Saturday, February 5, 2011

I don't even know what to do with this

You guys, thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement.  Seriously, I feel so much better and way less crazy.

My dog?  Not so much.

Friday, we were snowed in and I didn't go to work - we got about six inches of snow.  Don't laugh at me, Carolyn.  That's a lot for Dallas!  So, all day Maya and I hung out at the house.  I painted my toes, watched some tv and enjoyed the blissful silence because those days are numbered.

I hadn't heard the dog for a while and that's never a good thing so I got up to check on her.  I walked in to this.

My dog is so weird.


  1. HA! They are weird aren't they? I keep walking in to the dog under the crib and the cat IN the crib (which I hate). But it is kind of funny. Glad you are feeling better...and congrats on being flexible enough to paint your own toes. I lost that ability about a month ago:o)

  2. 6 inches?!? LOL I do feel sorry for you because I know how much you HATE the cold. :)

    Oh Maya. Cooper likes to be in those random poses too. The silence of a dog is always something to worry about. hhahahahhaha!!

  3. Oh that's a blessing. If we haven't heard from the younger dog, she's guaranteed to be eating someone's underwear or spare T-shirt, or SOMETHING. I need to send her to live with Maya. A Maya boot camp. And she's OLDER than Maya.



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