Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thinking on Thursday

Thank goodness for Carolyn's Thoughts on Thursday because that's about all I have energy for!  And I know you're not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition but that's all I've got.  For.

life love and puppy prints

Link it up!
  • I have to wash my hair tonight and I really don't want to because it takes so long, and I'd rather sleep.
  • But I have to because my hair is nasty dirty and that's just gross.
  • I'm hosting a playgroup tomorrow and it's my first one so of course I'm super nervous that I'm going to do something dumb and they'll never want to come over again.
  • I've eaten more regularly in the past two days than I have in a long time thanks to my one-handed food.
  • You'd think I invented sandwiches judging by my pride in my original not original discovery.
  • My neighbor sold his house and travels for work so he asked me to coordinate the move for him.  He paid me but having the baby and 'working' all day was almost not worth it.  I'm beat!
  • The baby has been sleeping so well lately!  Just in time for us to go out of town in a couple of days.
  • Last week I painted my nails for the first time in years.  My mani is all chipped now and I can only paint my nails OR wash my hair tonight.  I remember now why I don't paint my nails.
  • I rearranged the living room and bought a new rug - I can't wait until it gets here!
  • The baby crawled for the first time a couple of days ago, hence the need for the living room change.  She needs space to roam!
Please, for the love of all that's good and holy, ignore my voice in the following video.  In fact, do us all a favor and watch it on mute because I sound like an idiot.  If I knew how to put music over my voice I totally would because, wow.  What a weirdo.  Me, not the baby.


  1. wow!!! she is growing up so fast! crawling already. also, she is totally going to be a yoga baby girl. I can just tell and I love how you sound like you're 2 shakes away from tears in this video!! such a proud mommma!! and rightfully so!!

  2. You weren't supposed to listen to it!:-)
    But yes, I was so proud and surprised and it was awesome!

  3. Wow! I feel like a distant auntie , so proud! A triflin' auntie for not sending this bib (I haven't forgotten, I promise!!! Please don't hate me!) but a proud auntie nonetheless!

  4. OMG. Look how precious she is!!! LOVE IT! :)

    As for the nails... I agree. A lot of work. hahahahahaha

    Good luck on the playgroup!! You'll do great and they are all going to want to be your bff. And if they don't... well then they weren't that cool anyway.

  5. your little girl is darling, so cute!!! loved seeing her crawl, ahh

  6. Oh my gosh, Congratulations Desiree!!!! You are such the proud mommy, I love it.

  7. You are such a proud mama...loved the video :)

  8. Love seeing those little legs kick & go! She is going to be crawling all over the place in no time :)

  9. I'm usually lurking these days but that crawl-leg flip-scoot action did me in! And now I'm reduced to non-sensical squeals.


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