Saturday, July 23, 2011

Yeah, I'm looking at you

Once upon a time, many moons ago, while gathering the courage to paint the nursery, I painted a chalkboard panel in the kitchen.
To jog the memory.
Gah, that seems like forever ago.

Well, it was more time-consuming than I'd hoped.

In that post, I recommended against using the standard issue blue painter's tape.  Well, guess what?  The people that make the blue painter's tape, 3M, heard me.  I don't know how because I never even mentioned their name in the original post but they heard me.  About a week after that post went up, I got an email from 3M, asking me why I was talking shit about them.  I was like, cuz your shit don't work.  And they were all, well can we send you some shit to change your mind?  And I was like, shit yeah!

Possibly with a little less cursing.  Incidentally, if you ever meet me in real life I don't curse near as much as I do when I write.  I don't know what that's about.

ANYWAY, I'd forgotten all about it because you know, I was having a baby and whatnot.  But one day, this box comes.  With all this shit in it.
Never you mind all the laundry in the background

I was shocked!  Cool, right?  I haven't painted anything since the kitchen but I'll definitely use the tape they sent because, free loot!  

ALSO, when I talked about the stuff you need when you have a baby?  I mentioned my breast pump by name and a Hygeia person tweeted me that they liked my post!  AND, back when I finished the nursery and wrote that post, a producer from THE NATE BERKUS SHOW contacted me about submitting my pictures for their show!!  I emailed back and forth with her for a while but again, having the baby trumped everything and I haven't heard back from them.  That reminds me, I should follow up with them because hello!!  TV!

My point is, it's the internet and they can hear you.  So I'm hoping I get heard one more time.

When I was in Kansas a couple of weeks ago, we met my dad at Jack Stack's Barbecue for lunch.  My dad was just inside the door waiting on us when we arrived.  The small foyer/waiting area was full so my mom and I maneuvered the snap n go further in the doorway so as not to block other people arriving.  We passed the hostess stand without bumping into anyone and I was about to take a seat when I caught a serious stink-eye from the hostess.  With loads of attitude, she looked at my mother and me and said, "Would you like to put your name on the list?"  I cranked my neck so hard!  If you could have seen the disdain coming from this girl!

Immediately, I got extra with her.  "My father is already here and he has already put our name on the list."

Not to be outdone, she countered.  "We don't have room for your stroller.  You'll have to put your carseat in the slings that we have."

I'msorryWHAT?  Oh no bitch.  Call my shoes ugly, take away my birthday, but Don't. EVEN. Address Anything to do with my child.  I nearly hopped right over that hostess stand to let her know just how grave a mistake she just made messing with Mama Bear, but I thought better of it.

I Tweeted about the place. 

I went to their Facebook page.

Now I'm blogging about it and I hope they hear me.  I mean, for crying out loud, look at where they sat us!

This isn't the greatest picture in the world, but trust me when I tell you there was plenty of room for the snap n go.  The sling they made me put the carseat in took up the exact same amount of floor space!  And there was a gentleman in a fully motorized wheelchair just two tables away from us!  No room, my ass.
Sofia's like, it's all good, I'm still fly.
Yes you are baby, yes you are.

Unfortunately, our server wasn't any better and the food was so-so.  I've had better barbecue at the Wyandot Barbecue up the street from my house and Gates near my old high school.

So, I'm looking at you Jack Stack and I hope you hear me.  And even if you don't, I'm sure someone will and think twice about eating there.  

It's the internet y'all.  They can hear you and that's a good thing.  


  1. TELL EM GURL. P.S. I keep g-chatting you in fear that I'd be interrupting precious baby time if I called, but I think I'm going to just call you ok? I have anxiety, I'm weird, whatever. I'm gonna call.

  2. You are hysterical. I know, it sucks you have to Like a business to tell them how awful they are.

  3. lol!! Love how blogging makes the world much smaller and company's find you! :) For sure connect the Nate Burkas Show, my hubby and I appeared on thier show ealier this year - had fun and got to visit NYC - so you better contact them and keeping blogging the truth :)

  4. Can I please just tell you how you inspire me? I get excited every time I see your updates. And I read them. Word. For. Word. That is kinda a big deal for me. You have no idea who I am..and for the life of me I couldn't remember how I stumbled upon your blog. But love love it!

    -your perfectly harmless cyber stalker
    Breanna from Ks

  5. You go girl! Tell it like it is, sista!

    As a former small business owner...if my customers didn't tell me they had a bad experience with my staff...I couldn't fix the problem. I'm willing to bet you'll get a response from someone in management soon.

  6. I hate that you and your family had to experience such rudeness. You've spoken and the internet heard you.

  7. Um, how did I not realize you were on twitter?! GIRL, WHY AREN'T WE FOLLOWING?! I'll remedy that. now.

  8. You're so right and I'm totally kicking myself for not speaking to the manager right then. Actually, I should have spoken right to her! I usually do, because you're right, they can't solve a problem if they don't know about it. I was so taken aback at the hostess that I couldn't get my thoughts together!

  9. Fun! I really should get back to her...

  10. Yes, definitely call. It's much easier to talk on the phone than it is to type on it and my computer time is so sporadic. I still feel bad that I didn't get to reply to your chat! :-(

  11. I HATE bad customer service!!! It's like one of my biggest "urgh!" things ever. And to be mean to your precious baby girl?! No mam!!!

  12. I YELP, and commented on a restaurant. It wasn't really negative, but just an observation. One of the execs commented on my review and tried to justify their stance. *Yawn* I had already mentioned that could have been the culprit so he basically repeated what I already said in the review. I have also heard of certain businesses deleting the negative reviews from their websites. So, not all businesses are open to criticism which I find ridiculous. With criticism, businesses improve but I guess some egos can't handle it. Good for you for voicing your experience.

  13. OMG! I love that you got free supplies. I want free supplies. LOL

  14. I know right? She was all kinds of stank towards the baby, like Sofia had
    personally offended her with her presence. I wanted to snatch her bald! :-)

  15. Yelp! I hadn't thought of that one! It's such a shame that companies don't
    seem to care about customers anymore...

  16. I agree completely with you, for some reason the OP Jack Stack's is bad. The food is terrible!! But everythings is great at the Plaza or downtown locations, not sure why.


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You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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