Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Looks like I picked the wrong week to thrive

Oh, my friends.  The universe loves to poke fun at me.  My first full day of thriving was a joke - not completely but a joke nonetheless.

It started well; I woke up a little before the girls so I was at least able to brush my teeth.  Then Sofia woke up and we hustled to the bathroom.  She's still in diapers at night, but I'm trying to get her in the habit of going to the bathroom right when she wakes up.  Sometimes she pees, sometimes not, but we go through the routine nonetheless.

I took her diaper off and she'd already gone so she sat on the potty but there was nothing.  Fine by me.  I put her pj pants back on, no diaper, and we brushed teeth and came out to the kitchen for breakfast.  So far so good.  We each had our bowl of cereal, I wrote my thriving post, and somewhere in there Sofia moved to the sofa with the iPad.  I finished my post, checked on her, she was ok, so I went back and finish getting dressed.  I picked out her clothes and came out to the living room to dress her.  

That's when I noticed that she had no pants on.  I leaned over to put her underwear on and smelled poop.  "Baby, did you poop?"  "Yeah!"  "Where honey?"  "I poop on the rug!"

I turned to look for it and there's no poop.  You guys, my heart stopped.  It was my worst nightmare to know that she pooped somewhere in the house and I couldn't find it.  I double checked her bottom.  Yes, tell-tale post-poop signs.  I started to panic.

"Sofia.  Where did you poop?  Point to it for me."
"I poop on the rug!"
"Sofia honey, there's no poop on the rug.  Where did you poop?"
"I poop on the horse!"
"No, there's no poop on your rocking horse.  Where did you poop?"
"It's on the baby."
"No it's not honey.  And where are your pjs?  Where did you poop?"
"They're in my drawer." *Oh my God did she poop her pants and put her pants in her drawer?!?!* *Stay calm*
"Baby can you show me?"
She takes me back and shows me the drawer where her pjs are.  No poop.
"Yes honey that's where your pjs are but where are the pjs you had on this morning?"

This went on for twenty minutes while I paced the house looking everywhere, sniffing everywhere and finding no poop.  What. The Hell.  Seriously.  Where did she poop?  I gave up and resigned myself to having stealth poop somewhere in my house.  On my first day of thriving - way to go, me.

I loaded everyone and everything into the car and had a look in Maya's pen and saw Sofia's pajama pants.  I breathed a sigh of relief that there wasn't going to be some piece of poop petrifying in my house, yet FULLY grossed out at the implication of Sofia's pajama pants in the dog's pen.

Although I don't suppose I can be mad at the dog.  I guess I should be thanking her?  I mean, she saw a problem and solved it right?  The kid poops her pants and Maya ever so kindly took it outside, 'disposed' of the poop *HeaveGagFoulDisgustingGROSS* and left the dirty pants outside.

I'm going to be SO HAPPY when she learns to poop in the potty.  But today was not that day.

Because my beautiful firstborn proceeded to shit her pants two more times that day and my second born decided to let go of *her* poop that she'd been working on for a couple of days.  PS I HATE disposable diapers.  I hate the blowouts up to the neck, they're so gross and how the hell do you take off a onesie without getting it in their hair?!  I put her back in cloth, pockets this time and she seems to be a little better.  I was using receiving blankets and covers and maybe she didn't like the wetness directly against her skin?  Who knows, but all I know is I'm OVER the blowouts.  I never had blowouts with cloth and I'll just stay on top of changing her frequently to minimize the fussiness.

However, before I got *all* the way up to my eyeballs in poop, I did get a reprieve.  We went to Target and both of them fell asleep!  I got to cruise all the aisles for over an hour and it was glorious!
Such a lovely sight!

Also, I have to give some thought to how I define thriving.  It's not having a day without meltdowns because Sofia's almost three; meltdowns are a part of life.  Today's meltdown was courtesy of Mommy asking her to pick up her playing cards that she threw all over the kitchen floor.  "Mommy you pick them up."  "I will not; you threw them on the floor, please pick them up."  Cue the epic meltdown, although she did gather herself later and pick them up so all is well.  So, thriving doesn't mean no meltdowns or no crying.  It's also not an entire day without TV, although it does mean as little TV as possible.  I think I did pretty good there.  She watched a couple of shows in the morning and a movie at night and that was it, so I think that's decent.

Thriving definitely means I don't lose my patience and get ugly with Sofia.  I came close the third time she pooped in her pants but I was able to keep it together and stay calm.  I just wish I knew what it was about having underwear on that says "go ahead and poop, you're good."  She's got peeing down pat, which is why I hesitate to put her back in diapers but the pooping is killing me.  However, I didn't yell or get ugly about it so....thriving?

And if thriving is getting something accomplished then I totally thrived because I made the cupcakes for her birthday party.  Oh yeah, her birthday party is this Saturday, no pressure, no stress.  I'm seriously wondering if this was the best week to thrive.  I have most everything done but it's always the last minute that's the most stressful.
We're doing Lightning McQueen this year and I'm really excited 
for it to come together!

So that's it for Day One of Project Thrive.  It was pretty shitty (you knew that was going to happen) but for the most part I kept it together and made it to bed without feeling like I was hanging on by a thread.  We didn't do any Pinterest projects but Sofia did help me make the cupcakes and she helped clean so I'm counting it.

Here's to thriving, my friends!



  1. Oh my goodness. Maya!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA! She's just trying to help, I guess. :)

    I think you picked a great week to thrive. Even thriving moms don't get perfect - and I think you're doing great!!! Keep it up!

  2. A double nap at Target sounds pretty fantastic to me. :)

  3. I think you're doing amazing with two! We're still awaiting baby #2's arrival (any day now, they say...) and I can tell you already that having two of them is going to be a mess. And what is it with the tantrums over everything? Seriously, yesterday my 3 year old was begging me to cut her sandwich in half for her and when I finally did she threw herself on the floor and screamed. Why? Because I cut her sandwich in half...

    And we also had a poopy day yesterday (thankfully both in diapers, one at did-not-nap time and one first thing in the morning before she came out of her room). Maybe the star alignment was off or something?

  4. Two tips- first, onesies have those funny neck shapes because they're meant to be pulled down over their body in case of a poop blowout, and the neck opening allows for that w/out stretching out the onesie for the next time (learned that tip from Pinterest). No more poop in the hair!
    Second- I've cut up strips of fleece (ie old fleece blanket that I had laying around) and lined my prefolds with them- helps wick moisture away and prevent rashes, plus if you do get a rash you can use regular diaper cream and just toss the fleece when you're done with it. That may help keep little miss from feeling wet, if you wanted to try covers/prefolds again. I just put up a post w/pics about that today actually: http://davenportdiy.com/2014/04/tuesday-tips-cloth-diapers.html

  5. Oh man... stealth poop. Smelling and being suspicious it is out there is one thing. Having the child actually tell you WITH PRIDE that it exists -- ACK! Not loosing your shit over that one, and then getting a super bonus hour of walking around peacefully at Target, in my book, that is a thriving day.

    You really never had those up-the-back poo-poo blow-outs with cloth diapers? Wow. Had I known that, I might have tried them... those things are kinda gross, especially when you don't notice right off and then end up with poop smeared over the back of your arm that you don't notice until hours later. Happened to me more than once.

  6. Two sleeping babies at Target?! Best hour ever! Baking cupcakes is certainly a thrive project. That's a life skill right there. I'm hoping tomorrow that all poop goes where its supposed to...

  7. Target- heaven.. Target with sleeping babies- heaven with a side of chocolate chip cookies!!!!

    My trick for taking off the poopy onesie- Remove it SLOW. Slowly roll it up... remove the arms from the armhole... then slowly roll the onesie up to the neck. When you take the head out, pull the collar wide and remove it toward the front of the head first.

    I hope this make sense!


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