Friday, February 17, 2012

I thought it was Thursday

How in the world has it been two weeks since I posted?  That's crazysauce!  

Thoughts on Thursday is just what I need to get back in my blogging groove - thanks Carolyn!
life love and puppy prints

It's here it's here!  I pick up the chair tomorrow for Sofia's photoshoot on Saturday!
I can't believe my baby is going to be a year old in two short months!

I usually go to the afternoon playgroup in my neighborhood because it works better with The Schedule.  However, in the spirit of community, I offered to host the morning playgroup today. It's a different set of moms that come in the morning and I am never ever hosting morning playgroup again.  The above picture came from a Google image search for 'bratty boys' and I have some things I need to get off my chest about that shit.

Sofia is getting baptized on Saturday.  I'm so excited and it feels like the first grown-up thing we've done for her.  Drew and I had to go to the class, track down paperwork, get signatures and my parents are here to stand up for her.  Nate and Julie are her actual godparents, but the Catholic Church is super funny with their rules and their hoop-jumping nonsense.  I'm so bummed they can't be here for it, but they sent her the most gorgeous bracelet and I can't wait to take her picture in it!

You guys!  I found my abs!  And a big hallelujah for muscle memory!
My girlfriend Kristin and I have worked out a plan and we've been able to go to yoga and it has been amazing.  My back was literally in spasms when I would pick up the baby because I was so weak and that has been remedied by getting back on the mat.  
I have a post planned about how awesome it is to have mom friends and Kristin is definitely on the top of that list.

This, my friends, is a bacon and Bailey's cupcake, courtesy of Pinterest.  PS, are you following me?  If not, you need to get on that because I pin things like bacon and Bailey's cupcakes.
Thanks to Pinterest, I have actually been planning meals and it has actually been going well!  I make something new every night that Drew is home and there's always leftovers, so I eat those while he's gone.  I haven't cooked at all this week and it's been brilliant!
I also got the cake mixes and tins so I can practice Sofia's birthday cake so I will write all about that soon.

I got to be Sofia's Valentine this year.  It was pretty much the biggest honor ever, although I haven't quite mastered the Instagram self-portrait with a squirmy baby.  I wore red lipstick for the first time in over five years - I kinda liked it.

This squirmy baby is cutting three teeth at once and ran her first fever last night.  I was so paranoid about high fevers and seizures and brain damage that I obsessively took her temperature all night, after I called the doctor and asked if her temperature would cause seizures and brain damage.  Then all my Facebook Varsity Mom friends were like 'Pssssh!  She's good!  This is just par for the course and be glad that you've gone this long before getting a fever.'  I really don't know if I'll ever get to be a Varsity Mom.

I'm trying so hard not to be ugly and bitter about this house-selling business but I'm starting to worry.  I was going to type out exactly what I'm worried about but I'm superstitious and just deleted all of it because I don't want to speak it into existence.  
Our house will sell soon.
Please baby Jesus, let our house sell soon.  I can't take much more of this.

I got a new writing gig!  My contract with Bravado is over and I've started writing for the Dallas Moms Blog.  I've only posted over there twice, but it seems like a cool group of ladies and it's always fun to branch out and meet new people.  Come over and say hi sometime!



  1. Oooh I want to hear about the crazy kids at morning :)

  2. OMG! You should email me a pic of that chair as SOON AS YOU GET IT. Seriously. It's like my dream chair. Please and thanks. You already are a varsity mom... I promise! I've been doing yoga too! LOVE IT! You'd be so proud. Love you! :)

  3. She its getting SO big! And you look great in red lips! Everyone can't pull that off without looking hookerish and you don't look hookerish! lol

    I can't believe she's gonna be 1 already. Time really does fly too quickly but I KNOW you keep your camera handy.

    That fever stuff is no joke. I'm not mad you kept checking. Jas had feveral seizures when she was about that age and they freaked me the fuck out, im not gonna lie. The only thing about them is, they don't cause brain damage because they are intense. She had then at about 9 months and then again at 13 months and hasn't had them since.

  4. She is looking gorgeous as are you chica!!!! I love, love, love your blog. If I haven't told you a million times, here's another one.

    And kudos on those positive thoughts on your house selling, I'm going to continue praying for you guys!

  5. OMG! is that really your house in the bottom pic? looks like Hometown in North Richland Hills which is right by me. (i know you are from Dallas but dont know if its DAllas proper) ps... no i am NOT a stalker just looks like hometown haha- just wanted to clarify. i am so sure it will sell soon. Texas, especially the DFW area, is a great area and when the right person comes along it will happen. remember everything happens for a reason just trust in god. also congrats on the baptism :)

  6. No, it's just a google image. :-) I'm in Kessler Park, right in Dallas! I picked up the chair in Grapevine and was sorry I didn't pack a lunch! I rarely venture far from my hood... :-)

  7. My cousin totally told me I looked like a chola! She was calling me Sad Eyes after she saw the picture and said it was because of the red lips! :-)

    I was so nervous that the baby would get seizures and I'm so thankful she didn't. I don't EVEN know what I would do if she started convulsing and her eyes started rolling back in her head!

  8. I picked it up this afternoon and it's going to need some Photoshop. Definitely not as vibrant in person, but we're going to work with it!

  9. If your house was in my price range, I'd buy it in a second. I LOVE your house!!!

  10. Oh Wow, I didn't know you were in Dallas! (So am I). I discovered you on Curly Nikki years ago when I was trying to decide whether to go natutral or not...then I lost track of yiur blog somehow. Glad to see it again & praying the best for you!!! Candice ~ natural dancer

  11. just remembered i asked this haha! baby brain is still here after 2 years! i LOVE grapevine but it is far from dallas. i am really close to ftw but we love us some grapevine to :) i really hope it sells soon. it looks beautiful.


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