Monday, January 23, 2012

Birthday prep: Decorations

Sofia's birthday party is in 75 days, but who's counting?  My baby will be one.


Okay, I'm back.  Had to wail and gnash the teeth, you know how that goes.  I am so excited for her birthday and the planning has already begun.  If you follow me on Pinterest, you'll see all the ideas I have and the theme I've chosen.  If you don't follow me or if you haven't been introduced to the fabulous time-suck that is Pinterest, here are a couple of pictures.
I've rented this chair for her photoshoot for her invitations.
Image courtesy Rent My Dust

I'm going for a garden party theme - here's hoping I can pull it off!
Image courtesy Hostess Blog

But the thing I was most excited about were the mobiles.  I wanted to do them for my baby shower in Dallas but I was too intimidated to make them because it involved sewing and I ran out of time to gather my courage.  If I knew then what I know now, I would scoff at myself.  SELF! I would say, This is so flippin easy!  What are you so scared of?!
So pretty and so easy!
Image courtesy Apartment Therapy

I found a paper store, bought some vellum and the package sat in my house for over a week because I was so nervous.  Finally, this Saturday I got it together and with some moral support from Drew, I dove in.
I bought one sheet of every color they had because 
I didn't know what combination I'd like best.
I pulled out my handy paper cutter from my scrapbooking days.
I eyeballed the length and cut roughly one-inch strips.
Can I say what a beautiful world it is when your baby naps?
Then we laid out possible combinations.
"Now, this particular layout will provide optimal aesthetic value."

You guys!  It was so easy to do!  One straight stitch down the middle and you've got an awesome hanging mobile!
Me:  Eeeee! It worked! But I need better light.
Him:  *siiiiiggggghhh*
Me:  That's a little better, but I need to see them all together.
Him:  *walking out of the room*
Me:  Baaabe!  Where you going?  Whatever.
I can admire my handiwork my own self.
The bottom definitely needs a little weight of some sort to keep the last strip from curling.
I'm looking for some little crystals or even little charms 
with her initials - that would be so cute!

Plus, they move so pretty and zen-like!
I'm so crafty from Desiree on Vimeo.

Oh yes, I took a video.
I am *that* proud of my accomplishment.

I used mostly the pastel sheets for the mobiles, but I made some with the brights just to see how they'd look.
Even though it's pretty, the red and orange don't say
'garden party' to me.

And since I was on a crafty roll and I had my scrapbooking stuff out, I went ahead and made a Baby Sleeping sign.
I think it conveys the point.

The mobiles were so inexpensive and so easy to make that it's safe to say that there are going to be roughly a billion of them hanging from every possible surface for her party.  I'm not sure of other decorations yet, but this one is a go!

Next up, The Cake.  Yup, I'm going to try my hand at making her cake.  I might even try some cake pops again, you never know!


  1. Wow - I love them!! Very cool. :)

  2. Love these! What a great idea!

  3. Chance @ Designed by ChanceJanuary 23, 2012 at 4:06 PM

    That is great. Your party is going to be the best.

  4. I love your ideas. You are such an awesome mommy!

  5. Love all your ideas and that chair is ahhhhmazing....can't wait to see how it comes together.

  6. Ha! I love the sign on your mailbox.

  7. YOU CAN RENT A CHAIR LIKE THAT?!?!?! Oh my gosh. It's a good thing I didn't know that, because Jake would have had to pose with that during our engagement photos. HAHA Good thing I have maternity and baby photo shoots to look forward to. :)

    Those mobiles are SO CUTE!!! And I do love the bright ones, but I agree that the more subtle ones work better for the theme. Seriously. Such a cute theme. I can't wait to see it all come together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. My sweet friend,

    I really love reading your blog, so I am presenting you with a Liebster Blog Award. Check out what that means at this post:

    Thank you for being an encouragement for me!

  9. so cute!! i'm already pinning lots of ideas on Pinterest for my little guys bday in June! lol :)

  10. Desiree - they look great!!! Hope all is well!
    Stephanie from Geezees


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