Meme from Desiree on Vimeo.
Play along if you'd like and let me know in the comments!
Say These Words: Aunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting Image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
Choose a book and read a passage from it.
Do you think you have an accent?
Be a wizard or a vampire?
Do you know anyone on Tumblr in real life?

That was so fun! I kind of want to do it too but haaaaate myself on video. Maybe everyone will just look at the baby. I laughed out loud at some parts (esp. the cursing...poor Larkyn gets an earful when I am driving). Interesting to see how other people say things--you are quite decisive in the pop/soda debate:o)
ReplyDeleteI love hearing people's voices and I am also obsessed with language and accents! I was just dwelling on this last weekend when we were in Kentucky visiting some family and they people's accents are SO hick-ville! How does that happen?!?! But your voice is beautiful (as are you and Sofia).
ReplyDeletehahah! Love it. I know about code switching - don't we all do it from time to time ;) hahah
ReplyDeleteI'm also with you on the Tumblr...too hard to follow for me...maybe I'm just too old. hahah
Good to see little Sofia. Baby hiccups are the bestest. :)
so cool to hear your beautiful voice. code switching... I do that after a martini! I'm from the south and worked to get rid of the accent when I went to college, but after martinis or when talking to my parents it totally comes back and I can't even really hear it!
ReplyDeleteLove the super cute Sophia hiccups.
Oh me too! I'll catch a big ol' Texas twang after a few cocktails! Anyway, I used to when I could drink.....
ReplyDeleteAhh, cocktails....
Sofia is such a sweetie, it sounded like she said Happy birthday Gem at the end there.
ReplyDeleteI'm from Oklahoma and once I told my uncle who is from Missouri that I was going to the pop machine and he said "what is that" then I switched it to soda.
You seriously make me laugh! I love this! You're so stinking cute. :) And so is your daughter!
ReplyDeleteI just noticed that when I say the words by themselves I'm much more articulate, but when I'm just talking, I'm far more country. ex. toilet/tollett
ReplyDeleteCount me in on the drinks highlighting the twang. When I get tipsy, I am soooooooo southern. Southern belle hand gestures and everything.
ReplyDeleteOh! Sofia said bye at the end, so cute! Ok ok, wordpress post coming up soon. I've just been lazy and Tumblr is perfect for lazy posts.
P.S. You know I got another batch of birthday cupcakes right? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
i definitely hate your blog sometimes. or it hates me. i dunno! lol it just deleted my entire comment. but since im over here laughing I'll post of the jest of it again. i was dying laughing and i mean in tears when you did that spanish thing because that is one of my pet peeves too. Not just with spanish but with anyone who switched between english and whatever their native language is. it annoys me for some reason.i so love you for even being able to do that so well! lmao
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun meme! I think the idea of accents and linguistics is so interesting. I live in Colorado where people refuse to admit that they have an accent, but there are some serious differences between how I talk (I grew up in California) and how the natives talk. And I'm not even talking about the mountain folk...
ReplyDeleteYour baby is adorable!
ahahaha!! you had me cracking up with the spanglish!!!
ReplyDeleteSofia is too cute! just peacefully hiccupping away while you talk.
i also loved your little burp cloth in position, gotta be prepared video or no video.
we've also been trying to cut out the cursing in front of little one. it's bad enough that she's in a phase of hitting all the kids in her daycare class, i don't want her cussing them out as well.
Finally watched your video, since all 3 kids are sleeping...bliss...anyway it's definitely "pop" up in Minnesota where I grew up. I also think TP'ing a house is rude. My MN accent gets lots stronger when I go home to visit my parents. And you should hear some of my childhood friends--they really sound like the characters in Fargo, only more "real" since they aren't actors imitating an accent. I love it.
ReplyDeleteI also realize how little I know about you, or rather how I know a whole lot about a part of you, but not a lot about all of you! Like I didn't know you spoke spanish until this post. Isn't the blogging world funny like that? Plus I've only been reading since mid-way through your pregnancy.
Hmmm, I hear little footsteps on the stairs. I need to go investigate.
What a fun meme! I think the idea of accents and linguistics is so interesting. I live in Colorado where people refuse to admit that they have an accent, but there are some serious differences between how I talk (I grew up in California) and how the natives talk. And I'm not even talking about the mountain folk...
ReplyDeleteYour baby is adorable!
You seriously make me laugh! I love this! You're so stinking cute. :) And so is your daughter!