Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First in flight

Sofia had her first flight on Saturday and we survived!
Chillin at the gate with Lamby

There was a brief moment where I tried to make a request of the Queen.  We were waiting to board and she was getting fussy/hungry.  I humbly requested that she wait until we get on the plane since it was only going to be about five minutes and she let me know in no uncertain terms that she would be requiring food Right The Hell Now MOTHER.  Okie doke - boob it is.  Of course, she was annoyed that I had to take her off just a couple minutes later to board the flight - the gall of those people!  How dare they presume to leave on time!  Did they not know the Queen was eating?!

Thankfully, she's a yoga zen Queen and allowed me to get on the plane where we resumed nursing with no further incident.
Sofia and Lamby on their very first plane ride!

She did so wonderfully and my chest was so puffed out!  No crying or anything!  I was so freakin nervous to be That Person With The Baby and have everyone give me dirty looks and wish a plague on my head because I couldn't keep my baby quiet but none of that happened.  However, we didn't get out of it completely unscathed.  I was cooing and smiling over her in the Mom voice, all high and squeaky:  "Oh my goodness my baby you're doing so great, Mommy's so proud of you, you're such a good girl, you're so wonderf - *sniffsniff*  Oh come on!!"

Yup, I got to change a ridiculously dirty diaper in the tiny airplane bathroom.  I think she did that on purpose but at least the flight was only an hour and ten minutes.

We got home where my parents had an open house for all their friends so they could meet the baby.  My dad was slightly proud.  You could barely tell he was happy the baby was there.

Yeah, just a little happy
I looooove cake!

Then I became the person that took tons of pictures of people holding my child because there were about 40 people at the house.  I 'taught' Leilah, my 4 year old cousin to go around offering hand sanitizer to everyone because it was easier than repeatedly asking them if they'd washed their salmonella hands.  She did great and the baby was super chill the entire time.  I was so proud of her!

One of the other cool things about being home is that my mom has all my baby pictures!  When Sofia was first born the big question was who did she look like?  Neither of us could answer because we could not see either of ourselves in her.  However, now?  The kid is me!  Like for real!

It's like my very own Dear Photograph

I'm having a great time at home and it's so cool to see my parents with the baby.  We took pictures with the cousins this afternoon and it was a feat!  Five little girls - 7, 4, 3, 14 months and 3 months.  Of course there was a meltdown, of course it was like herding cats and of course I was so. effing. thankful. that I have only one child.  It may stay that way forever and ever.

I'm here for a few more days so Drew has to fend for himself just a little while longer.  He's having a bachelor week with the dog while I'm gone and I think they're doing okay - I've gotten text messages with pictures of the fridge full of beer.  Since he's doing so well without me, I should go out of town with the baby more often.  And here I thought he would *miss* me or something.  Silly me.

We have more girl's lunches planned and I can't wait to spend more time with my family.  But I can't lie, it'll be nice to get back home.

I kinda miss my dog. 

Kidding kidding - gah.


  1. Sofia looks so cute in her dress! Every time we go somewhere with people, I give her a little pep talk. So far, she hasn't really shown off yet. I go back to work tomorrow a.k.a. today. It's her first day of day care. Slight case of insomnia...le sigh

  2. Ah! I wondered where you were and am actually getting nervous for OUR first flight on Monday. L's plan in life is to let the Queen try everything a week ahead of her so you can offer any advice you have. It is just the 2 of us as well, going to the beach to meet up with our family. I laughed out loud when I saw the signs your dad made. That is so sweet. There is nothing like a Grandpa's love I have quickly noticed. I am going to get a "generation shot" of their hands (look at my pinterest page in the Picture This section) and maybe you could try that while you have the 2 of them together. Any advice you have for our flight? I didn't get her a seat...

  3. Good job Sofia!!! She's such a cute baby girl- you and Drew have some great genes. ;) Enjoy your family chica.

  4. I packed everything the night before and checked only one bag. I gate
    checked the carseat and snap n go so the only thing I carried on was the
    diaper bag and the baby ktan which I didn't end up needing because we got
    two seats to ourselves. Pray you get that too, it saved my life! She's
    already getting squirmy and wanting to explore, so it helped to have that
    extra seat where she could lay down and kick and be free! :-)

    We nursed for take off and landing to help with her ears so def. give L a
    bottle then. Hopefully your flight is short!

  5. Sofia looks so gangsta in the first picture! LOVE the signs your dad put up, he's so cute.

  6. It's all so lovely! Good to hear how well she did on the airplane. That's awesome. Oh, I'm currently convinced it's the parents w/the kids that have ugly cries whose kids cry and the parents let them whine away so we endure the torture with them.

  7. aw! your dad was so sweet with all the signs! excited much?

    the nursing during take-off probably helped her stay calm, and sorry about having to change the diaper. i get so paranoid about A having a blowout whenever we fly. she is so squirmy, i don't know how i would keep her on that tiny surface on solid ground, let alone going through turbulence at hundreds of miles an hour.

    enjoy your family!

  8. Glad the trip went well and that everyone is enjoying the visit! And yeah, I'd have a talk with your dad to find out just WHY he wasn't more excited to see the baby? hahaha I love how Sofia's name is front and center on the cake and then your name is smooshed to the side like an after thought. That's just how grandparents are, isn't? hahah Forget all about their own babies and no one is more important that the grandkids. ;) j/k

    It's good to enjoy yourself and get spoiled by your parents again. Drew will be fine with his fridge full of beer. Hopefully it's GOOD beer. ;)

    Have fun, sweetie!

  9. I know right! They can't stand to be more than a couple of inches away from
    her and I'm just chopped liver. They're practically coming out of their skin
    with pride!

  10. "as for Drew, he spent his evenings hunkered in a corner of the couch, a strange little smile on his face, watching movies, missing his two girls, and drinking his cheap beer because he has a family now..." (Shawshank Redemption Remix)

  11. Talk to the gate agents when you check-in about preferred seating... some planes have larger bulkhead floorspace which could make it easier for you to be comfortable (leg room / baby necessities wise) if you aren't lucky enough to have an empty seat next to you. I've been on quite a few flights in the bulk head aisle where new mother's have used the floor space to lay down a blanket and let the little one stretch out.

    Food for thought...

  12. Aw! The man misses his girls! How sweet! :)

    Cheap beer is the work of the devil, family or not. LOL! Never settle, man, never settle! ;)

  13. I know all too well. My mother even told me point blank her grandchildren were HER Babies and I'd better not do anything against them or there'd be hell to pay. LOL!

  14. Sweet! Thanks for the tip. I will try it tomorrow. I hope she behaves like The Queen:o)


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