Friday, January 6, 2012

A pox on my house

Well hello 2012, I was all optimistic about how wonderful you were going to be and all the blessings and happy things you were going to bring and you don't even bother giving me just a few moments to enjoy that happy shiny feeling, huh?  You gotta be all Happy New Year!  


The plague has descended on my home and I'm only just now raising my head from the wreckage and carnage and mayhem and woe.

My kid is sick, my husband is sick, I'm sick and two of the three of us are shitting their brains out.  You know how absolutely positively NOT fun that is?  It's not fun.

The little cold that Sofia had, that I thought would resolve itself in a few days, has turned into an ear and sinus infection.  Kill me now.  She had a runny nose, which I attributed to teething and was all proud of myself for not being a neurotic mom and running to the doctor at a little sniffle.  "She is breastfed," I said in my superhero voice.  "Her body will heal itself."

Then she started coughing.  "It's just the post-nasal drip irritating her throat.  Don't panic.  This is par for the course."  I dutifully wiped her nose, used the snotsucker, we took steamy showers, I bought a humidifier and I prayed to the baby Jesus to heal my Precious.

Then she got really congested and her snot turned yellow.  Game over.  Time for the doctor.

I took her in and the doctor looked in her ear for a nanosecond and was like "She has an ear infection."  Oh that's just awesome.  Although the upside was that she's almost nine months old (next Wednesday - waaaaaaahhhhh) and this is her first cold.  The doctor said most babies get 6-10 colds their first year of life so we were doing really well.  I could only half-heartedly puff my chest out because Sofia was coughing and rubbing her eyes and ears and I felt terrible for her. 

We got antibiotics and ear drops and Pedialyte because she said the antibiotics could give her diarrhea (which it totally does, btw.  Shitting. Her. Brains Out. Awesome.)  You know, it's the 21st century - you'd think they would have invented medication that makes things better *without* making other things worse.  So now I'm on Dehydration Red Alert and I've got her permanently attached to my boob, which is super fun because the kid can barely breathe, while I'm drinking as much water as I can handle as well as trying to get her to drink the Pedialyte, which she hates.  Of course she does.
Drew's birthday lunch, New Year's Eve.
Even though she was sick, she was still super cute and happy.

Oh, and my poor hubby.  He's got issues too.  He'd be mortified if I went into detail, but the man's strugglin.  Oh yeah, we're starting the new year right.  And by right I mean shitty.  In the literal sense.  I'm just thankful that the only thing I seem to have caught is Sofia's runny nose.

I was all ready to post about my resolutions and how good I'm feeling about this new year and how wonderful it is to have that clean slate feeling - and then the plague dropped on us and it's all I can do to keep up with her runny nose, her poopy butt, the dog and the husband.  Mama is tired.

But it's all good because this too shall pass.  Actually, let me rephrase that.  

This too had better pass.  It's killing me to hear my baby's nose rattle with all her snot, and the coughing is breaking my heart.  And the poop?  That shit just pisses me off.

Thank God my mom is in town for the weekend.  The extra set of hands is a big help and even though I hate leaving the baby when she's sick, I'm have to go be with Drew because he's sick.

As for me, I'm downing the Vitamin C like it's my job and I'm trying my hardest to rest as much as possible (ha frickin HA) because moms aren't allowed to get sick.

Pray for us, y'all.


  1. Oh man, I hope you all start to feel better soon! It's awful to hear your baby sick, and to have a sick husband too sometimes feels like having another sick kid - at least in my house. :) Hang in there!

  2. You're right- Moms CANNOT get sick. Try Airborne. One of my friends swears by it.

    Thank GOD your mama is in town and I hope you all get to feeling better soon. Sofia is such a beauty, even in the sickness.

  3. Oooh, I'll have to check that out!

  4. i hope you guys all feel better soon sugar

  5. I'm sorry you are all sick - I hope you feel better soon. You are right - it's so hard on moms cause no matter how sick we are we still have to take care of the family. Being run down and tired from taking care of everyone else really helps fight off any sick bugs too - NOT!!! I had to comment to tell you what a sweet little Diva Sofia is. OMG she is so beautiful. She has always been a super cute baby but seriously - she's over the top adorable and get that pose for the camera - just gorgeous. Oh - and I second the Airborne recommendation - there is another one called ColdFX that is similar and is awesome. Hope you get some sleep soon.

  6. Ugh ugh. No fun. I have been blessed by the ear infection fairies and have only had 1 total between all 3 kids (Zari got one at 4 months old). Actually it might have been a ruptured ear drum; there was so much pus and gunk in her ear that the family doc couldn't even see the drum. I declined the oral abx and just did the antibiotic drops in her ear, which cleared it right up.

    Don't worry about forcing the Pedialyte. If she's nursing as much as she wants to, she should be fine.

    It's SO true that you can't be sick when you're a mom. This comic sums it up:

  7. I just have to say how proud of you this post makes me. When I first started reading your blog and emailing with you....this situation would have had you close to crazy. But look at're handling this like a PRO! I love seeing the mommy/wife/sane person you've become LOL Stay well and love you!

  8. It sucks to have sick family members :( I hope you stay well and Drew and Sofia heal quickly!!!!
    And f*** pedialyte/sure. That shit is nasty. Yay for boob-milk, my mom swears that's the reason I never get sick lol.
    This reminds me of your post about teething...BREASTMILK FO LIFE!

  9. Feel better....doesn't sound like a fun time :(


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