Note to my readers: I love my boyfriend more than anything but as anyone who is in a *real* relationship can attest, sometimes you want to twist their nose off and run away. I need to vent. Please understand that this is necessary for me to do what I'm about to do with a clear head and a pure heart.
Glass houses, y'all, glass houses.
Drew and I will be married this Saturday at 1pm in the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens. It's a breathtaking spot and is pretty much perfect for a wedding ceremony. See for yourselves.
Tell God your plans, right? Instead, it will be Drew and I, alone with only the officiant and the photographer witnessing the ceremony. For me, that is so very hard because dysfunctional though we are, my family is very close-knit. Even when we're fighting, we come together when we have to, putting aside our differences for the moment, and then resume fighting when it's over. It's not at all perfect, but they're my family and they're all I've got.
Getting pregnant put a big ol obstacle in the wedding road. Waaaay back, we were going to get married next year, on 10-10-10. Then the whole fertility stuff scared us into pushing it up, but we couldn't get it together for a November 7th wedding. That became a moot point when I got pregnant, as I'll be four months and change around Nov. 7th and I either wanted to do it sooner so I wouldn't be showing as much or wait to do everything till after the baby came. Then, we found out his insurance is so much better than mine, meaning we'd need to push it up even further so my prenatal care would be covered by his insurance. That's how we arrived at this Saturday.
My mother had given me the money for a ceremony and Drew wanted to spend it on something for just us, leaving out everyone else. To me, that was horrible. I couldn't imagine not sharing that day with aaaaaallllll my friends and family. Doing it alone seemed incredibly sad and still does. Drew thought that I should be okay because it was us, sort of like because I had him, all is right with the world. Well, understandably, when I told him that that was not the case, he was hurt. And what do men do when they're hurt? They get mad -- so we fought; him accusing me of not wanting to depend on him, me accusing him of wanting to isolate me from my family. All of it was just mutual hurt feelings and frustration over the circumstances, but neither of us could get out of our own ways to see that. When you hurt that bad over something that important to you, you just can't.
Needless to say, all kinds of hurtful things were slung back and forth, yet the whole time we were planning to get married. Well, I wanted to just go to the courthouse, spending as little money as possible so we could save the rest and have a 'real' wedding in Kansas City next year. He was totally against that, claiming that I didn't care about us, that all I cared about was myself and my family, etc. And honestly, I can't say he's 100% wrong. The fact that I have him doesn't make everything ok. If everything else fell away and I was left with no one but him, I would be devastated. A life without my mother? Without my family and friends? I'm sorry, but my husband won't and shouldn't replace them. That's just not healthy. And what I couldn't get is why it had to be that way? Why don't you get both?
So anyway, after lots of praying, crying and talking with my best friends and my mother, I decided to go ahead and spend some of the money she gave me for a nicer ceremony and not go to the courthouse. It hard because I felt like spending this money meant I was giving up on my desire to have something next year and once again, Drew was getting his way and I was losing out. Naturally, I began thinking is this what my married life will be like? Fighting till I give in? Not having what's important to me ever? Eff that!! I know in that emotional space, I was over-reacting but it's how I felt.
However, I went ahead with my plans. I did a google search for officiants and found one that resonated with me and when I met with them, I felt a little more like I was making the right choice. I found a beautiful dress pretty much immediately and the price was right. The first photographer was way too expensive, but the second one was just right. The gardens are beautiful and also well within what I wanted to spend. I purchased his ring, again not breaking the bank and I did all of this without telling him. I wanted it to be a surprise as well as a sort of an olive branch, a way to show him that I do care about him, that what he wants is important to me and I am committed to him. He was pleased when I took him to the gardens and asked him to pick out a spot for us to get married.
**I'm going to break this up because it's getting kind of long. Plus I need to sort through my thoughts some more.

I know this is an old post, but I've been going through your blog and found that we have a lot of things in common and so I'm hooked.As I was saying, this post resonates so much with me!!
ReplyDeleteI'm about to get married to my Fiance and we have the same issue of how we should do it. See, we're form two different countries and if both sets of parents were to attend our weeding, it would mean one set would have to travel. I live in my Fiance's country and thought I'd like to have it here because if I go home to my home country I will not be able to get married like I want without family friction. I could just hear my mother coming to me in a guilt trip kinda way saying "You should invite Aunt so and Uncle so, when you were little they adored you so much. Or my dad saying, so and so is your cousin and should be there, family is important". On a note like that I'd be tempted to ask them 'who's paying for this wedding?". So, to avoid all that, I'm getting married where I currently live. Now, of my parents are to be here, they would have to travel and travel is something their budget just cannot afford right right now, neither can mine afford paying for four family members.
So this is what I've decided, well what we have decided. My Fiance and I will do this in two weeks and one of my parents have the option of attending and the other will wait for the next time I visit home to celebrate with that half of the family.
We couldn't have made a smarter decision as earlier this week my Fiance lost his job and we now, more than ever, need to hang on to every dollar we have. Anyway, lots more to be said, but just wanted you to know than when you had your tough decisions to make, a few months along a curly haired girl in the Caribbean would have been made to make similar decisions and she's going forth and hoping for the best.
Ps. I will comment on the miscarriage stuff later.
Hello Desiree! I love reading your blog! So real! Me and my fiance are too getting ready to get married sometime next year but are limited on funds. I love the way you two made your marriage happen. His family is in another state and my family is not greatly in live with my fiance so I am thinking of eloping and it being just the two of us as it will be for the rest of our lives anyway. We live in Oklahoma City but often venture to Dallas for getaways and would I am interesting in the officiant you used as you said they were inexpensive. I have already noted the place and photographer. Thanks Desiree! Wish you all the best!
ReplyDeleteSorry my email is i dont have a URL or any of those other accounts
ReplyDeleteSorry my email is i dont have a URL or any of those other accounts
ReplyDeleteI know this is an old post, but I've been going through your blog and found that we have a lot of things in common and so I'm hooked.As I was saying, this post resonates so much with me!!
ReplyDeleteI'm about to get married to my Fiance and we have the same issue of how we should do it. See, we're form two different countries and if both sets of parents were to attend our weeding, it would mean one set would have to travel. I live in my Fiance's country and thought I'd like to have it here because if I go home to my home country I will not be able to get married like I want without family friction. I could just hear my mother coming to me in a guilt trip kinda way saying "You should invite Aunt so and Uncle so, when you were little they adored you so much. Or my dad saying, so and so is your cousin and should be there, family is important". On a note like that I'd be tempted to ask them 'who's paying for this wedding?". So, to avoid all that, I'm getting married where I currently live. Now, of my parents are to be here, they would have to travel and travel is something their budget just cannot afford right right now, neither can mine afford paying for four family members.
So this is what I've decided, well what we have decided. My Fiance and I will do this in two weeks and one of my parents have the option of attending and the other will wait for the next time I visit home to celebrate with that half of the family.
We couldn't have made a smarter decision as earlier this week my Fiance lost his job and we now, more than ever, need to hang on to every dollar we have. Anyway, lots more to be said, but just wanted you to know than when you had your tough decisions to make, a few months along a curly haired girl in the Caribbean would have been made to make similar decisions and she's going forth and hoping for the best.
Ps. I will comment on the miscarriage stuff later.