Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I've been praying for peace lately.  I've been praying for the strength to make the sads go away, for the power to stand up and take a step away from the blues that have been following me around.

Now to be honest, I haven't had a lot of faith in my prayer.  I haven't been to church in a while, and a lot of my logic and intellect interferes with the blind acceptance that faith requires.  However, it was worth a shot and I'm still humble enough to know that I can't do most things without help.  So I prayed.

And last night, I put Sofia to bed.  Her room was dark, but not so dark that I couldn't make out the contours of her face.  She was nursing (because we're still doing that to go to bed) and her face was positively angelic.  I know moms say that about their kids but this time was different.  I truly felt the weight of her perfect body in my arms, I heard nothing else but the steady rhythm of her breathing, and in that moment it came.  Peace.

I was so relieved.  I actually felt the weight lifting, the cloud going away and all I could do was whisper "Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you."  I stepped out of her room and I was strong again.

This was the final piece.  Because I must say THANK YOU to you.  You, who commented with your well wishes.  You, who emailed me to make sure I was good.  You, who called me to hear my voice.  You, who reminded me that going down the rabbit hole isn't necessary, that I have the strength to stay upright.  You, who reminded me that I'm not alone, that it's not all bad and I'm getting all choked up with gratitude that you have all blessed me with your friendship.


Because the problems haven't gone away, and the biggest issue is that I'm isolated and lonely. There's a reason they use solitary confinement as punishment in prisons.  We're not meant to go through this life without contact and interaction, and I don't have that here.  

This little town is, shall we say, different.  I read a statistic that something like 85% of the people born here, die here.  Meaning, they don't take too kindly to strangers 'round these parts.  I was at the dentist the other day and I mentioned that to the hygienist.  She was like, Yeah, people are friendly but it's going to take a while for them to really let you in.  I'm sorry about that, like she was personally responsible for the cliquish-ness of the whole town.  It was kind of funny.

But it's true, and it's worse for moms.  They all have their own friend groups, they've all been friends since grade school, they talk about nothing but inside shit and I couldn't join the conversation if I tried.  I'm a member of a couple of moms groups in the area and I'm just about done going to the playdates because I'm totally the smelly kid, off to the side, trying and failing to make friends.  Do you know how hard it is to make friends when you're grown and old and set in your ways?

I'm trying - I hosted a playdate at my house and eight moms RSVP'd.  At the last minute, five of them cancelled, like almost all at once and while I'm a pretty secure person, that stung.  I won't lie, for a minute I wondered if they did that on purpose.

This lack of friends and feeling of isolation put a lot of pressure on my marriage.  I would practically jump Drew when he got home, wanting him to be everything I wasn't getting during the day and when I didn't get that from him, we'd fight about it.  It's not right or fair to him and we're still not good at fighting fair, so our fights got way bigger than they ever needed to be.  You know how that goes.  You start off talking about one thing, then suddenly you're yelling that you don't care about me, you never did, why are we even married and then everyone's just sad. 

BUT.  I'm not sad anymore.  I have peace.  I have strength and I'm going to turn this around if it kills me.

No more burnout.  There is no job anywhere that doesn't give you a break.  If you do have one of those jobs, you don't have it for long before you have a heart attack or you go postal.  Everyone needs a break from their job sometime, and so do I.  I've found a yoga instructor that resonates with me and the gym has childcare so I'm going once a week, come hell or high water.

I've talked with her about teaching as well and if I can get back to teaching, I know that'll help so much.  Having something like that just for me is just what I need.

No more internalization.  It's not fair to my one friend here to dump all my problems at her feet, so I'm going to a counselor.  They're the only people that are cool with you dumping on them all the time.

No more isolation.  I have one other friend in New Jersey and I'm going to see her.  No more excuses.  I need some adult female gabfest time, and I need to quit expecting my husband to be my girlfriend.  Drew's not a talker - he never has been and probably never will be.  He tries, and I'm grateful for that, but there's just no match for two women and a bottle of wine.  I need this, and I'm going to drive to New Jersey and have just that.

I lived in Dallas for 17 years and I've been here for six months.  It's going take some time to make friends, feel comfortable and I'm going to continue to pray for peace with that.

SO!  That's the plan, and for reading all that, how about some pictures!  Drew is out of town for this week, which means that once Sofia is in bed, that time is all mine, and let me tell you, that's just what I need right about now.

Because I've been busy!
I went to Ikea and got my white Expedit.
It took Drew and Sofia no time to put it together and I'm so happy with it!

Remember this?
Then it looked like this.
But having all my sewing stuff right at the foot of the stairs felt cluttery, so I moved it.
So we moved the table and chairs and that felt better.
Drew and I sat downstairs talking paint and he suggested I use the leftover gallon of 
Krypton for the walls.
So that's what I did.
It's starting to look like a real room!
Drew wanted this to be an accent wall.
So that's what happened.
I know, I'm scared too.  But I think I can make it work.
Then it was time for the beige trim.
I will never understand that.
White trim, builders!  All white, all the time!
That's better.
Finally, around one this morning, I primed one door.
One coat of primer each, at two this morning.
Already, this corner is so much brighter.

And that's how far I've gotten!  I have this whole week to get 'er done and I'm confident that I can make it happen.  I have plans y'all. Big plans.  Just you wait.  

It's ALL going to be better.

Again you guys, thank you so much.  For everything.  You're the best.



  1. I'm so glad you found your peace, and have a plan for keeping it! :) I wish with my whole heart that we lived close enough to be real life friends, but internet will have to do. Like you said, you've only been there 6 months, and you'll find your group. I promise. I mean you're so awesome and funny and gorgeous, people have to be your friend. :)

    As for the room - it's looking great! Question - how'd painting the trim go? I want to SLOWLY start painting all of our wood trim, but I'm terrified.

  2. If I can make a suggestion, does this place have a yoga course that they offer? Can Drew watch the baby and you go? Also, does it offer any classes in the area - art, DIY etc. that you would like to know about? If so, take a class and go. Being a mom is important to you, and that I understand, but reach out to the community in ways that you are just YOU. When folks see that light of yours shine they will be attracted and come forth. Just a suggestion. Feel better hon, it IS going to get better! Praying for you too.

    1. Great minds think alike! I was totally thinking about looking into classes at the community college that interested the non-mom me and seeing if I could find a friend group that way.

    2. I think that joining a class would be great for you. In addition, I think it would be great if you went to a yoga class in particular because it always seems to bring you back to center and maybe it is a bit spiritual for you too? If so, definitely find a yoga something. LOL

  3. We need to get together soon. Pretty sure I could gab your ear off :) or vice versa. Whatever! Maybe we could shop again once it's a little warmer?

  4. Phew, fresh paint just makes everything feel bright and new, doesn't it?
    We have that same Expedit shelf in Stella's room and i LOVE it. We bought 4 of the cloth boxes, and they hold her shoes and bedding. The other shelves are all for books!

    Glad you're starting to feel better hon. It is So hard to feel isolated.

  5. Amen for peace. So glad you found it and pray that it will continue. :-)

  6. I've been there, too! Trust me -- it gets better! 20 years ago, we left San Antonio and moved to SMALL TOWN Iowa. A town where everybody knew everybody, grew up here. When we moved here, my daughter was 4 months old. I left my home, my family, my job and with a brand new baby, my husband and I moved to the middle of nowhere and into another home. Seriously. The nearest "big store" is Walmart and it's 20 miles away! It was a huge culture shock to say the least. I began having migraines after a few weeks and had to go to a doctor who pointed out that often times just ONE of the things that just happened in my life could bring them on and I had a combination of many things. The headaches stopped after I quit stressing myself out.

    I'm an outgoing person, grew up as a military brat, moving all the time and I make friends very easily. But it took awhile before I finally felt like I found my own niche. And I did. I tried so many things and gave up on many of them after awhile. I didn't fit in with the local women and I know EXACTLY what you mean when you just can't be part of the conversation. Funny enough -- my dental hygienist and I had almost the same conversation as you did about six months after living here.

    You WILL find friends -- you are funny and outgoing and I believe where there is a will, there is a way. Just give it some time. I found that talking to people as much as I could really made a difference. I am terrible -- HORRIBLE -- at remembering people's names and I actually made written notes to myself about people's names and little things I learned about them. I joined a local small-town version of what I would call something similar to the Junior League and was so shocked when they elected me president the first year I was a member!

    Praying is good. Faith is great. Keep it up and I'll be praying for you!

    1. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement! Drew and I are talking about joining the country club here, if you can imagine that. He's looking for ways to make friends outside of work and this club seems like it might be decent. At the very least, it'll be hilarious blog content to have *me* at a country club!

      Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers - it means so much.

  7. Maybe you could move out to San Fran instead of me going to PA...
    been there, done that, and I just wasnt into football enough for the place. But I do miss snow... really.

  8. I know how important mom friends are, but if it's any consolation (I doubt it will be), *I* would be stalking *you* to be my friend if I lived even remotely close to you.

  9. glad that you are feeling better! i couldn't access your blog for a while because every few months my internet at work likes to flag your site as porn (random!) and block it. :)

    i was hoping that your sads weren't caused by readers or your family, so i'm glad that wasn't it. i wished we lived closer, i would totally be your friend. i'm sure that yoga will help you find some like-minded people up there. also, "me time" is always a good thing! stay encouraged!

    can't wait to see how your room turns out.

    1. A friend of mine told me that too! I wonder what it is about my blog that gets it flagged as porn! I really wish I knew because I certainly would stop whatever it was because, eww!

  10. Oh goodness, I know that small town isolation. Eric's first real job took us to a town of 5,000 people. That's where I had Zari. I basically had no friends for 3 years and just did everything by myself, with Zari tagging along after she was born. We had a few friends from the college where Eric taught, but they were older and not people I could do things with my myself. They were more "couple's" friends than individual friends, if that makes sense.

    We're in a fairly small town now, but it's so much better. There are lots of families at the university with small kids, so I have a fairly good network of people I like to be with. I still wish this were a bigger and more open/progressive town, but it's so much better than the place we used to live.

    Now what on earth were you doing painting until 2 am?!! Go to sleep!

  11. I'm so glad you found some peace. I also love that basement remodel. It is looking great. :)

  12. I'm glad to see that you are BACK!!! We all go through things and the most important thing is that we get back to being who we are.

    P.S. One of my good friend's who lives here is moving to Pittsburgh, PA. Her daughter is the same age as yours (and mine) and she's pregnant right now with baby #2. Her husband's job makes them travel a ton and she's never anywhere for more than 3 years. We met at church here and now she's going to be closer to you. I'd love to introduce you two!

  13. YAY!!!! YOUR BACK!!!! I've missed you!

  14. I find it interesting that you would believe that logic and intellect would interfere with faith (which most certainly is not a "blind acceptance". For instance the Bible says to love God with all your heart, soul and *mind*. Suggesting that we must be intelligent and logical in our faith... not believing just any ol' thing.)
    Geneticist Francis Collins is most definitely a logical and intelligent person and yet he also has great faith in God. =) I recently watched a talk he gave, it was amazing. I loved his views on both Christianity, DNA and how he DOES see a a place for evolution. It's not one or the other, science and faith go quite well together. ;)

    1. I only mean that the logical side of me always wants to formulate a plan; I want to know the next step and I often don't rest until I can do one or the other. Faith requires that you be still and know it's going to work out for the greatest good and that's often really hard for me.

      Actually, world religions/philosophies is something I'm very interested in. I've read several books dealing with how religion and intellect intersect and how one can support the other. The last book I read was called The Language of God and it was written by a scientist who was extremely skeptical and how he came to see that religion and intellect can in fact 'co-exist.' It was a very interesting read!

    2. Ah! Then we are very much alike indeed! lol I'm a planner, which of course does not always go to my plan at all. It is nice though to look back afterwards and see how nicely it all played out anyway. Thank you for your kind reply!


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You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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