Friday, February 18, 2011

I done blowed up!

8 months, friends.  I am 8 months pregnant.  Unbelievable.

Even though it's all blown out, you get the idea.

I love casual Friday.  I feel like a frump in work clothes but jeans make me so happy.  I got some really cute tops and cardigans at Target and I feel so much more like me in them.

Physically, I'm still holding on.  The cankles are still being kept at bay, but that is all due to my compression hose.  The weather has been really warm this week and I called myself wearing open-toed shoes on Monday without them and my body promptly swelled up to painful proportions.  I thought the veins in my left calf were going to explode and it hurt my hands to make a fist.  Even though I drank tons of water on Monday I think it was the flight on Sunday and the fact that I didn't drink that much water when I was home in Kansas.  Water really does make a difference y'all.  When I'm in Dallas, I drink gallons daily.  However, I'm not going without my compression hose anymore.  It's just too painful, no matter how much of an old lady I appear.  

I can also tell the baby is getting more cramped.  She's big enough now to lay on my nerves and that's super fun.  She'll get into a certain position and the outside of my right thigh will go numb.  I try to talk to her and tell her that I'd sure appreciate it if she'd get off that nerve before they have to cut my leg off, and eventually, when she feels like it, she does.  It's great.

I also feel her in multiple places at once.  I'll get a bulge on my right side and one on my lower left at the same time, but most times she sticks her butt right against my belly button and pushes it out.  At least I think it's her butt.  She's been head-down the entire time and she's facing the back right now (good job, baby!), so the bulge is right where I imagine her butt would be.  If it gets too uncomfortable, I tap her little butt and eventually, when she feels like it, she moves.  There is a person inside me.  And she's got a butt.

I can sleep again, thank god.  Although it's probably closer to narcolepsy.  If I stop moving for more than a minute, I can fall asleep.  Any time, any place.  Until it's time to get up and pee.  When there is even a drop of pee in there, I get the most incredible pressure on my bladder and going to the bathroom is imperative.  But lawd, does it feel good when I'm done!  I walk out with a little spring in my step every time!

Did I just tell you how good it feels to pee?  Was that me?  Who am I?  Don't worry, I'll stop there.

Our maternity pictures are tomorrow and I'm already planning how I can rock some heels for the few seconds she shoots and then have my slippers and compression hose on standby.  I may be pregnant, but I am also a former model and I am intimately acquainted with suffering for the shot.  I can do this.  There's still a diva in here somewhere.

Hiding behind a giant basketball belly.


  1. Congratulations!!! you look gorgeous and SO happy!

  2. Theres a person inside of me and she's got a butt? I wonder if anyone has ever said that sentence before? Giggle.

  3. Ooh, I'm excited to see your maternity portraits. I wish I had some done this time, but A) there are no good photographers in town B) I am cheap and C) it's too late to schedule something anyway. I didn't know you used to be a model--cool.

    Just wait until you have to lift up your belly to pee. It's really funny because you lift it up and all of a sudden a whole bunch more comes out you didn't even know was there! I have to do this the last few weeks of pregnancy.

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4 More weeks!

  5. Wow - I can't believe you are 8 mos already! And you look gorgeous..."blowed up" & all :) Getting close sweetie - YAY!

  6. AWWWwwww! I'm so happy for you. You look great. Yes, there is a baby in there and it will come out happy and ready to be loved. What a funny post, I laughed all the way through. You make me excited about having a baby myself (one day). :)

  7. You look amazing! I can't wait to see your maternity photos!

  8. LOL, this post made me laugh. I'm sure your pictures are going to turn out beautifully! I can't believe you're 8 months already. Lookin' good. :)

  9. You are looking BEAUTIFUL my friend!!

  10. You look great! I soooo feel you on the jeans on the weekend. My new fave is dresses to work. Maternity work pants are horrid!

    I'm only 7 months and I can only imagine what the little one inside of me is going to do when she is bigger. She is a mover and a shaker in there.

    I'm going to have to check out those compression tights. I haven't gotten any cankles yet, but I am on the look out for them.

  11. You look amazing! Can't wait to see the maternity shoot! :)

  12. I am so excited for the maternity photo shoot! I can't wait! :) EEK! Seriously. This made my crabby morning so much better!

  13. Yeeesssss EIGHT MONTHS! I enjoyed this whole post. I enjoy that her little booty is poking you! The number of Days to Go has SHRUNKEN dramatically. Isn't that crazy! You're almost there, I'm so excited!!!


  14. You are absolutely ROCKIN' pregnancy chica.

  15. Can't wait to see the pictures! And I understand your wanting to rock heels being pregnant. I worked AND wore heels throughout mine. ;)

    You are JUST AROUND THE CORNER with meeting your little girl! It's so exciting and I can't wait to hear the happy news when it gets here! ...FINALLY!

  16. LOL, this post made me laugh. I'm sure your pictures are going to turn out beautifully! I can't believe you're 8 months already. Lookin' good. :)


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