Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Crash, but other good stuff too. Now, with more pictures!

Let's all cross our fingers that Sofia stays asleep for at least another hour, ok?

So, you guys.  I got into a car accident the Monday before Thanksgiving.  Can you believe that? Who gets into car accidents anymore?  Well, me, apparently.  I was alone, THANK GOD, and I was unhurt but my poor car got jacked up.  They won't be able to get everything fixed until the middle of December!  All that for a little left turn where I didn't have full visibility.
The airbags went off and everything!
It doesn't look like much, but that's 10 Grand of damage right there.
I'm still shaking my head.

My mom came to town to celebrate Thanksgiving with us, and of course she was all worried about me.  I was pretty shaken up, but after taking it easy for the day I was in better shape.  Although I still get flashbacks of the moment of impact and I get random chills down my spine when I think about what would have happened if Sofia had been in the car.  Actually, never mind, let's not talk about that anymore.

We had an amazing Thanksgiving spread thanks to my awesome husband.
Smoked turkey *and* ham, two kinds of stuffing, creamed corn, the most amazing mashed 
potatoes you've ever tasted in your whole life and two kinds of pie.
It was actually kind of silly to have all that food for three adults but we didn't care because
that ish was GOOD!

It was so nice to have my mom with us and Sofia really enjoyed her too.  She would knock on her door every morning saying 'Gamma!  Gamma!' I loved to see them interacting and I'm so thankful that my daughter has such a great relationship with her Gamma.
My mom is such a good sport for getting down and playing in the leaves with Sofia.
You good, Gamma?
Ok cool, let's get back to throwing leaves.
Throwing leaves is awesome!
It was such a pretty day and I'm so glad my mom was there to spend it with her.
Also, my kid is kinda cute.

Plus, my mom babysat for us while Drew and I went to the Temple-Syracuse game the day after Thanksgiving.  It was so much fun to have an adult day and thank goodness Syracuse won!
Final score - go 'Cuse!  
PS, I have no idea what that means.  But I'm a loyal fan and that's what
was on everybody's Syracuse shirts.
Syracuse's mascot is the Orange, so naturally this had to be the hand sign.
Drew didn't agree, but I think it's going to catch on.
No seriously, he doesn't agree.
After the game, we went to the bar to celebrate Syracuse's win.
It's always fun when strangers buy you shots, don't you agree?
I have no clue who any of those people were, but Drew had a Syracuse hat
so of course we were all friends.

It was nice to recharge as a couple and we've made the commitment to each other to go on more dates.  I have to admit that I've been the one dragging my feet because we don't know anybody here.  The thought of leaving my baby with a stranger makes me want to Nanny Cam the shit out of my house and I still probably wouldn't be able to leave her.  However, I'm going to bite the bullet and look into Sitter City.  Supposedly they do extensive background checks and each person is rigorously interviewed (so they say) so we'll see.  I just have so much paranoia about that sort of thing and I always think the worst.  My mom didn't pick up the phone on the first ring when I called to check in, and I immediately thought she was lying in a pool of blood and Sofia was next to her crying and there was no help coming and now I can't enjoy the game and we have to leave RIGHT NOW.  So...yeah...babysitters kind of scare me.

Also, my kid has awesome bedhead.

And, the baby is up so I have to run, but that's what's been going on with me.  How about you?

*Also, thank you all for the kind words on my last post.  We are officially on the baby train and you'll get updates as soon as there's something to talk about!  Thank you for your support!



  1. Oh my godness! I hate accidents... :( glad you're ok! Your Thanksgiving food looks AMAZING! Yum... and Go 'Cuse! Did I do that right? :)

    Also... love Sofia's bed head. PRECIOUS.

  2. So thankful you weren't injured with your little "fender bender" & LOVE to hear you are back on the "baby train" :) YAY!! So excited for you! xoxo

  3. Aw! My sympathies about the accident. The worst one I had was one I wasn't even in! The damage looked a lot like yours: my mom & sister were coming home from a Duran Duran concert in Baltimore & I got the call to go get them while working at a summer camp! Let me tell you, it's HARD not to scream "What the f**k just happened!?" over the phone in front of a bunch of 12-year-olds. Also: yay for getting back on the baby train! I hope it goes more smoothly this time. We'll be hopping back on that train ourselves once we run a half marathon in March.

  4. GO SYRACUSE! I live here! You are so cool in my eyes because you are now a fan! Found your blog a while ago but this is my first comment. Sorry about your accident.Thats why we pay insurance.My 22 yr old daughter totalled my husbands truck last year when she got hit by a drunk driver.She walked away without a scratch. Vehicles can be replaced but not lives so glad you are ok!

  5. Indeed, glad you are very safe. I cannot believe that's so much to fix it. I need to be the car repair business. I haven't been around, but the other day I was wondering if you are going to have #2. Good luck with everything! I will love reading your escapades juggling two ;)


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