Not that she doesn't need me now. She's cozied up on my chest in the Moby fast asleep and I couldn't be more in love. She's the best baby in the world, I love her more every day and I'm so very very blessed.
But this post is a day late.
Sofia was one month old yesterday. Remember when I said that I sucked as a parent? Well, yesterday I rocked as a parent because I kept her alive for one month. Way to go, ME!
She's already changed so much in a month.
About twenty minutes old
One day old
Washing her hair - three days old
Taking pictures in the bluebonnets - six days old
Her first bath - 12 days
Taken last night - one month old
Her newborn clothes are still big on her.
I need to learn how to take non-blurry pictures of her
but this the best I've got.
I don't have the white onesie with the Photoshopped 'one month' photo. I was brainstorming creative ideas but she decided she needed me for two days straight so all we ended up with were cell phone pictures right before bed and that's all right with me. Now that things have calmed down around the house and we're finally able to figure out what our routine is going to be, perhaps I'll have more time to have fun photoshoots with her. But we've had family in the house for practically a month straight! Family or not, if you don't live there, you're a guest and everyone knows how guests throw things off, no matter how well-intentioned they are. While I've been more than grateful to have the extra hands, Sofia and I are ready to fly solo. This weekend will be our first weekend of just us - Drew, me and the baby and I'm really looking forward to it. I feel like we're finally going to get to be a family all our own.
So, this far I can say Sofia is a really chill baby. A yoga zen baby if you will. She only cries when she's hungry or wants to be held and calms down as soon as those situations are remedied. She doesn't even get too upset at being in a dirty diaper, which amazes me. If I were sitting in poop, the world would know about it.
Now, if you take too long to change her, she'll let you know about it. She's very tolerant - to a point. Kinda like her mom. After that, she's like all right, you've had more than enough time to change me and get me dressed again, that'll be all, now I will cry. But stick a boob in her mouth and she's instantly calm! If she's not hungry, she'll even take the pacifier. She's quite agreeable.
She's started making noises too. She grunts, squeals, chirps and sighs. They're all beyond adorable but the grunts are my favorite. They're so earnest, like she's really working at something - usually it's getting her arms out of her swaddle. We have a couple of Miracle Blankets that she can't get out of, but if it's a regular blanket, she'll go Houdini on it and have her arms out within seconds.
Even on the ultrasounds, she always had her hands and arms
up by her face.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out her skin. She's got a mysterious rash on her body that breaks my heart. Drew says it's heat rash but I'm not so sure. The shampoo/body wash I use has absolutely nothing in it and I use Dreft for her clothes so I can't figure it out. We're going to the doctor next week so I hope she can shed some light. My only consolation is that it doesn't seem to bother her but I don't know if she's just being polite and zen.
I'm not going to comment on her sleep because I don't want to jinx myself. 10pm last night to 5am this morning. 20 minutes in the pack n play this morning. Asleep in the Moby right now. But that's all I'm going to say. I know we have a ways to go but so far so good!
Each day, it gets more and more real and I'm less wary that someone is going to come and take her away and say this was all a joke. Each day I get more and more attached to her and we bond more and more strongly.
She's the best thing I ever did.

Happy Birthday Sofia! Mariah is three weeks as of yesterday! They change so quickly. I can't believe how different Mariah looks already. And I'm quite jealous that Sofia sleeps through the night.
ReplyDeleteThat sweet little baby looks just like you! Glad to hear you're adjusting so well to life as a mommy. (And that no one's tried to take her away! :-) )
ReplyDeleteA month already! Wow. I'll bet some days felt super long, though. It's amazing how much she's changed in each shot. Super cute in each one. I just wanna hug her. :)
ReplyDelete@ Michelle -you think she looks like me? I don't see it! We keep going back and forth trying to decide who she looks like and can't figure it out! Sometimes I'll catch a glimpse of her that reminds me of me when I was a baby but then it goes away.
ReplyDeleteNot that I would be upset at having a mini-me. :-)
@Latoya - More baby pictures chick! :-)
@Gigi -Good god yes! Before she figured out what sleep was and how necessary to life it is, I looked like a straight-up crack fiend! I didn't know my undereye circles could get that dark! But they're slowly slowly fading thank god!!
Yes MORE PICS! I see a little of both of you so far... I was trying to figure it out.. She is super adorable!!!
ReplyDeleteOh- she may have baby acne... if it is..(doc will confirm) it will clear itself up ina couple weeks. my nephew has it too.. Eden had it for 2 weeks as well. When it clears up.. its like it never happened..and it doesnt show up in pics that much either.. tiny little bumps... some have white heads... shows up on their arms and tummies sometimes sucks but its not hurting them.
So yeah.. feel free to post pics and call it a post when your busy! lol
She is definitely a keeper. :) Happy one month Sofia! And good work on the first month mommy and daddy!
ReplyDeleteWe all understand that Sofia totally trumps blog!! Although, I was over here a couple times checking in, just in case my reader had a glitch... :)
ReplyDeleteShe's adorable and it's so amazing how much she is changing. Sounds like you're doing a great job. Have a fantastic weekend - just the 3 of you!
She is adorable, and grows more so everyday. I'm glad to hear you and your little princess are finding your way and are creating a routine that works for you.
ReplyDeleteshe is such a cutie!
ReplyDeleteWithout seeing pictures, it very well may just be baby acne?
ReplyDeleteshe's just so beautiful.
Oh the preciousness. Enjoy your weekend.
ReplyDeleteSHe is just sooo pretty. I cant wait to see her with earrings...When I had my baby...I could not wait to get her ears pierced. She was 7 weeks, and slept the whole time. Only let out a little ahh, and went back to sleep. Your doing such a great job!!!!! If you need help with the photoshopped pics. Let me know.
ReplyDeleteShe's absolutely gorgeous!!! And you guys are doing a great job. Guests do jack up the routine and that's the part I kind of dread. I am sure the help will be appreciated but I like to figure things out on my own and get a schedule set.
ReplyDeleteNothing else I can add, right? hahah Glad things are going well with Sofia! :) I know you are a Proud Proud Mommy.
ReplyDeleteok so the picture second from the bottom is SOOO funny! she has the "watcha talkin bout willis" face on lol
ReplyDeleteA month already! Wow. I'll bet some days felt super long, though. It's amazing how much she's changed in each shot. Super cute in each one. I just wanna hug her. :)