Friday, December 30, 2011


You guys.  I'm back!!  

In more ways than one - first, of course, I'm home.  After nearly a month of traveling, I'm back in my own bed and I couldn't be happier about it.  Even though it was great to see family and be with Drew for more than a day, living out of a suitcase is no fun and traveling with the baby is getting more and more complicated.  Babies need a lot of stuff!  I found myself constantly questioning how Angelina Jolie does it with her twelve thousand kids.

But even more than that, I got a night of mojo!  Wait, that doesn't sound right.  Whatever, who cares - I'm too giddy to think about proper phrasing.

I cleaned my house.  You know how twitchy I get when my house is dirty.  After the baby went to bed tonight, I cleaned it all.  Mopped the floors.  Cleaned the bathrooms.  I did the laundry and folded and put it away as it came out of the dryer.
This mountain of vacation laundry is no more!
Everything is hung up and put in the drawers,
do you know how major that is?!

Not only that, I took a shower - a long one!  I even got to put lotion on and rub it in!  I even gave myself a little calf massage!  I even put my three day old hair in some twists and I'm just going to see what happens!

I owe it all to this tiny human, who went to bed at nine pm and is still asleep.  I don't even know what to do with myself.

Sofia's first Christmas was so wonderful!  We spent it with Drew's parents and she even got to have a white Christmas!
My snow bunny

We all had a wonderful time and most importantly, it wasn't that cold!  Even with the snow, I was able to be outside for the few seconds it took to document Sofia's first snowball.  Christmas morning was of course, all about the baby and she was naturally spoiled beyond belief.  And she liked the paper more than the gifts, but it was cool because Mom liked her gifts.
Uncle Nate and Auntie Julie got her this WheelyBug and I died 
over the cuteness and how she did so well balancing on it!
A couple more inches and her feet will touch the floor!
A bow in the hair and in the mouth - that's a good Christmas!
Look what I get to do now!  
And don't even think I'm going to be original about this shit; I'm 
copying from each and every blogger I know, thankyouverymuch.

Remember this picture from way back?
These are the Santa hats the boys had when they were babies.
Now his baby gets to wear it!
Sort of
She's so flippin cute I can't stand it

Speaking of standing...

This morning, she went down for her nap like a champ which is amazing because she caught a cold with all the traveling and weather changes.  She's been so congested and fussy I was beginning to think we were never going to have a sleep routine.  But then, she slept in her crib with minimal fuss and she's sleeping now so I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

So while she napped I unpacked and created Mt. Laundry, dreading the the cleanup that always comes after vacation.  I was in the bathroom when I heard her wake up.  She wasn't fussing, so I let her be for a couple of minutes.  When I finally came around the corner to see what she was up to, the child was standing up in her crib.  My heart stopped and I didn't want to scare her, but she was chest high in there - she could lean just a little too far and flip right out of the crib because I hadn't lowered it because it never occurred to me that one day she would just frickin stand the hell up.  I clapped and laughed and told her what a good job she did and then scooped her out of there so fast!

And then I recreated it for the blog.  Of course I did.
O hai.
I can stand up.
And I have more hair so I actually get bedhead now.

I lowered the mattress as far as it would go and took the mobile down and cried that she's going to walk and talk and go to school and make friends and do things without me and leave me.  Yes, I'm co-dependent.  Get off me - this is happening too fast and I'm not ready. 

Then again, she goes apeshit when she can't see me so maybe I've got a little time yet.

Anyway, the holidays were a lot of fun but I'm so glad to be home and I'm super glad that we have no travel plans for a while - everybody can come to us for a while.  This afternoon, my brother texted me and told me that he and his girlfriend are coming for the weekend.  I'm so excited to see them!  When he told me that they were coming down, I initially thought it was really sweet of them to come down for Drew's birthday.  When he was like, uh no, we're going to a New Year's party in Dallas I did a double take because oh yeah, it *is* New Year's.  It going to be fun to see them, but I was all mom when I told him to have fun but if they came home and woke the baby I would cut them both.

The baby is still asleep!  She woke up for a second, yelled a little bit, and put herself back to sleep!  I can't believe it - it's like a Christmas miracle all over again!  I may push my luck and play around on Pinterest for a while!  


  1. Hahahaha - I would have totally recreated the moment for a blog picture as well. :)

    Looks like you had an awesome Christmas with your little one. She is so stinkin adorable!

  2. She is too stinkin cute. If I were anywhere near the south west I would come and steal her for a bit so she could dance for me! You know, some babies are precocious standers/walkers. My brother started walking at 8 months! My mom did have to follow him around to make sure he didn't constantly fall over (he was a bit topheavy) but it was so cute!

  3. She is such a doll!! :)
    Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas!

  4. I cleaned up before my honey came into town for the holidays but he and Jasmine have just messed the house all up so I won't clean like that again until he leaves.

    Baby is getting so big! What made you think she wouldn't start pulling up on things once she started crawling? lol You better watch out!

    Sounds like shes having a growth spurt. Thats when I found Jasmine sleeping longer than normal when she was that young.

  5. Okay, you guys have to have 14 more kids...because Sofia is way too freaking cute! The world needs more of her cuteness. So, get to work already! :)

    I'm glad you had a good Christmas and hope it's a happy new year, my sweet friend! :)

  6. Ooooh if you weren't my bestie I'd delete this comment before Drew saw it! I just got my body back, I'm not trying to do all that nonsense again! Besides, I told Drew that we have to be in the same city before I'll even entertain talks of another child!:-)

  7. That is too funny that both the girls stood at the same time! You totally reminded me to lower the crib (well, who are we kidding. Matt will lower the crib) Sofia was so lucky to have a white Christmas and be surrounded by all those people who love her so much. It looked like a very traditional storybook Christmas:o) Well done. You'll have to tell me about that cute wheely bug and if L should get one for her birthday. Also, she enjoyed watching Sofia's video and danced (flapped her arms) around as well. Happy new year!

  8. OMG i haven't been to your blog in forever!!! Aww I had to come and see little Sofia, she's so fricking adorable. After having my newest babe (4 mos.) my comp time has gone down to -5! Hope everything is going well with you. Oh, question about your last post - my post-partum hair shedding is only affecting my temples too did you hide or help in grow back. Btw- I live and die for kinky curly curling custard!!

  9. aw! she's standing! go Sofia! before you know it she'll be walking around. i just heard about elf on the shelf for the first time a few days ago. can't wait to see what you do with it next year.

    were you able to raise the mobile? i re-hung ours from the ceiling with one of those white ceiling hooks and some fishing wire when little one started standing. i loved how it looked in the room and couldn't bear to get rid of it.

  10. Yep, I'm also co-dependent AND Zo goes apeshit when she can't see me. Check and check. LOL

    Sof is beautiful!!! (Did I just nickname your child????)

  11. Sofia is growing up so quickly. She makes my heart smile. Beautiful.


  12. OK - first. You have an adorable little girl. You and Drew are really good baby makers. Just thought you should know. HAHA

    Second - I'm so glad that she's getting on a schedule for you! I have missed you way too much, and you need to come back to me. :)

    Third - She's getting to the age that's giving me the itch to pop a baby out. Only I am terrified of the newborn stage. So I guess you should let Sofia know that I thank her for making my ovaries ache for a baby. LOL

  13. The newborn stage passes in the blink of an eye and I actually miss it! Of course, I'm only saying that because it's behind me!:-)

    And do you KNOW how excited I'm going to be when you get pregnant?!?!?!!!!! I don't care WHERE we're living, I will WALK to your baby shower!

  14. Oh man. That makes me wish I was preggo NOW. HAHA :) We are seriously getting together someday though. I am not ok with not meeting you. :)


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