Friday, November 2, 2012

Always on time

So, my husband pretty much rocks.  Like, major.

Picture this:  Me, pushing the stroller, walking the dog, and crying.  Walking and crying - what a mess.  I was having a full-on anxiety attack and there was nothing I could do but bundle us up, get out of the house, and walk and cry.

It was on this walk that I texted Drew, telling him that I was really struggling and hormones suck and I take back everything I ever said about being sane and normal because I was losing it.  So do you know what my rockstar husband did?

He came home an entire hour early, took the baby and made dinner so I could work myself off the ledge.  He's getting good at dealing with me when I'm crazy - he knows when it's serious and when he just needs to lay low.  This one was serious.  

With Sofia now occupied, I was able to finish straightening my hair, because I do that now.  Curly hair is awesome and wonderful but it is high maintenance.  And I don't have the kind of time you need to make it presentable every day, so I always end up with one good hair day and six I Look Like A Witch But Not In The Cool Halloween Way days.  At least with straight hair I can smooth it back into a ponytail and look somewhat decent.  Because when you average three showers a week and you can practically braid your leg hair because it's been that long since you've shaved, you need decent hair to keep from feeling like you're the ugliest frumpiest person alive.

So I did my hair and I organized.  Organizing soothes me; it gives me a sense of calm in the storm.  There is so much left to do to the house and it gets really overwhelming at times, but if I can fold one sweater or clean off one surface, I feel more able to handle things.  And that's exactly what I did.
This is our dresser in the master bedroom right after we moved in.
It has only gotten more cluttered and foul since then.

This was the landing spot for all the things that didn't have a home and it was giving me hives.  I took everything from the top of the dresser and Drew's side of the top shelf in the closet, dumped it on the bed and got to sorting.  Like with like, pill bottles in the medicine cabinet, random trash got thrown away, sweaters got folded and I put our closet organizers to use - finally!
This may not look like much to you, but this is my therapy.
Now I can breathe again!
Remember my Buddha that used to live in our breakfast nook?

Another thing that makes me happy is to shop our basement.  Roughly half of our stuff is in the basement and will stay there until we find a home for it up here or sell it.  So it made me all kinds of happy to bring up the Buddha and give him a new place to live.  I plan to switch out the picture and put one of Sofia in that frame, but one thing at a time.

Then I went exploring with my good friend Pinterest.  There, waiting for me, were all kinds of ideas for styling the top of a dresser.  Why, there's even a board dedicated to dresser decor!  Pinterest has everything!
The books and plant caught my eye in this one.

That round woven platter stopped me in my tracks.  I actually squealed a little and I couldn't run to the basement fast enough.

This plate is one of my most prized possessions.  I have a thing for words - duh, right?  Anyway, typography of any kind just gets my heart racing and when I saw this in the store I had to have it. I was moved so much that tears came to my eyes as I read it, so I knew it was meant to be.
"Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace"
Tell me that's not major.
The part that's covered by the frame says "So that I may be reasonably happy in this life.  And supremely happy with you, forever, in the next."
Love. It.
And because we're that kind of house, 
Buddha hangs out next to a prayer to God with zero problems.

I'm not done with the dresser because I have to figure out what to do with Drew's side.  His grandfather made that lighthouse for him and I want it to be more prominent.  Right now, it's kind of dwarfed next to the sticks and the plate.  I'm thinking about stacking some books and putting it on top of them.  Also, his perfumes might need a new home too, I'm not sure.  

He's going to love that I called them his perfumes. 

Boy perfumes.


This is all I need; just a little time and space to make everything better.  

Thanks babe, you rock.



  1. OMG! How'd you know that I've been having issues with our dresser! EEK! I can't wait to pin the crap out of that dresser decor board! HAHA I love what you're doing with yours!

  2. I totally get that organizing and decluttering is a sort of meditation. I took a whole personal day last month, dropped baby off at the sitter, and went home and decluttered for 8 glorious hours. I get it.

    That plate is gorgeous. And I don't think I have seen Buddha...he is cool too.

    So glad to read that you guys are safe and sound from the storm. My family on Staten Island is in Hell right now, and I wondered how far inland the damage went. Hope everything is back to normal now!

    You keep up the therapy in whatever form it takes- cleaning, writing...hey, have you found a studio you like yet? Some hotttttt yoga will chill you out!


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