're going to fight!
We had an amazing dinner, but I noticed that all through dinner he was texting someone! I tried to ignore it, but finally I was like, "Who in the world are you texting on our wedding night?!" He wouldn't answer but just kept on texting. "Okay seriously, WHO are you texting?" He just kept saying, "nothing, no one. Don't worry about it." I rolled my eyes and kept on eating.
Then he told me he had a surprise for me and did I want it. I said no - I really like surprises and I'm not the type to try and figure things out beforehand. I'm the best surpris-ee ever. However, Drew is terrible keeping surprises. All night long, he was like 'I have a surprise for you, do you want to know what it is? Huh huh do ya do ya?' I was like, 'No! I'll wait till tomorrow!'
Finally I caved after dinner. In the car I was like okay just tell me a little bit of it, don't ruin it. He was like, "Okay, well that means we have to run back by the house so I can pick it up." "Oh well then, don't worry about it babe. I'll just wait till tomorrow. Besides, I have to pee."
He insisted and that's how we found ourselves turning down our street heading toward the house. I commented to him how odd it was that we're leaving a dinner like that completely sober (I know, we have a problem.) He was like, 'that's about to be us forever.' We chuckled.
As we got closer to the house it registered in the back of my mind that there was a car in our driveway. We pulled in behind the car.
Huh, it's a van. They have Kansas plates. Wyandotte county plates. I'm from Wyandotte county. That looks like my parent's van.
I looked over and there are three people standing on the walkway outside my house.
I literally scream and fumble for the door and bolt out like I'm on fire. I'm screaming, 'OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD' as I run across the lawn and nearly knock my mom over. I'm of course crying by this point and squeezing her to death as she's hugging me back and saying 'We wouldn't miss this for the world, you know that baby.' I'm just crying and hugging her and totally freaking out.
Finally notice that Kesha and my Aunt Mary are standing there with her and I hug them so tight, not even believing that they're really here. I couldn't believe my little mommy made the trip down for me!!
She took my hand and led me inside, the whole time I'm just squeezing her saying over and over, 'I can't believe you're here.' She brought me inside the house and took me toward the guest bedroom. She crossed the room to turn on the light, and
I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I fell on the bed and really started bawling.
Both my parents were in my house on my wedding day.
He got up and I took him out to the dining room where I introduced my dad to my husband.
I could barely breathe or see but I knew that I looked the very definition of happiness. And Drew put it all together. He had called them and invited them down and they gassed up the van and they were here! In my house! On my wedding day!
I couldn't stop kissing Drew and saying thank you over and over again. I introduced him to my Aunt Mary and she gave him a big hug. Then I noticed that they had decorated the house. And that my house was clean! I had left it a mess Saturday afternoon because I figured we'd be coming back Sunday afternoon and I could clean it then. Immediately, I felt terrible that my mom and Kesha had to clean up my mess. But before I could apologize they were rushing us out the door, telling us to go on to the hotel, that they would see us tomorrow at ten am for breakfast.
This time, I gladly agreed.
As we drove away, I was still wiping my tears and thanking my new husband for doing this for me. It was perfect and as far as I was concerned, better than I could have dreamed.
And then we spent the night at our get no more details. ;-)
If you thought it was over, just wait. My husband is not done being awesome!

ReplyDeleteI could just cry.
What a great guy that you married.
And your dad came??!!?? Awesome!
Thank you God for blessing Desiree this week. :)
ReplyDeleteYour dad?
What was said, what was said?! I'll go check the next post.
*high fives Drew*