Play along if you'd like!

Hi Carolyn!
- Sofia has a strong case of don'tputmedown disease. I have done nothing but mother my child today which totally counts.
- I happily put away all my maternity clothes! I haven't given them away or sold them yet, even though I laughed at my doctor when she asked what I was doing for birth control. I told her I was never having sex again, that's what I was doing.
- Yet, the clothes are just going in a clear plastic tote and they're going to live in the garage. For now.
- Putting my clothes away gave me the 'purge my closet' itch. I had a hard look at my wardrobe and realized that I'm overdue for a good downsizing.
- I am the master of the four-minute shower.
- I am not the master of going without lotion. My clothes have more lotion on them than my body because I don't have time to rub it in.
- I'm counting down the days to my last shot!!! Sunday night!!!
- I need a water bottle in every room. I drink over a gallon of water a day. I'm still thirsty.
- My dog is still being an asshole. She spends the majority of the day in her crate because she won't stop taking things. This morning it was one of my socks and a dishtowel.
- I'm taking a yoga class on Saturday, courtesy of my husband and my breast pump. I'm so excited!!
- I sent off my membership for the mom's network in my neighborhood. If nothing else, it should make for some good blog content.
- I wish we had cable. I need the background noise because it's too quiet in the house and I don't want the baby to get used to silence.
- I just bought some nursing tanks from Target and now I need to buy some cute shoes so I don't feel like a total frump-face.
- I still can't believe I had a baby.

and she's beautiful!!! the mama and the baby :)
ReplyDeleteWhy do you still need to take the shots, if you dont mind me asking?
Yay for yoga and pumping. Time away is really really fantastic!
ReplyDeleteMy husband just read a study about language and background noise for kids...I know you're all about the research, so I thought I'd mention that kids who have background noise (live in urban areas, have the TV or radio on all the time, etc) develop language slower than other kids.
Or something - not that mamas need another thing to feel guilty about.
I can't believe you're already out of your maternity clothes!
And you had a really really cute baby that you are mothering exceptionally well!
ReplyDeleteFunny, I should have said the same thing to my OB since that's just about where it's at.
Hi Desiree! :)
ReplyDeleteI drink SO much water too!! And am ALWAYS thirsty!! Have fun at yoga! You're going to love it! You totally had a baby. An adorable, precious, gorgeous, amazing, perfect baby. Good work. :)
I WANT to drink as much water as you, I really do!
ReplyDeleteI know EXACTLY how you feel. Child in hand. Dog vomited. Trying to figure out how to shower. Typing with one hand. And I'm considering BURNING my maternity clothes.
ReplyDeleteI usually mute the tv or watch it really low. There is nothing on. I normally oogle over clothes in fashion blogs.
@GiGi - that's really good to know. I definitely don't want a dumb kid! :-)
ReplyDelete@GiGi - that's really good to know. I definitely don't want a dumb kid! :-)