Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm just a girl, I mean mom

*Only three days left to vote for Sofia - help her to finish strong!  Click the link, click 'vote for me', type the phrase, then click 'submit my vote.'  Easy peasy!  Thank you!

Dinner with the work people went well.  By that I mean, I made it through without spilling anything on myself, I didn't say anything I shouldn't have and I actually made eye contact without shaking!  But more than than that, I got to dress up!  Of course, I'm a bad blogger because I didn't get a picture of my outfit but I was really happy with it - I even got to wear heels!  I wore my dyed jeans, a ruffly tank top and a cute jacket over it.  I so rarely get to dress up anymore and as I dressed Sofia in her cute ruffly socks and sparkly shoes, I was positively giddy!  

Now here's where I become a girl and I whine:  Drew didn't even notice my outfit.  I was so happy to have found a cute shirt that I could nurse in, I was wearing jeans that fit, I even put on makeup so that I could be Wifey Extraordinaire and make him proud and he didn't say one word!  I was so hurt!  He says he said something in the car but I either blacked out in that precise moment or he said it with his mind.  Either way, I don't remember.  I've just been in such a funk over my wardrobe and when I found something that made me look cute, it just stung that much more that my own husband didn't even notice.  

However, we got to the restaurant and everyone made such a fuss over the baby and how cute she was that I was too proud to be upset anymore.

Now here's where I become a mom and I rant:  Dinner was at six.  Sofia usually goes to bed between seven and eight and I knew we were on a timeclock.  She does well until she doesn't and I was hoping to get out of the restaurant without too much incident.  

But the last of our party took forever to arrive.  I kept looking around, willing him to get there so we could get started with dinner, the baby growing squirm-ier by the second.  We were on our way to a meltdown and there was nothing I could do to speed dinner along.

Homeboy didn't arrive until almost 7:30 and by the time we got our entrees and finished it nearly nine.  The restaurant was a teeny hole in the wall so when I got up to walk around with the baby, it was a short trip.  Nursing her was another story.  I have zero problems nursing in public but the tables in the hole in the wall restaurant were also teeny and I was seated across from Drew's boss - about six inches away.  Our plates were practically touching so I wasn't about to whip it out at the table.  I'm a ninja nurser - when I nurse in public you can hardly tell I'm doing it, but even I'm not that good.  So I went to another part of the teeny restaurant to nurse her but that trick didn't phase her.  She knew I was trying to put her to sleep and she was like, yeah I don't think so.  Let's squirm and squeal and make sure everyone is looking at me!

We finally left and I was really steamed.  I felt like I was the only one who was sensitive to the baby's bedtime, that everyone else was taking their sweet time, lingering over their meals and wine while I was shoveling my food in as quick as possible.  However, it was really a no-win situation because I sort of had to meet the boss and the work people, we couldn't have gotten a sitter, and it had to be after work.  That didn't stop me from being pissed that we kept the baby out past her bedtime.  I felt like a bad mother and it made me realize that our nights of going out to dinner are quickly coming to an end.  

Oh well - I fulfilled my duty, I play Wifey and now I can get back to what I'd really rather be doing: playing with my baby.  Check it out!
Sorry for the poor quality - it was dim in the room and I
hastily grabbed my camera, but it was too cute not to share!


  1. That video is adorable! I bet you looked hot, and guaranteed Drew noticed... boys are just dumb and don't realize how many bonus points they'd earn if they actually told us that. :)

  2. Eek, I love those rings of fat on her arms! She's joined Inga in the "baby yoga" club now! Inga is also crawling like crazy and even pulling herself up on things. She hadn't quite figured out the crawling thing at your house, and that wasn't all that long ago!

  3. Yea, Sofia!!!! That video was precious! And seriously, that girl is not going to waste time crawling....she's going to walk very quickly!

  4. she is THE cutest!!!!! Moving sounds like a fun new adventure for you all. Your baby girl is going to be so "East Coast" now :-). I'm from Texas and I've been reading your blog for a year now. I just knew we were going to meet and be pals one day. LOL. I have a nearly 6 month old baby boy. Sofia is soooo precious! I could just scream.

  5. i'm sure you did a lovely job with the work folks, although i can totally relate to feeling bad about Sofia's schedule getting thrown off (especially when it wasn't your fault). i feel bad for turning down dinner and happy hour invitations, but people without little kids just don't quite get how much havoc can be created by one little deviation from the normal routine.

    we used to eat out a lot pre-baby, and i miss it. i still pretty much steer clear of any restaurant that isn't kid friendly/ kid-oriented when i'm with A, just because she's kind of all over the place which makes it hard to enjoy my dinner. but for the longest, i used to think she could pick up on my fear of her flipping out in the middle of a restaurant and totally take it there in a moment's notice.

    i used to think that eating alone at a restaurant was a bit lame, but now i absolutely love it when i get the chance.

    does anyone know the age at which kids become fun dining companions?

  6. Yeah, it's going to be a hard sell to get Drew to give up his beloved dining experience but as the baby gets older, the two just don't mix.

    I'd guess kids get sane again after eight??

  7. First of all, your daughter is adorable. Second of all, I totally feel ya on keeping the babe up past bedtime, my son just turned 7 months, and I KNOW that it's not going to be pretty if he's out to much past bedtime. But I hate having to say no to everything just because it's going to be a bit late. :sigh: Third, I popped over to say hi from Katie's blog when she said y'all met up since I'm from the same town.

    Oh, and I'm sure your hubby noticed how hott you looked :-)

  8. Thanks for stopping by!

    Yeah, I'm just going to have to start putting my foot down about all these late nights - cue the mama bear! :-)

  9. Hello there! I enjoy your blog and have popped in and catch up on you and how you are doing. Of course I know little about your at all, but as a total outsider from a different perspective... wasn't sure why you couldn't get a babysitter, since it was an adult orientate/work dinner/not centered on family.... pump for the babe, get sitter, enjoy dinner out... Just curious for more details. I am SURE your outfit was cute.

    Did NOT mean to offend, just curious about the details, since it appears the event was not centered on you and your family/child, but rather on work...

  10. Yikes! My TOTAL apology. Reading back and realizing you are OUT OF TOWN. Gracious.... NEVERMIND and SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. LOL! No worries! :-) I'm a speed reader too - I can't tell you how many times I've missed a detail and I was completely lost! :-)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  12. she is going to be crawling before you know it!

    those arm rolls! are you serious Sofia! I wanna nom on those! lol

  13. I know it! She pushes up on her hands and knees every time I put her down!


    Before you know it, you'll have a babysitter on call and dinner out will be back in rotation. Every now and again, it's okay to break the bedtime rule. We try not to do it but it sounds like this was unavoidable. It's always frustrating doing things with non-parents or parents without children. No one really thinks about the baby's schedule or needs when it's not their own kid. But I'm sure you managed it with panache like always. :)


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