Monday, January 30, 2012

Mean people suck

I have spent the past week mentally hiding under the covers.  Do you notice that in the parts of the internet world that you visit, things happen in waves?  Or is that just me?  On the good days, everything I read, every site I visit, it's funny and happy and I feel better for having spent those hours merrily clicking around.  

But on the bad days, I click around and suddenly find myself in The Bad Part of Town.  One minute I'm reading about a recipe that I might like to try, because I will never let go of the notion that one day I will call a truce with food and we will actually have a good and healthy relationship.  Then, the next minute I've found myself on some site that is bashing everything about the internet, blogging, bloggers who are on the internet and birds.  Who hates birds?!?!

I hate when that happens.  It takes the wind out of my sails.  It makes me want to stop blogging for fear that I'll end up on those sites, with anonymous people ripping apart my life simply because I feel compelled to write and share.  I have a thick skin and I can give as good as I get, but doing that is never satisfying.  Verbally cutting someone to the bone never feels as good as you think it will when you play it out in your head.  Those cool one-liners, those zingers, that snark (which is a word I've really had enough of) always seem to fall flat when they hit the air.

I'm tired of mean people.  I'm tired of people hiding behind their 'anonymous' shields and being just plain hateful because no one can look into their eyes.  It's really hard to look someone in the face and deliver your cool, biting one-liner and then pat yourself on the back when you can see their shoulders slump, the light leaving their eyes.  So instead we get on our computers and get all 'Mean Girl' on people because you don't have to see their eyes when you type out your mean comment that probably took you twenty minutes and countless backspaces to get it right.  Then again, maybe not.  Maybe the mean-ness is right there at your fingertips, just waiting for the moment to pounce.  Either way, it's gross.

I hate being reminded that the world is an ugly place.  I hate remembering that people sometimes suck.

Blogging/writing is fun for me and I treasure the friends that I've made through our blogs.  But honestly, clicking around and finding all the trash and the hate and the general ugliness out there has really made me want to just close my computer and never open it again.

But of course, I haven't.  I've been feeling this way for days now, swearing I wouldn't bother writing about it because who cares that I'm whining that people are mean on the internet.  Color me naive, but I was really shocked that there are so many websites devoted to ripping apart other bloggers and their lives, whether they write about fashion, lifestyle, cooking or birds.  And there are so many comments on these sites, all chiming in with their mob mentality.  I was just so turned off, but like a fool, I kept reading and kept clicking and getting sadder by the moment.  It made me want to take my ball and go home.

What benefit is there to being mean for being mean's sake?  Why do people suck?


  1. I've never understood those people out there that hide behind the anonymous name and post mean blogs either. Do they really have nothing better to do than cut people down on a blog?? Luckily I haven't experienced it on my blog, but I have seen it on others and it makes me sad. I hope you haven't dealt with this on your blog...

  2. I don't understand it either. Why do they want to be mean? Where does it get them to shred things that I like? I don't even know these jokers! Your blog is a beautiful place to visit and I enjoy it! Have a good day!

  3. I'm guessing one of the blogs you saw was YHL. That one made me mad b/c John and Sherry are like distant cousins that I've never met! lol I enjoy them so much and had no idea there were so many blogs devoted to making mean comments about them until their post last week. But I like the approach of not giving an ear to negativity and living in positivity in order to drown out the meanies out there. :-)

  4. Yeah, that's the one that started it. It's just really depressing to see how ugly we as human beings can be.

  5. And it wasn't just YHL. There are entire sites devoted to The Pioneer Woman and how much she sucks. I read that one and it was like finding out there's no Santa Claus. I don't know why it bothered me that she's a gazillionaire with a full staff and probably doesn't even write her own blog anymore, but it really did.

    All that garbage just about ruined the Internet for me.

  6. Ugh! I hate mean bloggers! Seriously. Whatever happened to "if you don't like someone, just stay away?" That's what I was taught. Annoying. I'm sorry that mean bloggers are getting you down. :(

    As for the who hates birds? Kristin is TERRIFIED of them. It's funny. Jake and I text her pictures of birds. We're funny.

  7. Ugh! I hate mean bloggers! Seriously. Whatever happened to "if you don't like someone, just stay away?" That's what I was taught. Annoying. I'm sorry that mean bloggers are getting you down. :(

    As for the who hates birds? Kristin is TERRIFIED of them. It's funny. Jake and I text her pictures of birds. We're funny.

  8. That's actually really funny. :-)

  9. I'm so glad I haven't found these websites. I guess we just have to remember that we enjoy reading each other's blogs, we have lives to write about and people who are interested, and THEY obviously have nothing better to do. That sounds so lame, but I am serious. If someone told me they spent the night ripping apart other peoples' blogs, it would be a red flag that this person has nothing to live for. Whatever. You just ignore them and keep writing!

  10. I haven't read any of these sites but I LOVE yhl and pioneer woman so anything I read won't change that. I don't care if she doesn't write her own blog anymore or makes loads l cash her recipes ROCK!

  11. just remember mean people are mean b/c they are unhappy with their lives. just remember how happy you are and what a great husband and a wonderful baby you have. you have people who love and care for you... mean people dont have what you have (or most of them dont). oh and i hate birds. i am ok with them behind an enclosure but out in the open i dont like them. i was attacked by a toucan (yes you read that right) when i volunteered at the dallas world aquarium... since them i have hated birds that are not behind a an enclosure

  12. Oh god, in that case, I would totally hate birds too!

    And you're right, people are mean because something is missing from their lives. And I suppose I was especially vulnerable to the ugliness because I'm getting discouraged about the house not selling. The lack of interest has got me paranoid, thinking that something is wrong with us that we're the only ones who like our house.

    Ah well - the meanies can stay on their side of the internet and I'll stay on mine.

  13. I have had the same feelings. Many, many times. By blogging we're being vulnerable, and that's not easy. But don't give up. Haters never win. And I'll always have your back!

  14. Oh wow, I have NEVER seen a blog like this and hope I never do. I'd imagine it would make me quit!

    I hope your wind comes back in your sails soon. I love reading about you and your family and think it's great that you are so candid.

  15. I was told that my blog is offensive recently and to start acting like the "christian" I claim to be. THAT BURNED. I don't care how thick your skin is, the stuff people say HURTS yo.

  16. Just tell yourself it doesn't matter what other people say, they are not in control of your destiny.

  17. I read this somewhere: “People suck. Expect it, move on, and be free.”

    We all suck. Every human on this planet sucks. It’s a part of our nature. Can you enumerate how many times you’ve hurt someone or let them down? If you can’t think of anything, then you’re delusional. My French bulldog is the only perfect, suckless soul I’ve ever met.

    People that pretend they don't suck are the ones that suck the worst. Watch out for them the most.

  18. I just now found your blog because I was looking up YHL and found the mean blogs about them! I was so surprised to read all the criticism about this sincerely nice, happy couple who've stumbled on success through their popular DIY blog--which I LOVE. Sometimes it seems that people get a case of "sour grapes" when others become successful. Also, it almost doesn't matter what the website topics are, the comments that follow are always filled with angry posts by people who seem to want to fight with the other posters. It's amusing, really. And a sad statement about our society. thanks for posting about it.


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