Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Round two goes to The Mom

Thank you all so much for your words of advice and encouragement on the last post.  I read them all and tried a few and for the past two days I've been Winning!
Oh come on, you knew that was coming.

So, I took April's advice on the theory that Sofia might be having separation anxiety at night.  That made sense because lately she's been a total Stage 5 Clinger.  Two nights ago, I put my tank top in her crib and while I nursed her before bed, I took one of her lovies and rubbed it on my chest and neck.  I felt weird doing it and I was a little nervous to have things in her crib but I had the Angelcare on high so if anything happened, I was ready.
One night it went off and I nearly broke my face jumping off the sofa and sliding
on the hardwood floor trying to get to her room.  She had rolled over to the edge
of her crib and was completely fine.
They may save babies, but they might kill you.
They should put that on the box.

Anyway, I laid her down with her lovie and my shirt and prayed for the best.  Like clockwork, she woke up at 12:30.  I let her cry for only a second before I went to her.  I rocked her, nursed her and put her back in her crib.  I came back to bed and at 12:46 she started moan-whining crying.  I told myself that I would let her cry for five minutes tops and doubted whether I'd be able to hold out.

12:47, she was full-out yelling.  12:48, still yelling and I was out of bed on my way to her room.  

12:49, silence.

Three minutes and she was out!  I couldn't believe it!  She slept until 6:30 and I went ahead and brought her to bed with me until 7:30 when she was up for the day.  That was a good first try for both of us.

Last night, I put her to bed around 8 and she went down like a champ.  This time she didn't wake up until 2:40am!  I went into her room and nursed her for just a couple of minutes and then rocked her and put her back to bed.  She moan-cried, but by the time I made it back to bed she was asleep.  

I'm quite sure I'm jinxing myself by talking about it, but I just had to document this for posterity.  I couldn't do the whole cry-it-out routine where you're supposed to let them cry for five, ten, fifteen minutes in succession.  Five minutes is my max so I'm really glad she went back to sleep in three.

Maybe tonight she'll be up for hours.  Maybe she's learning to put herself to sleep.  Maybe the lovie and my shirt were the key.  I have no idea but I'm just thankful that I've gotten two nights of good sleep.  I even put makeup on today!

Because that's what it's about - you have to celebrate the good moments so you can make it through the ones where you don't get to shower for three days because you can't put them down and the only food you've had are Triscuits because that's all you can eat with one hand.


  1. Good job Sofia!

    (Been meaning to tell you that I love the new design!)

  2. Nice work :-) Hope you have the same kind of success tonight!

  3. i LOVE the fact that you called sofia a stage 5 clinger. TOO FUNNY.
    and here's hoping for another successful night!

  4. Thank you! Or thank Katie, because God knows if it were up to me you'd be looking at the same design for the next five years!

  5. Dude...I wish I could hear the "moan-cry" way you described it in your previous post, had me on the floor. I can just imagine it...Sorry... : (

  6. Okay, so coming from a mom three times over - it's about survival. lol I'm not one to do CIO. I find it funny how just as you get all proud of yourself for having perfect sleepers they change it up on you. Especially after vacations or company visiting. Even my older boys, depending on the season (growth spurt perhaps) will get really active and unable to sleep. They'll be in their beds alright, but won't be able to fall asleep until 10-11pm. Then by a few hours later, my youngest (almost 2) wakes up feeling lost. Which entails me waking up, going upstairs to her bed, patting her back and laying her back down. Sometimes bringing her to my bed if it's later in the morning. 5am+

    I'm really big on co-sleeping. So here's some reassurance that as long as you're lovingly firm in your parenting convictions (like when it's time for them to sleep on their own...) They're not going to STAY in your bed just because you co-slept. Mine are now 5, almost 4 and almost 2.. And all in their own beds. generally starting at around 18mo or so.
    All the best in the world!

  7. We go through something similar with Bean when we visit Jer's parents in Little Rock. We have to put the pack and play in the room with us and he wakes up about 5-6 every morning, talks for a bit and then goes back to sleep. Well, it's a small house and the talking wakes everyone up. So, I always grab him, put him in bed with us and he crashes again instantly. The whole house is able to remain asleep until 8-9.

    BUT....once we get home, he has a hard adjustment with not being able to get into bed with us. I'm one of those parents that has always had a "no kids in bed" rule. I just can't do it. I never fall asleep. So, I won't let him in bed with us at home and he has to adjust to that once we're home. After about 2-3 days, he's back to normal.

    Kids are creatures of habit. When we change routines, they freak out. And then we freak out. And then the baby REALLY freaks out. And we super really freak out. And then we calm down and things go back to normal. At least that's my experience as a family so far. :)

  8. Congratulations! I am glad you did not just let her cry it out, and more imporantly that you know your child and what you did WORKED. Set up a routine for her as close to the same bedtime as possible and sleep well Mommy. Job well done.

  9. ::fingers crossed for you:: I hope things get better and she'll slowly get on a routine.. and then of course change it again LOL sigh. Gotta love "dem babies" =)

  10. I've been away dealing with a sick parent, oh hiw I missed the happenings around here.

    I know I'm late, but sorry Sofia's sleep schedule is off yet I'm happy for solutions that help both of you sleep.

  11. I gotta try the stuffed animal-smelling-like-me thing... so good to hear she's sleeping!

    for me its wheat thins, and if I made it to the grocery store within the last few days, there's hummus too... staple foods in my life these days.

  12. That's what I like to hear! Thank you so much for the words of wisdom!

  13. Definitely give it a try! She's been doing great for the past few days and I have been sleeping so much! I feel like a new woman!


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