Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mom bag 2.0: The Decision UPDATED

Thankfully, the saga of the mom bag is over.  Or is it? 

 Ok wait, that's totally an ending line and I'm starting with it - that makes no sense.  Let me try again.

I finally flippin chose a bag!  Just in time for me to fall in love with another one!  Is that better?  Probably not, but let's get on with it anyway.

So I bought the Marilyn and I've been carrying it around while I've been trying to make a decision.  There is no doubt that a diaper bag versus a purse has made all the difference in the world for me.  I cannot stop raving about the mommy purse and how much easier it makes my life.  But damn, this bag is shiny!
I think I have a lipstick this color.
I was running errands and it gleams in the sun.  

Even thought the shiny-ness was growing on me each day I carried it, I couldn't stop thinking about the Rachel.  I wasn't sure if I was a shiny diaper bag kind of girl, so to be sure, I had to order it.  You hear that Drew?  I had to do it.  For science.  Or something.  It came yesterday and I had to put it to the test.
Even though this picture is crazy blurry and this post is about my bag, 
would you just look at my kid?  Have you seen a happier baby?
Gah, I love her so much.
Nice and muted, still roomy.  Looking good Rach!
Yes, but I'm pretty too!
I unpacked the Marilyn and transferred it to the Rachel.  It all fit, with no room to spare.
I'm not so confident about its ability to work with two kids.
Not that I'm pregnant or have plans to be anytime soon, but after this I don't think Drew
will be super receptive to any more diaper bag purchases.
And then the deciding factor!

Aside from that picture being your very obvious invitation to the gun show (with the muscles I got from wrestling my kid into her carseat), this illustrates that the Rachel is not a one-handed bag.  Womp womp.  Sorry Rach.
Plus, it looks too much like a pillow when it's packed full.
Never mind the tiny human grabbing my crotch.

So for now, the Marilyn it is.  UNTIL......

One of my dear readers emailed me and changed my life.  Michelle introduced me to the marvel, the wonder, the HOTNESS that is MZ Wallace.  I give you, Kate.
Love at first sight.

It's not brown or leather, but it is so me.  The moment I saw it I knew that if I carried that bag I would be the baddest bitch, I mean, mommy in town.

But go on and click that link and choke on the price like I did.  There is no way on God's green Earth that Drew would ever IN LIFE be okay with footing that kind of bill for a handbag.  EVER.  Just so we're clear.

This is why I'm trolling Ebay as we speak.  I've put my original mom bag up for sale on Ebay and Craigslist and I'm looking into selling my blood, just as soon as someone can get it without needles.  Is there a market for fingernail clippings?  How about hairballs?  I'm desperate people - I NEED that bag.

So if you see ads on my blog in the next few days or weeks, just know your girl is on a fund-raising mission.  

Hang on Kate - I'm coming for you!

Update:  Mere seconds after I hit publish I got an all-caps email:   blah blah blah NO 400 DOLLAR BAG blah blah blah GEEZ WOMAN blah blah blah WE JUST BOUGHT A HOUSE blah blah blah I DON'T WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY.  ALSO, I LIKE TO KICK PUPPIES.

I'm not sure about the last part.  I zoned out because I was wondering if people will pay for eyebrow pluckings.  And yes, that's a word.  I just made it up.


  1. Dang it! I was hoping Rachel would be the one! But not being one armed would be a deal breaker. Plus I want you to have another adorable nugget running around, so there needs to be room to grow. :) Kate is DEFINITELY a looker, and if you need me to click on a link to get you some $$, you just let me know! :)

  2. I love Marilyn. Rachel just looked small, but Kate! Oh dear LORD she is beautiful. I'm going to go ahead and start saving now, that way whenever I do get pregnant, I'll be able to afford her without Mr. Sergeant going all crazy white dude on me. LOL! Thanks for hurting my pockets you devil woman with great taste!

  3. Ah, I want that bag for me, and I don't even have any babies!

  4. Can I just say I love the Trina reference? I LOVE THE TRINA REFERENCE

  5. good luck finding your bag! where are the pictures of the inside? did i miss that? lol @ Never mind the tiny human grabbing my crotch. too funny! plus, how adorable are Sofia's little arm rolls in the blurry picture? :)

    bridget b.

  6. I should have taken pictures of the inside! I didn't even think about that!

  7. I just stopped by to die at "baddest bitch" and the e-mail from Drew. Living vicariously through you because I just added a bag from Etsy to my registry and it's not "Glamorest" like yours.

  8. What about one of these bags?


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