Thursday, January 12, 2012


Sofia is nine months old today. Yes I know that technically, she was nine months old yesterday but I started this on her nine month birthday so I'm counting it.


Okay, I'm back.  I had to cry and wail and gnash my teeth at the fact that my kid can do this:

She refused to sit for the picture so I was like, Fine you can stand up but you're totally going to fall over.  And then she was like, Fall over?  Yeah right.  I'll just lean on the sofa and post up.  She stood there while I snapped like five pictures before she decided she was done showing me her skills.  Then I had to gnash my teeth some more.  I can't handle this.

The plague has left the house, thank god, but not before it did a number on me.  I was feeling crappy all day Sunday and only ate a bowl of chicken noodle soup at like five in the afternoon because my mother was hounding me.  I begged Drew to take the baby with him when he took my mom to the airport, and I'm so glad he did because of course it all came right back up shortly after they left.  But thank the baby Jesus, it seemed to be 24 hour thing and now all I have to deal with is the runny nose.  Drew is well again, the baby is well so we're back to our routine. 

Which includes dinner!

No one is happier than I am that Sofia's food issues appear to have resolved themselves.  She pretty much eats everything now and we've had no skin flare-ups.  I'm guessing her little system just needed time to further mature before she could handle solids.  However, I haven't yet found a food that she loves.  So far, she'll eat what I give her but she definitely doesn't get excited about any of it and stops eating after a few bites.  I get the distinct sense that she eats to humor me.  The doctor said her weight is fine and as long as I continue to nurse on demand, we're in good shape.

Nursing is getting super fun too!  Now that she can pull up to standing, her favorite thing to do is crawl over to me, pull up and grab at my shirt.  Most of the time I wear v necks or other easy access shirts so it's very easy for her to get to the goods.  If I stop her and try to get her to do the sign for 'milk' or 'please' she gets very insistent and starts making the 'hate noises.'  One of the moms in my playgroup coined the phrase and it fits perfectly.  The kid sounds like she's about to conjure some demons if I don't whip out the boob fast enough.  If she were older and not so cute, I would have to discipline her.  But at this point it's just funny, although I do tell her that the polite thing is to say please.  She could care less.

OH! OH!  AND!!  The birthday planning has begun!!  I've got the invitation idea planned, the photographer booked and I've got my eye on decorations and of course the whole thing is on Pinterest.  What did I do with my life before Pinterest?  Do you have any idea how much fun I'm having planning her party?  It's kind of silly.

This of course means that we can't sell our house until the week after the party.  In April.  Drew is not-so-silently having a fit every time I mention something about her birthday because he wants me to rein it in.  AS IF.  This is my daughter's first birthday.  There will be no reining in of ANYTHING.

HE SAYS I shouldn't plan because we might sell the house before then and I'll be disappointed.  I assure him that I will be much more disappointed if we're still here in April and I *haven't* planned anything.  It's not like I'm putting a thousand dollar down payment on a hall or something.  I'm just planning a huge small, elaborate simple, celebration get-together for our daughter.  No big.  Very big.  Huge.

So how about y'all?  I feel like I've been out of the loop since I was up to my eyeballs with the plague.  Any gnashing of the teeth?  Any planning?

And just because I like watching that vein pop out on his neck:  Do you have any website suggestions/inspirations for Sofia's party?


  1. She looks so big! What a beauty! Glad to hear that everyone is back to feeling good and have fun planning her 1st birthday party! Pinterest all the way!

  2. hilarious! My son makes 'hate noises' if I'm not fast enough, so I know what you mean. Though he's not yet old enough to get at the goods himself. :) Sofia is gorgeous! I've been loving reading your blog since I stumbled onto it.

  3. this past nine months seems to have flown by! I can hardly believe it! She's such a cutie pie!

    Planning? Yep I'm planning a girls trip to Jamaica. I hope I can go through with it. I've never been away from my child for more than a day and I'm planning to be away from her for 4 whole days! She's 2 now and talks like us regular folks so I don't think it will be as hard leaving her this time. Last year I punked out because I felt like she was too young.

  4. I'm planning Troy's 30th birthday party via Pinterest also! I've also completley hi-jacked a ton of your Sofia birthday ideas for future use!! A great source for party ideas are: Chich & Cheap Nursery ( & Project Nursery ( Two of my favorite places to pin cute ideas for future babes! I actually think PN did a post on birthday inspiration recently! I'm personally VERY excited about this birthday party. And if for some reason the house sells, I volunteer my house for the party!!! :-D YAY!

  5. YAY! Happy 9 month bday Sofia! She's so stinking cute. Look at her standing up like a pro. I'm so proud. haha :) Glad you're all feeling better!!! I'm with you on the party, you only get to throw your first child's first birthday once... so do it right! I can't wait to see everything come together... even if it does make me sad that I'm all the way in Minnesota. Bah. "Jake. Let's go to Texas." "Why?" "I hear it's really nice there. Plus... I heard about this super cool party. We should go." :)

  6. Shut up! A girl's trip to Jamaica!!! How exciting!

    Hopefully you'll be able to go through with going - I'm leaving the baby with a sitter on Thursday night and I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it.

  7. Oh, I'll totally go check those out!

  8. Can't wait to see your "small simple" party!

  9. So many things to respond to! You already know I am planning as well. I have been obsessed with Hostess with the Mostess for planning ANYTHING. Showers, birthdays, anything that you want to be over the top:o) So glad the solid food is going well! Does she like applesauce? We buy store brand organic in the jar and L would eat that all the time if I let her. Also, Stonyfield Farm organic vanilla yogurt. She only gets it mixed with breakfast and lunch (like 1/4 cup total because it is whole milk) but she adores it. If you are worried about the milk thing, I have read and my doctor has OKed it because it is different from pure cow's milk and blah blah. And mashed potatoes and blueberries. All her faves (we have found that ordering a side of mashed potatoes saves us at restaurants if we haven't packed a puree for her). Is she feeding herself yet (like Cheerios, etc)? That is our current "task". She is not happy about this. And, the booster seat she is in...what is that? It looks very similar to our FP high chair that straps onto our dining room chairs. Do I take a piece off of mine and it turns into that?

  10. My son turned 7 months on the 9th and actually my hubby turned 26 years that same day. I have been very lazy when it comes to solids and it's because I hate cooking and I didn't look into any store baby food. I exposed Joseph to solids around 4 1/2 months because he was extremely interested in food. Recently, a friend gave me some gerber carrots and mixed vegies and I've been feeding it to him every time he is hungry (been avoiding nursing. He doesn't seem excited about it either. OH! but when I blend up food my husband has made like split pea soup, he LOVES it. Try something with a lot of flavor.

    I'm wanting to wean him because he has 2 sharp teeth and has been biting me really hard, and BF has not helped me lose weight but actually gain and I'm totally still wearing maternity clothes and have been avoiding clothes shopping because I feel like nothing looks right on me! :'(

    If my body went back to how it looked pre-pregnancy and I didn't feel so heavy and slow and have weird cravings for sweets and carbs, I'd totally BF for a year and also keep up the solids....ugh......

  11. I am still nursing and I love doing it. I feel guilty for trying to stop, I just end up keeping it up lol

  12. Oh my goodness, she is such a doll! :)


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