Monday, April 9, 2012

363 days

I have lots of stories to tell, but I can't right now because I'm crying too much.

First, there was this.

Then came this.

Too soon, this came.

Then, today this happened.

I'll give a million dollars to the first person who can tell me how to slow this down.  I can't take it.  



  1. girl!!!! This makes me laugh and cry and clap my hands all at same time!!

  2. Ahh, she is amazing! My wife is pregnant and waiting the little angle as yours! thanks for the videos, am sharing them with my wife!! Mens Health

  3. Awh -look how proud of herself she is!! LOL. Too cute.

  4. aw! love it! she was so pleased with herself! too, too cute! :)

  5. Awe! Sweet Sofia is getting sooo big! Love you guys!

  6. OMG!!!! How darling, she's so pretty!!! And right before she turned one year old! :) I'm hoping my little guy starts walking a little before he turns a year :)

  7. OMG! SO PRECIOUS!!!!! I don't know how to make it all slow down, but at least you have videos to relive it! :)

  8. Yay! She did it!

    It doesn't slow down--it just keeps going faster. Sigh....

  9. Chance DesignedbychanceApril 10, 2012 at 3:32 PM

    Awwwh that is so cute. She is growing up so fast.

  10. Ahhh! I got all teary watching it too. Hooray for Sofia:o) Hope the first birthday, the party, and everything surrounding your little angel has been perfect! We are close to walking here, so maybe she will do it soon!

  11. im sappy wimp today! This just made me misty as hell. Sorry to tell you tho, it never slows down. They only get bigger and start talking your head off and doing more neat things. I sometimes wish i could turn back time a little but I love the stage she's at now.

  12. Awww, bless your heart. I tear up for you!!! I'm not ready for the babies to be growing up yet either. :(

  13. I was sitting here watching, clapping and saying "yay!!" My 16 year old walked in and wondered what in the world I was doing! LO! Soooo precious!

  14. O.M.G. I am dead. I am a zombie. I am a ghost. I am no longer here. I'm out the game.

  15. she is perfect! mine just started to walk too, she turns one next month. so excited!


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