Monday, December 5, 2011

It's a Christmas miracle!

I'm back and I missed you!  I missed this!  The baby slept for FIVE HOURS last night - all in a row!  It was so beautiful!  Drew was gone, the house was quiet and you know what I did?  I caught up on all mah blogs!!  It was so great!  I wasn't able to comment on all of them but I was there!  

You know what else I did?

I'd been hearing all the hype about this show and last night I finally watched the pilot, because I can't do things out of order.


I ain't even playin.  Who in the holy hell thinks this shit up???  I was so messed up and it took forever to get to sleep.  I had to scrub my brain by watching New Girl, Up All Night and Happy Endings and I still had nightmares about that damn monster woman in the basement.  And the scarred dude.  And the bloody twins - AND THAT RUBBER MAN.  What the F*ck!  Seriously.  F*ck that show.


Thanksgiving was wonderful and it was so great to see my family, although if I have my way about things, this will be the last year we travel.  Sofia was great on the drive, for which I am eternally grateful.  But being in my parent's house, with all their stairs, and their uncovered outlets and their glass picture frames and their pointy, breakable EVERYTHING, it was so much more work.  I don't think I sat down for more than a minute before I had to jump up because Sofia was crawling high-speed for the outlets.  What makes kids go straight for those the things that will kill them?

My mom drove back with me and stayed with the baby while I finished the work for my neighbor.  Remind me to never EVAHevahevahevah say I'll do something for someone without first arranging for childcare.  I was kidding myself thinking I could coordinate movers and get a house unpacked with a baby strapped to my chest.  Yahright.

But it's done now and it's behind me and now it's time to get in the Christmas spirit y'all!  I decided about ten minutes ago that we're going to do Christmas cards so I got those ordered and they should be here next week sometime.  I'm aiming to get them mailed out before Christmas Day - I think that's reasonable.

Okay, the baby is wigging out so this has to be short but have you SEEN American Horror Story?  What is UP with that show?


  1. First, I'm glad you made it back home safely. Loved seeing you both! And second, how did we not talk about this show during dinner? It is my new favorite show & I can't get enough of it. LOVE it - I guess that makes me some kind of sick & sadistic person? Oh well - love it. You need to keep watching - a lot is revealed as you get further into the show. Definitely keeps you guessing....

  2. I refuse to even watch American Horror Story.

  3. I tried to watch another episode but I couldn't. I'm such a wimp, it took me forever to get to sleep and I was having scary flashes. Like hot flashes, only scarier.

  4. Thank you for letting me know which show to avoid like the plague! I am such a scaredy cat and highly suggestible. I've had to stop watching dateline and 48 hours for awhile because my imagination runs wild and i get all paranoid.

  5. OMG. I seriously started laughing at my desk. I love you. And I have to admit that I like AHS. Sorry. It's good! But I also like scary movies. So there's that.

  6. Nope, I REFUSE to watch that story because my husband works so much that I have to be the protector parent.. and when it comes to monsters, I'm not sure if I can be trusted in that role. Funny how before I came a parent, horror was my favorite genre.

    I do watch the other three shows you named. New Girl rocks!!!

  7. bad Desiree :-)

  8. How do you like New Girl? I watched and reviewed it and LOVED the Thanksgiving and handbell episodes. It is a good break for my brain and I don't have to think too hard to watch it:o) Also--are you guys going through a fussy period right now like we are!? I hope to hell you are not, because it has gone from sunshine and rainbows around here to doomsday. I don't know what the deal is, but my oh-so-helpful weekly email from mentioned a 7 month cranky period. Ugh. And, no, I don't go near scary shows or movies. Besides Big Rich Texas.

  9. I really like it! It's funny and quirky and you're right, it's not too taxing on the brain.

    And we haven't really entered a fussy phase so much as we're still in the no-sleep phase. I got two days of a good nighttime routine and I was thinking we turned a corner, but we're right back to it.

  10. I'll stick to lighter fare like Up All Night, which I have my alarm set for. Don't tell me about set backs! We're doing so good over here. I want to stay in a fantasy that we will keep our sleep records in the streak that we're in. Always good reading your posts, so thank you for the entertainment :)

  11. I'm sending positive sleep vibes your way! Here's hoping your winning streak continues!

  12. American Horror Story is my new favorite show. also, 5hr sleeps are a success in my book. take what you can get is what i say!

  13. OMG! American Horror story is the best! You've gotta give it another try!


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