Monday, April 30, 2012

I feed her, I swear

I'm pretty well used to being on my own while Drew travels.  Sofia and I have our rhythm and Drew comes home on the weekends and we work it out.  It's neither perfect nor ideal but we work with what we've got.

However, this last trip was ten days - he hasn't been gone that long since the baby was born and LAWD JEEZUS.  Ten days is a long-ass time to try and figure out what to do with a toddler.  Because yes, I have a toddler who walks and talks and eats everything she can get her hands on, as long as it's not fruit.  My baby is a full-on meat-a-saurus.  Any and every kind of meat is her favorite.  Thankfully, she'll eat broccoli and spinach and cheese, but fruit gets thrown on the floor.

She likes to eat other things too.



  1. Katie -Loves of lifeApril 30, 2012 at 2:09 PM

    Yeppppp. I think every mother of a toddler aged child who also has a dog goes through this. Reminded me of identical scenarios with Emeline. I swear this phase lasted almost a year and still sometimes sends me into convulsions. She won't EAT the dog food anymore, but she will still splash in the water, throw fist fulls of dog food onto the floor, and make a royal mess. She doesn't care about "No" or the time out's that ensue. She still does it. LAWD HELP US. Seriously :) She is SO SO SO much bigger and more toddlerish then when I saw you ladies back whenever-the-heck-it-was! Sheesh! Crazytown.

  2. My kids are wanna-be dog food eaters too. No worries. Every chance they get, they go diving in the dog food.

  3. FAST little things aren't they?!! lol I was giggling so hard. I remember this stage well. lol

  4. They are so different, these girls! L will eat anything BUT meat! I don't know how to get her protein since we can't do peanut butter either. She ate half a container of whole blackberries yesterday and only stopped when I told daddy that was enough or we might pay for it later. But she throws a fit over chicken nuggets, lunch meat, ground beef....? What kind of meat can you get S to eat?

    Thank you for the nice compliments on the party. I loved doing it and I'm sure this summer I will get bored and start daydreaming party #2:o) When do they start picking their own themes?!

    Tomorrow I'm writing our favorite Bday present...a must-have for Sofia!

  5. TOTALLY FORGOT to comment on the dog food. They are not so different after all. It is L's favorite food, actually. We have had several instances where I will make a whole dinner based on what she likes to eat, serve it, only to have it received with tears or plate-showing. THEN she will get down and go straight to the dog food! I am so glad you posted it, and actually Kelle Hampton posted a pic of her daughter eating it last week too! Haha. Girls.

  6. My kids are cracking up over the video and keep asking to watch it again.

  7. This cracked me up! I think I forgot how flippin FAST they are.

  8. You suck, Mommy! A girl's just trying to snack! Bahahaha! Loved this! BTW, something in Sofia's eyes reminds me of your mom. :)

  9. Gethsemane HerronMay 1, 2012 at 5:06 PM

    I will not be foiled from the dog food goodness!

  10. Oh she'd love to hear that! She's constantly saying that Sofia looks just like her!

    And I know, I'm such a mean mommy... :-)

  11. I couldn't help but laugh even as I was trying to scold her because I was amazing at that quick little hand!

  12. Sofia will eat any and every kind of meat. I haven't given her lamb yet and nothing exotic like liver or duck but all the usual stuff - chicken, beef, sausage. She loves it all! I've taken to giving her veggie meatballs so I can be sure she's getting *some* veggies and she gobbles those up too!

  13. that video made me chuckle. she was NOT going to give up on that dog food! that's good she likes meat. something about the texture has A rejecting most plain meats, although she will eat fish sticks, shrimp and chicken nuggets.

    i can't eat most fruits, so i'm glad that she is a big fruit and veggie eater. have you tried the freeze-dried fruits that they sell at target? they're very healthy and my kid eats them like they're candy.

  14. OK, I am still cracking up about your tussle over the dog food. Too cute. My neices and nephews did this with me too. I don't know why dog food is so tempting to them.

  15. LMBO!!! That's so funny. Girl she is absolutely adorable.

  16. bwahahaha oh great, something to look forward to. I love her little cloth diaper booty toddle though.


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