Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I don't care if Halloween has passed

You guys!!  I have to make this quick because we have to get ready to catch our flight home, but you guys!!  I finally took some good pictures!!

My flash died on my camera.  I have no idea how it happened - I didn't even know that sort of thing could happen!  As a result, I've been forced to learn about all the other settings on my camera so I can take pictures in low light as well as paying more attention to natural light and how to use it.  Anyway, you guys!! Look!

It's not blurry!  It's a little smoky because of the sun placement,
but it's not blurry!!

Daddy's moo-ing

My new favorite picture

We went to Drew's parent's house for the weekend to surprise them.  It was so sweet to see the baby hanging out with her grandparents and I didn't die from the cold weather.  But more importantly, I got to shower, eat a full meal with both hands and put the baby on the floor without having to worry about a giant dog stepping on her.  It was bliss and I know I've said that before but seriously, any day without dog hair is a day in Heaven.  Even though I do kind of miss my doggie - although I'll never admit it.  Except I kind of just did.  Dangit.

It has been so much fun hanging out this week and I can hardly believe that in just two short weeks we'll be back on the road for Thanksgiving.  My poor baby - please someone tell me that I'm not messing her up for life by carting her all around like this.  I feel so guilty that she hasn't slept in her own bed for like almost ten days!  

But my goodness, I look at those pictures and seeing her grandpa feed her and seeing her smile and laugh in his arms gets me all happy and choked up and I think to myself, what's a sleep schedule when you've got Grandpa!

Of course, I may be singing a different tune tonight when we're home and I'm trying to put her to bed.  Pray for me y'all.

But hey!  How 'bout those pictures!


  1. She is so cute!!! And that last picture of Daddy and baby is absolutely precious!

  2. OMG! These picture are SO CUTE!!!! I absolutely love them! :)

  3. ok so I wanna squeeze her! she looks so stinkin cute!

    those really are some good pictures!

  4. Those pictures are frameworthy!!! Yep, she's definitely BLESSED to be able to travel and visit fam like this! <------ Look at it that way. lol

  5. Those pics are fabulous. And I LOVE the baby and daddy hiding behind the tree!

  6. I love them! We didn't do much in the way of Halloween photoshoots:( I got a few, but not as cute as yours at all. The costume is adorable and I am glad you liked the weather. You are missing the good stuff--Indian Summer up here!

  7. Oh, my goodness gracious....would you look at that sweet little moo cow! She looks so much older in these pictures, and with such concentration on her face when she's looking at the leaves. Oh, and the two of them peeking from behind the tree......to die for! Super pics............... :)

  8. OMGeepers!! That's gotta be the cutest, most adorable little moo cow I've ever seen!!! Love the pictures... thanks for sharing =0)

  9. I totally love that you're 'Someone Important!' That's so much cooler than Anonymous! :-)

  10. Holy cow!!!!!!!!!!!!! How cute!!! :) Eh, she'll be allright. And if she ever complains that y'all never go anywhere, show her the pics. *lol*

  11. Aww! :-) You're right - plus, she's been sleeping really well since we've gotten back so maybe traveling is good for her!

  12. Adorable pictures, Desiree! :)

  13. These pictures are soooo cute, what a cute little cow. This takes me back when my baby was little, don't worry Sofia will get back on schedule things will fall into place


  14. I love the picture of them peeking out from behind the tree. Cuteness!

  15. The tree picture is ridiculous! These pictures are awesome! You did a really good job shooting without your flash (flash is the devil anyway).

    I always feel bad dragging Bean around too - especially around the holidays when things get hectic. But then I look at the Brangelina's pack. They're in a different country every day, riding on the backs of the poor while eating caviar. They seem TOTALLY normal.


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